Must viewing tonight if you are in. Let people you know about it.
(Could this be left up here for another 9 hours so people will see it? Easily missed in Events section)
The wives and supporters of the Rossport Five are to appear on the Late Late Show on RTE 1 this Friday (Tonight). Maureen McGrath, Caitlin Ni Sheighin, Mary Corduff, Maureen McGrath and Aggie Philbin have been invited as guests on the first Late Late Show of the season. And Brid McGarry, a Rossport landowner who has also opposed gas pipeline related works on her land, is also to appear on the popular chat show hosted by Pat Kenny as are a representative of Shell and spokesperson for the Shell-to-Sea campaign, Dr Mark Garavan.
Dr Garavan and Ms McGarry confirmed to the Western People that they are to travel to the RTE studios this Friday night. Full details relating to their appearance have yet to be finalised by RTE.