End RUC/PSNI Brutality!
Front Page of An Phoblacht 30 September 2004
"Sinn Féin in Omagh has accused the PSNI of heavy handed tactics after a number of protestors were beaten with batons and two teenagers arrested as they held a peaceful protest against a British Army public relations exercise at the Silver Birches Hotel in the town on Wednesday 22 September."
Front Page of An Phoblacht 30 September 2004
"Sinn Féin in Omagh has accused the PSNI of heavy handed tactics after a number of protestors were beaten with batons and two teenagers arrested as they held a peaceful protest against a British Army public relations exercise at the Silver Birches Hotel in the town on Wednesday 22 September."
The two teenagers arrested were Ógra Shinn Féin activists Danny Turnbull from Omagh and John McDermot from Strabane. Danny was snatched from the crowd by a number of RUC/PSNI activists who immediately bundled him in to the back of a car. On the way to Omagh RUC/PSNI barracks he was subject to a sectarian verbal attack and amongst other things was called a 'Fenian b******.'
John McDermott was pulled to the ground were he was subject to an assault by a number of RUC/PSNI members (check AnPhoblact online at http://www.anphoblacht.com/2004-09-30) he too then was bundled into the back of a car where he was brought to the RUC/PSNI barracks in the town.
Both men were released after 2 hours following Ógra Shinn Féin gathering a protest demanding their release. Over 100 Republican activists blocked the main entrance to Omagh RUC/PSNI barracks until both men were released.
Now 13 months on the nightmare returns for both Danny and John - they have now been charged by the RUC/PSNI for blocking public property and for assaulting RUC/PSNI members.
Danny Turnbull and John McDermott were both up for a hearing at Omagh Court House today Friday 28 October.
In order to concide with them being up in Court, Ógra Shinn Féin held a protest in solidarity with the boys but also against this ongoing injustice and harassment from RUC/PSNI bigots.
The protest began at Omagh Court House at 10.30am and ended just after 1pm when the two Ógra activists found out that the case had been adjourned until January '06.
Speaking at the Protest 6 County Organiser of Ógra Shinn Fein Barry McColgan, said,
"This ongoing harassment and intimidation of Ógra activists and young Nationalists and Republicans across the North but especially here in Tyrone is totally unacceptable, and i would call on all main political parties and right thinking people to condemn this ongoing campaign of harssment."
"This petty behaviour by this sectarian unreformed militia tells us a number of things, firstly that there has been little change to this supposed new beginning to policing and also it lets Ógra know that we must be doing something right, for us to be attracting the undivided attention of the RUC/PSNI. It is obvious that they are resulting to this petty harassment because they fear us, they fear us because they fear the future. I suppose change is incomprehensible to these louts."
In finishing he said,
"On behalf of Ógra Shinn Féin I would like to thank people for coming out and standing strong against the continued harassment from these human rights abusers, and for showing solidarity with the two men awaiting trial, to finish I would urge everyone to attend their next court hearing on Monday 5 January '06. Let us put an end to RUC/PSNI brutality!"
Ógra Shinn Féin activists John McDermott and Daniel Turnbull will be in court again on Monday 5 January at 10am and Ógra will be there to hold a protest of solidarity with the 2 men! Please show your support!
"Everyone Republican or otherwise has their own particular part to play. No part is to small, no one is too young or old to do something." Bobby Sands
The revolution continues. the struggle goes on!
Join the Revolution, Join Ógra Shinn Féin!