9 dead in Nigeria, 5 jailed in Ireland, what else is in your pipeline, Shell ?
Outraged by yesterday's obscene jailing of the Rossport Five, Galway activists, their number greatly augmented by the Congolese and African community, picketed the dockland oil depot/offices of Shell Oil today.
The fiery Padraig Cambell inspired us with his no bollocks address, winkled out a hard hat Shell honcho from his, well, shell, to deliver a note of protest and, to boot, led a contingent of activists to the nearby Constituency Clinic of Eamon O' Cuiv to remind him of his duty towards his Gaeltacht brothers and sisters.
This coming Monday, at 10.30 AM, activists are urged to protest outside the Constituency Clinic (beside the Royal Rock Cafe, Ballybane Industrial Estate) of state minister, Frank Fahey.
This is a peaceful assembly, so, take off yer riot gear, alright.
The long arm of protest is about to collar O 'Cuiv.
The bugger cheated us by shinning down a ladder and heading off to the deep cover of Cornamona.