Independent Media Centre Ireland

On corruption in the body politic.

category national | consumer issues | opinion/analysis author Monday October 03, 2005 01:33author by John Mcdermott - removefiannafailauthor address Gran Canaria Spain

Discredit the truth,if you cannot deny it.

Bertie is alarmed at the new cut price "Tribunals"

The endeavours of An Taoiseach ,Mr Ahern to render the newly formed "Centre for Public Enquiry" a still born child-through his approaches to its billionaire backer Chuck Feeny ,to withdraw funding,is fascinating.
It is my view,and I believe that of a great majority of the right minded citizens of this state, that any attempt by any organization-be it led by the Devil himself- to "independently promote the highest standards of integrity, ethics and accountability across Irish public and business life and to investigate and "publicize breaches of those standards where they arise" is to be wholeheartedly welcomed.
Indeed if Mr Feeny had come to our rescue 5 years ago we might have saved hundreds of millions of wasted public money on purposeless,never ending tribunals.What is the point of it all one may ask.The revelations from either source will put few if any of the corrupt politicians or builders in prison for even a few weeks.If the biggest fish of all-a former minister for justice,Ray Burke-gets jailed for three months it is unlikely that those who financed him will ever see the inside of Arbour Hill gaol at all- or Michael McDowell,s proposed new stately pleasure dome in Xanadu ( north county Dublin.)
What is a country,s police force for,but to investigate corruption and criminality.? Not in Ireland its not. On the contrary we need tribunals to investigate them as well.! One could not make this stuff up.
If Mr Feeny,s address in America is made availible, I for one will write him to do my own lobbying and perhaps the scandal weary, hapless residents of the Republic of Ireland might do the same.I have already contacted their irish office(6762121) at 32 Lr Baggot St.Dublin 2.
Fianna Fail only seem great and powerful-because good people, are on their knees. Where Mr Ahern would keep them,diverted with distractions,circuses and tribunals a la carte.
Any possibility some of the( tax free) irish millionaires of his acquaintance might make a donation to the Centre for Public Enquiry.?

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author by Francis Flynnpublication date Mon Oct 03, 2005 08:17author address author phone

Finna Fail=Irish Mafia

author by Mary Kellypublication date Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:53author address author phone

as I said in another post...

Mr Connolly must be onto the hottest pulsing veins of state corruption and coverup to have Ahern using the front page of the Sunday Independent to try and rubbish him.

Thanks for giving address of Dublin office to write to. Time to get up off the knees and fight!

author by paul o toolepublication date Mon Oct 03, 2005 13:49author address author phone

I disagree wholeheartedly....the Mafia are organised, well organised.

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