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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Leave aside your views about Garland.
This is a message for us all. If you **** with Bertie or the system in any way that could be deemed a 'terrorist' threat (and they define terrorist very loosely now-a-days) this could happen to you too. So, whatever your dislike of Garland, we should have some regard for the higher principle here, maybe?
Which of us will be next?
Sean Garland will not get a fair trial in the US, thats the main issue, not whether or not you think hes innocent or guilty. Some of us here would argue that undermining the US Economy is not a crime.
I just hope that if ever a Republican is threatened with extradition in the future he/she will get the support of the WP. It would also help if the WP would support the release of Dessie O'Hare, a qualifying prisoner under the GFA.
I once met a fomrer member of the INLA who had served a long time in prison on the blanket. He regarded O'Hare as scum- a man who was not even in the INLA intervened in a feud to torture and brutally murder Tony McCluskey and used the INLA as a cover for his own criminal activities. Sinn Fein do not support calls for his release and the INLA of 20 years ago would have shot him.
Do you think this type of sectarianism is going to win support for Sean Garland? Dessie O'Hare is a qualifying prisoner under the GFA. He has been examined by 3 psychiatrists and a psychologist, all of whom agree that Dessie is sane. How many people here could claim such a record?
Dessie wasnt imprisoned for killing anyone but OIRA members were. They were released long ago. Do you think they should be returned to prison?
Sean Garland should not be exradited and Dessie O'Hare should be released.
I am not bothered about the Garland case. My point is that anyone who claims to be a socialist should know that o'hare is a scumbag-sane or not-I don't care what his mental state is. He tortured and murdered a decent kid from Armagh, where I'm from-in the old days the INLA would not have had o'hare in it. Ask any veteran of 1975 period who they would rather -Tony McCluskey or o'hare. Seamus Costello would turn in his grave. I would put money on o'hare killing someone once he is out. He tried to shoot his wife in 1987 when on the run! One of his gang stabbed a guy to death at a disco over a row about a woman the night before their o'grady operation. Wise up. who cares, really, about dessie o'hare?
Well you were certainly bothered about Sean Garland on a previous thread. Can you provide any evidence to back up what you claim? If I were to gossip about OIRA members who I think killed people woould you find it acceptable?
I believe its known as felon-setting. But lets not forget , OIRA members who were serving life sentences for murder were released; do you think they should be returned to prison?
Lets not forget the central point: Sean Garland will not get a fair trial in the US; he should not be extradited.
According to the Sean Garland support website set up by the WP, the Sinn Fein party have stated their opposition to the extradition of Sean Garland, President of the Workers' Party.
What happened to Tony McCluskey is common knowledge among republicans in Armagh. o'hare was a liability in the Provos and got into the INLA when it was a mess. many of those in Armagh originally in the INLA were former OIRA. However, and don't take this badly, you were never a member of any armed organisation, have never done a minute of time for your beliefs and have no right to comment on a man who in any sane society should be locked up. Under socialism I think he would probably be shot. I am not the same person who posted about s garland, though i also am against his extradition only on the basis that he wouldn't get a fair trial. i strongly resent the sticks policies on the six counties but garland was never a scum bag like o'hare-no politics at all, just a very sick individual. I have met him; i doubt if you have.
So only anonymous felon setters who claim to have served in an armed wing and done time are allowed to have an opinion?
Thats not the case on Indymedia.
Dessie O'Hare is a qualifying prisoner under the GFA and should be released.
As for Sean Garland neither his nor the OIRAs record are covered in glory. ever hear of people who left the WP (i'm not talking about IRPS) and were attacked with hatchets by the OIRA in a Dublin pub? Also Sean Garland in the past supported the extradition of Republicans and he ooposed the right of H Block prisoners to wear their own clothes.
Still, I dont believe Sean Garland would get a fair trial in the US and I dont believe that undermining the US economy is a crime. Sean Garland should not be extradited.
Who give you the right to sit in judgement of Desi 'O' Hare, anyone who cuts off the ear of rich bankers can't be all bad.
Desi may have been a bit brutal and violent, but no more brutal than others of our generation.
Desi is certainly not as sadistic, cruel and brutal as RUC Castlereagh interrogators.
Desi's crimes, violence and brutality were motivated by politics, other factions motives for crime, violence and brutality are fueled by desire for personal prestige and greed.
At the same time I do agree that Sean Garland is innocent of any crime and should not be extradicted.
Maybe we should agree to disagree about the release of Dessie O'Hare at this stage, because we are repeating ourselves.
Sean Garland may have betrayed the struggle for a United Ireland , may have been involved (directly or indirectly ) in the beatings of political rivals of his party, may have slandered Bobby Sands, may have glorified a Stalinist perversion of Socialism as the ''Democractic Peoples republic of Korea '' etc. etc . But even if all true this has NADA to do with the indictment by a U.S. Grand jury of Garland and the demand for his extradition . Make no mistake , ''my '' government is at war with any and all opponents of U.S. imperalism whether they be a newly radicalized Mother of a slain G.I. (Cindy Sheehan ) a Multi-pierced Anarchist in Edinburgh or a crusty Old Stalinist in Dublin ! - American against Extradition
A point against the grain, Mr. Garland in a criminal trial in federal court on an open indictment with these charges faces a maximum of five years in prison. He has the right to a jury trial, to review and confront evidence against him, to a taxpayer paid lawyer of his choosing, and all other protections afforded any criminal defendant in US. This case is not really about Bush or Cuba or Iraq, and has nothing to do with military tribunals and muslim extremism. The truth is if he faced these charges in Ireland or the UK he would be tried before a "special" criminal court where the above rights are non-existent or curtailed, in the same manner that military tribunals are conducted in US, which Garland will not be before. I do not disagree with the sentiments of Mr. Garlands supporters, but the fact is that political offenders in Ireland and the UK have far fewer rights than Garland has in US, where, if my reading of the indictment and evidence is accurate, he faces a strong liklihood of a not guilty from a skeptical jury pool and even if convicted, given his age and the non-violent nature of the offense would likley do no time. He should fight his extradition by whatever spin works, but the idea that his trial would be less fair than an IRA member's trial before the Special Criminal Court in Dublin on a charge of counterfeiting etc. under the Offences Against the State Act is ludicrous.