Independent Media Centre Ireland

Urgent Prisoner Solidarity Requested

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Tuesday September 27, 2005 00:52author by Prisoner Solidarity

New Denunciation From Political Prisoners Currently Being Held In A French Prison:

Urgent Solidarity Requested!

Greetings To Everyone,

The Rats have given birth to Cockroaches. Yesterday the Prison Assistant Director called me to inform me that Monsieur le Procureur of the République is opposed to the prisoners regrouping as we and our lawyers demanded. They are also opposed to internal communications with our respective partners. The only form of contact is through the mail.

This can only be explained as a miserable type of vengeance for our continuous denunciations that we made against these particular methods under the direct instruction of Judge Jean-Lois Bruguiére and the trial set-up that we have been submitted to at the request of the Spanish Civil Guard.

The French Judicial system is trying to avoid that the accused could conclude amongst them each of their declarations in the interrogation rooms and so to manipulate any possible proofs.

In fact their own hypocrisy reveals them. To disguise these illegal activities they have had to put a touch of “generosity” to the matter and to lift the sanctions on our mail. It is to say that we are not allowed to talk amongst ourselves but they allow us to write to each other which at the end of the day is another form of talking.

Where is the juridicial logic to keep up with the rest of the sanctions? Nowhere! It is the curtain opening of the second act of the jurdicial farce.

The third is the trial. And it is more than obvious that they are not going to give us any option for our defense. During three years the judge Bruguiére has kept us isolated and incommunicado, helpless to defend ourselves.

Now the Procureur of the République doesn’t give us either, not even the option to prepare a minimal defense. At the trial, logically, we can only await crucifixion.

So, there we go, protest and mobilization, mobilization and denunciation. There is no other way. We count on all your support.

Joaquín Garrido González - Militant of the PCE (r) - Now 23 years in prison.

Fresnes, August 2005


On November 16th 2005 at 9am, it will start in the Palais (Paris) the trial of the comrades arrested in July 2002. There are going to be nine sessions that will take place on Wednesdays (mornings), Thursdays and Fridays (evenings), until December 2nd 2005.

Show your support Now! Organize solidarity protests in your country against the French repressions. Stop the Brutality! End the Show-Trails Against Political Hostages!

Plan Days Of Action During The Above Trail Dates Now!
They Are Not Alone! Please Forward Details!

Comments (6 of 6)

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author by ali la pointepublication date Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:29author address author phone

It is quite obvious that the author of this post has spent considerable time and energy translating and drafting this piece. I hesitate to write something that is critical of an effort that is so heartfelt.

Sadly, however, the piece lacks all clarity. While literal translations of the type of arcane sloganeering associated with 70s insurrectionary groupuscules have made the article's demands unintelligible; the lack of explanatory context, either of the concerned prisoner's circumstances, of the group with which he is (was) associated, of the latest struggle which he finds himself at the heart of, or of the workings of the french judicial system, make this piece impenetrable even to the keenest of readers.

Sorry comrade, but can you write something a bit clerarer and more straight-forward?

author by Peter Urbanpublication date Wed Sep 28, 2005 22:11author email irsp at netwiz dot netauthor address author phone

Solidarity Statement With the Paris Seven

The International Republican Socialist Committees has added its voice to those seeking justice for the Paris Seven and denouncing the petty vengeance represented by the French judiciary and prison authorities recent opposition to efforts by the seven to gain greater access to internal communication with one-another.

The refusal by the French prison authorities to permit the seven co-defendants the ability to communicate with each other is nothing more than an attempt to ensure that the present efforts to obtain convictions by means of manipulation, falsification of evidence, and a general undermining of the prisoners' attempts to defend themselves. The French authorities, at the behest of the Spanish Civil Guard, are seeking to restrict the ability of the seven prisoners to communicate with each other directly or through the intermediary of their respective partners.

Worse yet, the French authorities are disguising these heavy-handed moves to impair the ability of the prisoners to coordinate their defense as reflecting their commitment to civil rights, because they have conceded to allowing communication through correspondence, despite this meaning that all communication will be known to authorities and subject to prison censorship.

For the past three years, the presiding judge Bruguiére has kept the prisoners isolated and incapable of communicating with the outside world, so that their ability to defend themselves is utterly undermined.

The trial of the Paris Seven will begin in November and nothing more than a mockery of justice can be anticipated. This is not a pursuit of justice by the French government, but the staging of a show trial to deliver convictions, so as to legitimize the actions of the French state in its persecution of the Spanish militants. It will be nothing more than a travesty, the outcome of which was never allowed to be called into question.

The IRSC calls upon all progressive activists to demonstrate their support for the Paris Seven and to demand that the prisoners be allowed to carry out such communication as is necessary to defend themselves against what is, in reality, nothing more than a propaganda exercise.

Peter Urban

author by Con Carrollpublication date Thu Sep 29, 2005 14:54author address author phone

news from classwar about the imprionment of 4 arnachists in Germany
Jose Fernando Delgado
Gabriel Pombo da silvia
Bart de Geeter
Begonia Pombo da Silvia

author by who?publication date Thu Sep 29, 2005 23:19author address author phone

who the fuck are the people in jail? just wondering... what are they accused of?

author by Prisoner Solidaritypublication date Sat Oct 01, 2005 00:06author address author phone

For further infomation on the Paris Seven:

author by Prisoner Solidaritypublication date Sun Oct 02, 2005 14:43author address author phone

List of Names & Addresses of Nine Political Activists Facing French Show Trails:

Belen Lopez Calderon (currently at liberty)
Antonio Lago Iglesias (currently at liberty/ Antonia has already served 23 years in jail for his political beliefs and activities...)

Please send letter or post card
of support and solidarity to them individually at:

Gema Rodriguez Miguel - 36450
Marcos Martin Ponce- 325695-S.E-D.4.3.g 29

Please send letter or
post card of support and solidarity to them individually at:
Maison d'Arret Fleury Mérogis - 9, Av. des Peupliers – 91705, FEURY MEROGIS- FRANCE

Fernando Hierro Chomon-902611-2D11;
Joaquin Garrido Gonzales-902610-2D007;
Maria Angelkes Ruiz Villa-902671-QC 240;
Josefina Garcia Aramburu-902670-P-C.254

Please send letters or postcards of support and solidarity to them individually at: Maison d'Arret Fresnes - 3, Allée des Thuyas - 94261 FRESNES - FRANCE

Marcos Regueira Fernandez-66368 E 307.

Please send letters or postcards of support and solidarity to him at:
Maison d'Arret des Yvellines - 5bis, rue Alexandre Turpault - 78395 Bois d'Arcy - FRANCE

They are all being charged as a - "GANG OF REPROBATES"!!!

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