Water Charges postponed for a year
Press Release issued by the We Won't Pay Campaign
We Won't Pay Campaign
Press Release 6th Sept 2005 - For immediate use
Threat of mass non-payment forces postponement of water charges
The We Won't Pay Campaign today claimed that the threat of mass non-payment of water charges is the real reason why the Government was forced to postpone the controversial introduction of the 'tap tax' until April 2007.
Ciaran Mulholland, Chairperson of the We Won't Pay Campaign stated "The Government know that if they were to introduce water charges next April as they originally intended to, they would face a mass boycott. They have failed to convince the overwhelming majority of people of the case for water charges. They have lied to people by accusing us that we do not pay for water, when we already pay for water through the rates."
Mr. Mulholland warned Minister Shaun Woodward that unless his water charges plans were completely dropped, the campaign would continue to sign householders up to the 'non-payment pledge'. "It is obvious Ministers are planning to make some amendments to how water charges are introduced in an effort to try and pull the wool over people's eyes. The real reason for water charges is to eventually privatise the water service. Water charges in England & Wales have soared since their introduction. This postponement only allows more time for our campaign to continue to grow. No matter what changes are made, the We Won't Pay Campaign will continue to call on people to refuse to pay this unjust double-tax."