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Mr T
Agoid Naisiunta
Neill & Shane.
Today's protest over, the petition forms are gathered.
Alright Galway, we hear you.
why wont the so called rossport 5 purge their contempt? have they not been in prison long enough? do they not think that people have got the jist by now? maybe not many locals, but by God the rest of the country have.get them out and get them to talk to shell and see if they can come to some understanding. i dont personally agree with the pipeline and i certainly would not have it near me however there are ways around everything; its got to a stage now when there are people up in the RTE studios speaking on behalf of us Erris people ,my family and i didnt even know who the hell Mark whatever his name was.I like, most Erris people am fed up of people acting on our behalf, if we want to object to something then we'll do it for ourselves, we dont want him (whatever his name) or Mrs Mangan coming down to my area and talking to Liamy Mcnally and other journalists for my sake,she might be a so called teacher but we are not stupid. also certain comments made on this site are truely stupid, the eco gang in rossport sending in photos and comments, who asked them down? I certainly didnt and other people I spoke to didnt. theres two sides to every story, please have an open mind and listen to each. Slan.
... Philip Mc Grath, Willie Corduff, Brendan Philbin, Vincent McGrath & Micheal O' Seighin, the night before they went to jail.
Local person, I feel your knowledge of the issue is limited and I encourage you to inform yourself better about what's going on. All your questions will be answered.
Drop in at the camp for a cup of tea any time.
To local person.
Thank you and all the people in Erris community for trojan work over many years, with not much support. Luckily more people are now engaged and active, and the men being in prison has sent the story around the world. There are very few success stories of people winning against these opponents. No disrespect to you, trouble is, ye cant do it for yer selves and ye'r up against 3 multinationals with backing from the Irish courts and a very corrupt government.
If you want to know why they dont purge, ask their families,or write to the men.
This so called " contempt", was invented in British legal history as an extension of THE CROWN, in order to force respect and order in the CROWN COURTS. This " contempus curiae" exists since 12th century , and has its origins in the medieval devolution of Royal Power to the Courts from a Monarch who convinced himself he had been divinely appointed and was only accountable to God!
There is so much about the way this case has gone that is illegal and a lot to be challenged in the High Courts.
Yes people have got the gist, but getting them out to talk to people will achieve nothing. Shell dont listen to anyone and they have a bloody history of using state backed paramilitaries to silence opposition. This is a taste of what ye/we are up against. They are in prison for all of us opposed to oppression and injustice. Talk to the people who you feel are mis representing your side of the story and be clear whats your problem with "the eco gang". We live and learn better by a more discussion and input. More towns responding wholeheartedly like Galway would be a help. The corrupt politicians need to be held by the ankles over the Cliffs of Moher and have the stuffing knocked out of them till THEY purge their contempt for signing off our natural resources, and remaining silent while decent honest people are serving time for speaking the truth.
Slan agus go n eiri libh.
What a silly post!, Your obviously ignorant of the many facts in this case. Firstly the issue isn't just about Erris(I say this as a local myself!) but about a corrupt government handing over Irelands Natural Resources to a multi-national for next to nothing and the dirty dealings which brought this situation about. This is a concern for all irish people given the revelation this week of further massive reserves of oil and gas off the Kerry coast. Secondly Mark Garvan as a Mayo man is an outstanding spokesperson, as anyone who saw his performance on Prime-Time last week will attest, Who do you want? Gerry Coyle!!. Finally your small- minded views on the Solidarity-camp show your immaturity and inexperiance of such matters. This people are thier supporting in the most selfless way the good people of Rossport in there tough fight against a multinational witha proven track-record of contempt for human rights and the environment. What are you doing to support the cause!, a good guess would be "not alot" like many in Erris who are too stupid to see whats going on under their own nose's! The same ones who will be hand-ringing if Shell get their way turning this part of mayo into an industrial waste-land in which farms and houses for miles around will be rendered worthless thanx to industrial pollution while the tourism and fishing industry dies a painfull death
Well said Local. I too amd getting sick of these people speaking supposedly on my behalf! i dont want mark garavan saying he represents me. Who is he? Although i do note that they made an attempt to use him to make their face more respectable as it has been hijacked by loony fringes.
But well said - more and more local people are beginning to sit up and think a bit more now. This campaign was supposed to be about health and safety concerns but if you read this website you see plain as day that there is so many other agendas at play. Eventually the local people will not take any more stupid talk and come to a rational opinion. We dont need your wild antics and fanciful conspiracy theories.
Please give us a list of the 'wild antics and fanciful conspiracy theories' you know about.
Shell's reps in a court denied this pipe (link below for photo) broke any rules. I think building it was a wild antic and shell's denial of illegality at the time of the rossport 5 court hearing which jailed the men was a conspiracy.
Well Tubs, I know when "Mark Garavan" has his name on a post that he is indeed local. But when someone signs themelves "Another local" ... well, let's just say that they may be after the precious things of the shop.
Thank you r. isibile - practice what you preach! Are you afraid I might know you?
When you claim to be local and provide no way of verifying that you may as well be me claiming to be local to Hawai'i
On the other hand we know who Mark Garavan and other named persons are.
You are attempting to give your objection to the Rossport5 protests weight by your "localism" and provide no means of verifying that.
From what I've seen all the believable sources (ie identified) are fully behind the Rossport5.
You won't be taken seriously in your line of argument unless you're identified.
I've got to go now: surf's up!
This is amazing! Telling "local person" he doesn't know enough about his own issue and come on down to our camp and let a bunch of left-wing outsiders from Dublin and Galway enlighten you about how oppressed you are?!
This is why groups like yours -- and all the anti-war and other "professional" demonstrators who don't have jobs and need to get a life -- are simply irrelevant in today's world. The rest of us who are too busy working and earning a living and keeping this society going by paying taxes so the rest of you can have enough down time and a good dole to go out and demonstrate against capitalism and globalism, are fed up with your antics.
Let local people run their own affairs and get off your elitist high horses and solve your own problems! And by the way, what does a Palestinian have to do with gas lines in Ireland?! Do you people trade off on demonstrations? You do my demo and I'll do yours?
What poppycock.
Rational Dude
"This is amazing! Telling "local person" he doesn't know enough about his own issue and come on down to our camp and let a bunch of left-wing outsiders from Dublin and Galway enlighten you about how oppressed you are?!"
I don't think anyone down there need anyone to tell them they're 'opressed'.
5 of their neighbours are in jail for 6 weeks or more for refusing to abide by a really very very ropey injunction meant to facilitate work which is now being dismantled by shell because it had no consent from the government.
tally ho 'rational' dude!
don't forget the inverted commas next time
toodle pip!
everybody is a local person!
well said rational dude couldnt agree more
'hear hear'
we already know you're 'here, here' unfortunately.
Well said Rational Dude - i like it
"I'm lovin' it"
George and Tony. Couldn't be the famous pair - could it?
Which one of you is the poodle?
Instead of spouting tiresome rubbish, why don't these so-called "locals" identify themselves and tell us what they are doing to support the Rossport 5 and their familes. As a local my self I have my suspicions as to the identities and motivations of these people!
RD, Your comments about the solidarity camp are petty, ignorant and have no place on this site. You've conviently ignored the fact that multinationals in this country pay SFA in the way of tax while ordinary workers are crippled by VAT, PAYE and other stealth tax's. As an obvious PD supporter your logic is laughable given the fact that your content to sit in governmet with a party that has signed away billions of Euro of our Natrional resources to a couple of oil companies!!.
Please learn to think before you type! - And the same goes for your 2 buddies!!!
Ok..... Rational Dude. I don't understand where you get your rationality from, coming from a world that envolves governments that run independant of Capitalist intrest, fairies, and 12 hour shifts.
Yes, we utilize the hours we have to build a world that we can be proud to bring children into. You're only sore that you do not have that privledge.
And rationality means objectively analyzing something using a set science! There's nothing scientific or rational about your last post.
In fact, here's something rational for you.
Stop living someone elses life, and start living your own!