Exclusive: Was It Suicide?
Exclusive: Was It Suicide?
Exclusive: Was It Suicide?
Why did they buy return train tickets to Luton? Why did they buy pay & display tickets for cars? Why were there no usual shouts of 'Allah Akhbar'? Why were bombs in bags and not on their bodies?
By Jeff Edwards
07/16/05 "The Mirror" - - THE London bombers may have been duped into killing themselves so their secrets stayed hidden.
Police and MI5 are probing if the four men were told by their al-Qaeda controller they had time to escape after setting off timers. Instead, the devices exploded immediately.
A security source said: "If the bombers lived and were caught they'd probably have cracked. Would their masters have allowed that to happen? We think not."
The evidence is compelling: The terrorists bought return rail tickets, and pay and display car park tickets, before boarding _ a train at Luton for London. None of the men was heard to cry "Allah Akhbar!" - "God is great" - usually screamed by suicide bombers as they detonate their bomb.
Their devices were in large rucksacks which could be easily dumped instead of being strapped to their bodies. They carried wallets containing their driving licences, bank cards and other personal items. Suicide bombers normally strip themselves of identifying material.
Similar terror attacks against public transport in Madrid last year were carried out by recruits who had time to escape and planned to strike again.
Bomber Hasib Hussain detonated his device at the rear of the top deck of a No 30 bus, not in the middle of the bottom deck where most damage would be caused.
Additionally, two of the bombers had strong personal reasons for staying alive.
Jermaine Lindsay's partner Samantha Lewthwaite, 22, mother of his one-year-old son, is expecting her second baby within days. Mohammed Sidique Khan's wife Hasina, mum of a 14-month-old daughter, is also pregnant.
Our source disclosed: "The theory that they were not a suicide squad is gathering pace. They were the weakest link.
"We think it's possible they were told that when they pressed buttons to set off timers they'd have a short time to abandon the bombs and get away before the blast. Instead, the bombs exploded immediately."
Another intelligence source added: "Whoever is behind this didn't want to waste their best operatives on a suicide mission. Instead they used easily recruited low-grade men who may have believed they'd walk away."
At least 54 people were killed in the 7/7 blasts. Khan, 30, of Dewsbury, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, of Leeds, and Jamaican-born Lindsay, 19, of Aylesbury, Bucks, detonated devices on the Tube at Edgware Road, Aldgate and King's Cross.
Hussain, 18, of Leeds, blasted the bus at Tavistock Square. The Tube explosions went off almost simultaneously. But the bus went up an hour later.
Yesterday, Hussain's family told of their horror at the teenager's involvement in the massacre. They said in a statement: "We are devastated over the events of the past few days. Hasib was a loving and normal young man who gave us no concern and we are having difficulty taking this in.
"Our thoughts are with all the bereaved families. We have to live with the loss of our son in these difficult circumstances.
"We had no knowledge of his activities and, had we done, we would have done everything in our power to stop him. We urge anyone with information to cooperate fully with the authorities."
Police are urgently investigating the missing 81 minutes between Hussain arriving from Luton in London and the time his bomb went off.
His device may have malfunctioned. He may have lost his nerve. Or he may have panicked when he discovered the Northern Line, on which he is thought to have been due to travel, was suspended.
Officers want to discover if Hussain met anyone else who either strengthened his faltering resolve or reset his flawed bomb.
Copyright: The Mirror
Comments (2 of 2)
Jump To Comment: 1 2Interested to see that I'm not the only person thinking along those lines.
"The evidence is compelling: The terrorists bought return rail tickets, and pay and display car park tickets, before boarding _ a train at Luton for London. None of the men was heard to cry "Allah Akhbar!" - "God is great" - usually screamed by suicide bombers as they detonate their bomb.
Their devices were in large rucksacks which could be easily dumped instead of being strapped to their bodies. They carried wallets containing their driving licences, bank cards and other personal items. Suicide bombers normally strip themselves of identifying material."
The evidence is far from compelling. In fact it's non-existant. If you were carrying out a suicide bombing, you wouldn't really care about losing money over pay and display and return tickets, you'd be much more concerned with not doing anything to attract attention, like maybe from a parking attendant? Return tickets are also exactly the type of things that you would buy if you were really worried in case anybody might realise that you were on a resoundingly one-way trip
Suicide bombers often strap the explosives to their bodies _because they live in places where all bags are routinely searched_.
It is very difficult to disentangle the sounds of somebody screaming allah akhbar from the sounds of a bomb going off and the ensuing screams (the people best placed to do so are now dead of course) - the brain tends to collapse percepts in such times of sensory overload.
Suicide bombers in the occupied territories often strip themselves of identifying information as the IDF has a policy of exacting revenge against their families and demolishing their homes, the UK government does not.
In short, nothing to see here. There is precisely zero real evidence so far about exactly what happened beyond the fairly strong evidence that these 4 men carried bombs onto public transport which subsequently exploded killing a good number of innocent civilians. Unless and until there is some real evidence to the contrary, Occam opts for the suicide hypothesis. Of course there is every chance that the investigation might turn up information which changes this probability estimate, but in the meantime speculating about such things on such flimsy grounds is the domain of the tin-foil hatters and conspiranoids. Let's leave that to the tabloids and keep indymedia for stuff that isn't wild fact-free speculation.
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