First villification, Now, a whitewash job.
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Friday October 28, 2005 13:50
by John McDermott - removefiannafail

Liam,s ascent into Heaven.

The controversial Transfiguration
Liam,s final shindig took place in St.Patricks church Lucan,October 27 2005
The church was packed to capacity.The Russian ambassador and numerous "heavies" in black suits abounded,although I am not sure who they were minding .Maybe some of Liams Moscow "business associates" were there also. "Coach and Four" big Jim Mansfield was also prominent at the coffinside,and was overheard to remark that "so many have gone lately,heartattacks and so on",
Certainly in big Jim,s case (and the rest of the Soldiers of Destiny),money can not buy immortality.
If only it were so;
" If the poor could die for the rich they would make a wonderful living".
Frank Dunlop sneaked weasel like,in and out a side door, to avoid the host of photographers at the main entrance.
90% of the congregation were sixtysomethings,veteran FiannaFail wheeler-dealers, looking a mite shocked at the suddenness of it all,and wondering how soon and how suddenly the bell would toll for them...
Lovely stories were told about acts of spontaneous generousity by Liam such as delivering food hampers or coal etc to the needy of Ballyfermot etc. at Christmas time.The songs and hymns were wonderful and very professionally delivered.His four fine sons reminisced on family times together.
The veteran Soldiers then retired to Liam,s mansion at Finnstown to complete the wake,and it is ongoing as I write.All in all it was a good goodbye for Liam.The image of a family man permeated the whiff of scandal which was,on this happy occasion, barely detectable in the air.
If the number of catholic clergy officiating was indicative of Liam,s influence with the Almighty,he will jump the lengthy queue at the gates of Saint Peter.
Angels and me. A story by Liam Lawlor.
Angels have always been one of my favorite topics, as they represent the good and true things in life.
Consider a few thoughts:
Angels are always among us.
A world without Angels would be a world without grace and beauty. Angels have existed since the dawn of creation, in every culture myth and tradition.
Angels are the guardians of our well being and serve as inspiration to that which we should aspire to, in order to live a life that is happy harmonious and fulfilling.
Angels have been expressed in art and written about through the ages. Angel pictures has been a favorite for artists for ages. The appearance of wings in many of the depiction's of Angels, is merely to portray their flight between heaven and earth... call it artistic license, but it serves as a reminder that they are not of this earth plane.
. Angels maybe considered superior to humans, because they know that their true essence is LOVE, where as humans have forgotten that their divine hereditary is LOVE.
It is said there are nine choirs of Angels, the first being the nearest to God and the last nearest to man: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, & Archangels and Angels the ones that work closest to humans, most Angels have el in their name meaning of God.
The four most recognized of the Archangels are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel, each representing a season, direction and element. Although there are differing opinions as to their rank, names and station.Other prominent angels,are:Bertie Ahern,Ray Burke,Martin Cullen,Frank Dunlop.Jim Kennedy ,Larry Goodman,and so on.
Angels will always be necessary in the lives of men, as long as people are of closed mind and hardness of heart, lacking compassion, understanding, forgiveness, faith, love, and trust to name but a few of the virtues that Angels have. I know this to be true.I am now an angel.
Yours in cherubic fellowship,Liam Lawlor.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4...but the only prostitute in that car was Liam Lawlor. He treated his position and his family like shit. I wonder how it feels to be one of his children; to know that anytime their father ever helped them financially, the money was most likely some of his illegally gotten gains?
Good riddance to him.
Remember neither the forces of law and disorder(the gallant Gardai Siochana) or the combined forces of hunfreds of millions of Euros worth of Tribunal lawyers have ever convicted Liam of anything.
How is that for a WASTE OF MONEY.
IT WAS BERTIE AHERN WHO SET IT ALL UP,and started the lawyers climbing the fruitless trees.
During the height of the bin-tax jailings Lawlor emerged from the 4 courts flanked by a couple of cops/minders and spotted a anti-bin tax picket. From a safe distance Lawlor catcalled "spongers" at the assembled pickets.
No doubt the irony was lost on this reputable businessman/ larger than life character.
It seem that during the memorial service Liam's four sons made big of the fact that Liam had given them all a good education,and the opportunity to make good in their lives and so forth. They did not dwell on how this was made possible.They were employed in the New York stock exchange,and other exotic doubt with big salaries.
How many ordinary citizens can afford to rear a family and give them an opportunity to educate themselves properly ,to university level,and make a future for themselves.?
Let them consider this,and return to Ireland and enter the political arena as decent commited politicians. They owe that to their fathers memory.