Partial list of contractors and companies providing services to the Shell/Statoil development in Erris, Co.Mayo.
Iggy Madden, provides the transport for the removal of peat from Ballinaboy to the storage facilities at Srahmore, that is their trucks you see idle here
Iggy Madden is based from:
Unit 1 Harbour Enterprise Park New Docks, New Docks, Galway City, Co Galway, Ireland.
Tel: 091 562 689
Fax: 091 560 716
See: Freight Fox
Brendan Gilmore Securities, provide security to entire construction project.
Brendan Gilmore Securities (office address)
53 Teffia Park, Longford, 043 48256
Brendan Gilmore (home address)
1 The Laurels
Lisnamuck, Longford,
phone number 087 2405406
The phone number given on the signs around the compound is:
(043) 41102
Brendan Gilmore is a retired Garda and Progressive Democrat member of Longford Town Council.
See: Longford Town Council
Progressive Democrats
Longford Business Directory
Tideway are the Dutch Dredging Company employed by Shell-Statoil
See:their address
Pictures of their dredgers in Broadhaven Bay.
CCTV cameras at the Rossport Compound are courtesy of ETI Security
Located on Glebe Street, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo,
Phone: 1850 393939
Ballina Mobile Homes and Portacabins
provide the portacabins at the Rossport compound.
096 36812
087 2466508
Fax: 096 22211