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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32The police are claiming that Terrence hung himself from a light switch - by gouging out the plaster around it! Astoundingly, when the family's solicitor eventually gained access to the cell with an engineer, it had been renovated and there was no trace of this 'macgyver' like feat. The clothes that he was wearing at the time have still not been shown to the family, nor has the alleged ligature with which he allegedly hung himself. A cut and a bruise that were on his body when his family went to visit him after he went into a coma are still unexplained. Witnesses say that when he was taken into custody he was in good form, joking and laughing. Family members are convinced that there was no prospect of him committing suicide.
All the signs point to the Gardai being out of control and desperately trying to cover up another case of beating somebody to death.
What you can do to show your support:
Write to the following Irish Government Departments (See below) informing them that you are aware of the death of Terence Wheelock, and that you support his family who are seeking a full independent public inquiry into his death.
Dept. of Justice, Equality & Law Reform: [email protected]
Dept. of the Taoiseach: [email protected]
Áras an Uachtaráin: [email protected]
Houses of the Oireachtas: [email protected]
Or you can email Irish Embassies across the world on:
For anyone that cares.
The Gardai never claimed it was a light fixture, thats his parents.
the Gardai never had posession of his clothes, again his parents have them.
There can be no independent inquiry unless his parants grant permission to access his medical records. they will not do so.
No bruising observed by Gardai or medical personel whatsover.
Besides all that, I can state for a fact that his injuries were self inflicted. Gardai did not cause them. You wont believe me of course but I was there and you were not.
Seeing people claim that he was beaten as if its a fact shows how often people simple presume something and how often Indymedia allows pure speculation to be treated as fact.
"No bruising observed by Gardai or medical personel whatsover."
And then
"Besides all that, I can state for a fact that his injuries were self inflicted. Gardai did not cause them."
Wow! Be funny if it wasn't the death of a young man we were talking about.
"There can be no independent inquiry unless his parants grant permission to access his medical records. they will not do so.
No bruising observed by Gardai or medical personel whatsover."
So, if you don't have access to the medical records, how can you know that there was no bruising observed by medical personnel whatsoever?
Sounds like you're hiding something Al.
The truth is the truth people. All the accusations in the world wont change it. I was there, you werent.
he hung himself, its sad but it happens.
No bruising observed on his body as people are suggesting he was kicked and punched.
Read the press release and stop being lazy.
oh, so this fabulous press release is all you're saying people should accept?
propaganda-churning monsters, thats what the gardai are. you should be ashamed of yourselves.
anyone can fluff up a press release, it's not that hard.
and if the gardai think that a shoddy press release is going to throw sand on the flames, they'd better be prepared for a mighty backlash.
Was he 'known to the Gardai'?
Wheres your sympathy for the victim?
He stole a disabled persons car and then destroyed it. Have you no sympathy for that person?
Truth is the truth, not touched.
Stand in the rain all you want, the truth wont change.
Make all the false accusations you want, the truth wont change.
4 people arrested, other 3 made no complaints about being mistreated, the truth wont change.
One associated with ETA his name José Angel Alzuguren Perurena, alias 'Kotto' aged 39. He had just been transferred from Pamplona prison (in Navarra considered by some to be traditional basque country)
Same night, different cell, same prison (Soria jail in central Spain) a man indentified only by initials C.E.T.G. aged 71 years old serving a sentance for child abuse was also found hanged.
No doubt there's a spanish Al "who was there" who just doesn't understand the incredulity of certain sections of public opinion, who of late can't even trust their own newspapers to tell the truth. Its a universal thing. & its a bad bad sign.
Wheres your sympathy for the victim?
Presumambly you are not refering to Terence? Selective sympathy indeed!
He stole a disabled persons car and then destroyed it. Have you no sympathy for that person?
Was he charged with this?
"Terence Wheelock was arrested with three others on 2 June at 12pm, on suspicion of stealing a car"
" he had an alibi accounting for his movements at the time the car was stolen"
Truth is the truth, not touched.
How eloquent, you really should be writing more Press Releases!
Stand in the rain all you want, the truth wont change.
So true.. 200 working class people are seeking the truth, at very short notice they gathered in the inclement weather conditions, they like many of us are very aware of the vicious treatment meted out by your fellow officers to innocent civilians.
Make all the false accusations you want, the truth wont change.
'False accusations' has there been an inquiry result been released as yet..a somewhat subjective view for someone who is allegedly partisan?
4 people arrested, other 3 made no complaints about being mistreated, the truth wont change.
"A statement from another detainee at the station says they heard suspicious noises coming from the cell"
Al, methinks thou protests to much, where exactly where you when the incidents took place?
Something to hide?
with wespect
Masters Voice
"I support the remarks of Senator Brian Hayes. When I heard the Minister make his remarks yesterday about the death of the young boy, Brian Rossiter, in Clonmel, and the delay in the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, my initial reaction was to say, “That is the Department of justice for you. What else do you expect?” However, on contemplation, we must state that this is not acceptable. The circumstances of this case were such that they should have set alarm bells ringing in the Department and elsewhere. A young boy of 14 died in custody. It is remarkable and unacceptable that it took so long for somebody in the Department to accept something was wrong and should be looked at. Something is wrong in the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform that should be looked at."
Do you not think the Wheelocks and the Rossiters have a reason for not cooperating with police investigations if there not going to _full_ and indepedent investigations
"There can be no independent inquiry unless his parants grant permission to access his medical records. they will not do so."
Independent or Gardai ??
Hanley served as a guard for about 15 years in Store St station.
From PR
_Gardai_ cannot access a person's medical records without their express permission or that of their next of kin. This permission has not been forthcoming to date.
The Commissioner has appointed Detective Superintendent Oliver Hanley, Dun Laoghaire Garda Station, to examine the circumstances surrounding this incident and pending the outcome of his enquiries,
It would be unwise for An Garda Siochana to comment further in the matter.
So why are you commenting?
The ligature was secured to a fixture which is counter sunk into the wall.
Not a lightswitch then what?
Al complains of indymedia allowing pure speculation, then says
"He stole a disabled persons car and then destroyed it. Have you no sympathy for that person?"
Which is a disgraceful smear of a dead man. As Al knows, the gardai have acknowledged that Terrence was not even a suspect for this crime, he was simply in the house of the suspects when the cops swooped. Can't let that get in the way of blackening a dead man's name though.
We know who did it too Al.
You can all run around making allegations all you want but the reality is I was there, I was in the station when he arrived and when he was taken out.
I know he wasnt beaten or abused. I dont need to provide links or statements from anyone else, I saw it all 1st hand.
Now, ask yourself, how much do you actually know for a fact? How much of what you think you know comes from ACTUAL witnesses or is it all Chinese whispers?
But why let pesky things like facts and witnesses get in the way of a good old Garda-hunt?
Of course Al, no need for an investigation, we have your word.
Of course that doesn't amount to a hill of beans and you know that. What's that you had to say about the Rossiter case. No need for an investigation, was it?
Al, sorry but in the real world there would be no need for a garda 'witch hunt' if there wasn't a constant drip drip of reasons to fuel one. Would there?
What you say Al if i was around when one of your mates was allegedly killed by my mates and i said no i saw it it didn't happen like that ....i wouldn't be impartial would i then .........no obvioulsy not .........neither are you or any other cop for that matter
Terrence was my boyfriend, i seen wat he looked like after the scum got there hands on him. Terence would never hurt him self especially not in a cell, he was murdered and he wont rest till his killers are brought to JUSTICE.
Terence never robbed any car, he wasnt even charged on the day the other 3 men were. He left his home that day in old clothes with paint all over them as he was in painting his home. He left to get a paint brush and never came home. He is missed so much. So before any of use start saying it was his fault it wasnt he was takin from his family and from me.
I'm really sorry for your trouble.
I think you'll find the majority of people on this site support you in your effort to find justice. What you have done is inspirational. There are some cops and people who don't support you but they can't tarnish anyones name except there own. Solidarity
Thanks sean its just reacking my head the way people are trying to turn the blame onto him he was in the right and i no that for a fact
The person posting as 'Al' above has always claimed to be a Garda who works in Store Street. It's not too much of a surprise that the Gardai are making up stuff to cover their tracks. We all know that you can't believe a word that a Garda says.
Don't allow it to put you off though, nearly everybody who reads this site is disgusted at the guards and supports your campaign for justice.
Excuse me Al, u seem to be mouthing out of u alot, talk to me, I'll tell u a few facts for nothing and i dont give a bollox were u wer that day. I no my boyfriend like the back of my hand and i can tell you one thing he wouldnt giv them scumbags the satisfaction of harming himself were they are. He was proved inoccent about the car and there was marks al over his body because i seen them with my own 2 eyes and i looked at them everyday for 16 weeks when he was in hospital so dont be shitting out of you when you havent a clue.
You have the tact, sensitivity and listening ability of a bull in a china shop. You give a bad name to the Gardai with your stubborn repetative defence of Gardai actions and when people do make a genuine point, you arrogantly refuse to answer it.
At times people will support the Gardai like for example the time those armed thugs were shot in that post office. The rest of the time, though, your attempt at Public Relations are akin to the 'Fascist Italy is great' Eoin O' Duffy textbook of conversational procedure. Your stubbornish attiduteregarding the death of Brian Rossiter and the case of this young man is pathetic, sad and despicable.
Well done. Thanks to you and your mates, ordinary members of the public are going to be afraid to put their trust in you fools, you having convinced the rest of us that you are displaying the tendencies of a psychopath.Wake up, this is supposed to be the 21st century, not friggin Franco's Spain circa 1962. You...urgghhh!
Very angry, but calming now. Self inflicted Idiocy reaps more problems in the long run, but fools never seem to realise this.
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Terence was family.. sadly i did not know him very well....my aunt and uncle and family are in my thoughts....
SpittyspittyTwoShoes kindly reformatted the original of this post which was posted all in capital letters. All-caps posting is condsidered to be SHOUTING on the internet and is generally thought to be rude. It's also hard to read and is also against our Guidelines. -- 1 of IMC Ed
It's better not to write with the capslock button on since it makes things easier to read. I took the liberty of copying your piece and reformating it. I also cleared up some spelling and a sentence or two. I'll paste it in below -Spittyspitty2shoes:
"Garda Al or who ever you are and I do have no doubt that you are a guard probably connected to garda press office monitoring people opinions in a bb style. I put it to you like this that there is no light switch in the actual cell, but a emergency call button for assistance and it is on this that Terence Wheelock allegedly hung himself. Gardai claim that the cells in Store St are the most advanced in Europe. By the gardai's own admissions they are vandal and suicide proof.
How could a young lad bore through a steel plated call button {similar to those in modern apartments} encased in solid concrete. What plaster are you talking about ? You are misleading people from the facts . And why is there photographic evidence showing these bruises on this lad. and if you bother to read the pathologist's report the bruises are consistent with time of arrest also there was severe swelling to the brain consistent with a bang or blow to the head.
The garda press were false and inaccurate, as Terence's body was not found by emergency services in the cell, in fact he was found in the hallway by the reception area semi naked when they (the emergency services) arrived and they were never granted access to the cell. They also disputed claims by gardia that they had said there was no bruises to his body. and when a solicitor did gain access to the cell weeks later she was told {YvonneBambury / Ormond quay} that the cell had been renovated despite a court order.
Was the call button ever damaged in the first place? No independent person has seen it. Fact.
Iit took 10 mins to ring an ambulance by gardai, that is a hell of long time, for a young man fighting for his life. Why the delay? and why did they move him out of the cell? And why did the gardai drive the family across town to St. James' hospital. when he was in fact in the Mater, 5min drive from Store St garda station?
Fact: the gardai still have Mr Wheelocks clothes as they will not give them back to the family's solicitor. They (the family) have to seek a high court order to try and get them to date. This restricts any independent forensic exam. Why all the secrecy from the garda? Everyone is equal? This will not go away and shouldn't. If your going to talk about this case talk about facts and stop spilling out this propaganda and misleading and confusing people.
A family friend.
Just the facts Al"
I think the wheelock family are getting a raw deal in the media. Why has no paper taking up this harrowing story. If what the family is saying is true, becase they have stated facts which have been circulated in my area. Then there is a hughe problem in one of dublins biggest Garda stations. Store st. It is hard to knock these facts, as it is backed up by independent people such as patholigist report and Gardai's strange behaviour after this terrible tragedy. i have been following this case with interest, also brian rossitier in clomel. also John maloney i sundrive Garda station d8. also the more recent deaths in monaghan and newry. They seem to be in this recent age of violence, becoming more prevalent in irish society, regarding we have such a small population, these deaths are quite high, and should be indepentantly investigated to shed some light, errestpective of what the Gardai say . in this modern age Gardai are no longer infallible! its not just the bad apple its the barrel. as DONEGAL has proven. most of those gaurds up there had been stationed for most of their carrears i Dublin were did they accuire such bad habbits? But the good people of donegal would not put up with this. Gardia are the law but not above it that is to dangerous as we have seen. Suppot the Wheelocks, Maloneys, and the Rossitiers, in their campaign for TRUTH. Write to ypur local T.D and TIOSEACH Birtie ahern for an independent inquiry. james
Terence wheelock was murdered just read the pathloigist report wwhich can be seen under the freedom of information if your willing to part with a few euro!. swelling to the brain cuts and bruises consistent with time of arrest. maybe they went to far and try to cover it up by strangling him with a cable tie commonly used by the FORCE. marks are also consistent with this! unbelieveable it might seem these are facts!
I find it disgracefull to the memory of terence wheelock that minister Mc Dowel can say the terence was responsible for his own on the back of the refusal of the DPP to charge anyone with terences death without having looked at or even considered the out come of his future inquest.
It also took the minister 7 months to come out with this ridiculous statement.
On what Fr Mc Verry said in todays evening Herald 28th feb 06 that the roits in the city centre had been directly connected through the death of terence wheelock as a result of injuries he sustained in garda custody at store st d1. is an insult to the memory terence and a scourge on a peaceful protest that the family have staged so far. A member of the family on liveline today categorigly denied that the riot was a direct or indirect result of terence's death. the family have staged protests in a digified and peaceful manner. and will continue to do so . the family would also urge anyone who supports their campaign to support in a peaceful and just manner. a peaceful protest will take place outside DailEIREANN ON THE 23rd of march at 2pm which coincides with what should of been terences 21st birthday all peacefull protesters welcome. THANK YOU
in responce to what Fr.Mc Verry said in the evening herald associating terence wheelocks name with the riots on o'Connell street on saturday is deplorable. I have been supporting the justice for terence wheelock campaign from the outset and the campaign has been held in the utmost civilvity and respect.
This campaign is wholly worth while and is about justice nothing more or Anything ulterior.All this respectable family want is answers to what happened to thier son in store street garda station on the 2nd of june last year.
There is many disturbing qustions which have arisin out of this extraordinary case, i am very familiar with the family and thier plight.
The wheelock family are a very loving andsupportive family to each other and have been known to help out in thier local community .This family require answers and rightly so. i would like any readers that sees his short broadcast to support the wheelock family in thier dignified and peacefull campaign for justice.
yours sincerly an honest and peacefull supporter.
have followed the case.so injustice for the family let the truth b told.shame on this we call ireland