message to afflicted people
Summary: Expression of sympathy, appeal for more urgent action
Mairead Corrigan Maguire of the Peace People today sent the following message to the People of New Orleans and the Mississippi Delta .
To the people of the Mississippi Delta - who have been so devastated by the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina.
Please accept my deepest sympathy on the death of so many thousands of your people and the continuing suffering of thousands more as a result of the catastrophe caused by Hurricane Katrina. We are all saddened and shocked by the great tragedy which has been inflicted on you all.
To see the images of your suffering , with thousands dead, and many injured and still dying, is heartbreaking. To witness your suffering, with no water, no food and no help available for many days to the most vulnerable people, old and children alike, is painful in the extreme. I appeal to the United States Government, the United Nations, American Red Cross, and All International Aid Agencies, to treble their efforts to provide you all with food, housing, jobs, and to do everything they can to help you rebuild your lives and your cities.
The days and years ahead may be full of pain and suffering for you and your families. Please take hope and strength from the knowledge that many people around the world are with you in prayer and in a spirit of solidarity and friendship, as you start to rebuild your lives and homes after so terrible a tragedy. I visited your city of music New Orleans many years ago. This great city is part of the rich heritage of the human family and that is why this tragedy is felt by many millions around the world. When it is rebuilt, by your hard work, your courage and vision, it will rise out of this tragedy and out of the water to give witness and be a symbol to future generations of the resilience and magnificence of your human spirit.
God bless you all,
Mairead Corrigan Maguire
Nobel Peace Laureate