Why People Volunteer
The following passage may appear to be a string of non-sequiturs. That's just the punctuation. It is in fact a (slightly banal) list of reasons why people volunteer to take part in community development and other altruistic, organised and unpaid activity and work.
To help someone. To feel needed. To make a difference. To gain or improve skills. Because a friend pressured them. Because they have time on their hands. To get to know a new neighbourhood. To test themselves. For escape. To become an insider. To become an agent of change. To explore a career. Because they are bored. To have something to get up for. For fun. As therapy. To do something different from their job. To demonstrate commitment to a cause. To keep busy. To do something with a family member. To learn the truth. To do one’s share. As an excuse to do something they love. To donate their professional skills. To have an impact. To make new friends. For recognition. To get a better chance in life. For work experience. To give something back. For religious reasons. To repay a debt. To get out of the house. To do their civic duty. To be with people who are different. Because the agency is close by. To be part of a team. To be an advocate. To gain status. To learn about Irish culture. Because there is no-one else to do it. To feel good. Because they can’t do paid work. Personal experience with a problem. Guilt. Because of concern for the client group. To gain access to services themselves. To be challenged. To experiment. As an alternative to giving money. To be a watchdog. To feel proud. Because they were asked. To stand up and be counted.
Adapted from Ellis, Susan J, 1996, the volunteer recruitment and membership book, "Energise" (USA)