Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
On the commodification of human organs -public lecture
dublin |
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event notice
Monday May 09, 2005 15:50
by ian

Lecture on the commodification of human organs
Will trade a comercialisation of human orgarns protect those vulnerable to such a trade? The second anual lecture of the Irish Council for Bioethics expolers these and other issues.
Dear all,
You are all very welcome to attend the Second Annual Lecture of the
Irish Council for Bioethics. Details of the lecture are given below and if
anyone is interested, please contact me for tickets;
Organs for sale? - Regulation of a Market for Human Organ Donation
Currently, the number of people waiting for a transplant exceeds the
amount of organs available.
The Irish Council for Bioethics is hosting a public lecture and debate
to address the following questions:
Would the commercialisation of organ donation lead to the wrongful
exploitation of donors or increase the amount of organs available for donation?
What issues surround an organ donation system based on presumed consent?
(which presumes a person wishes to be an organ donor unless they state otherwise).
The arguments for and against the commercialisation of human organ
donation will be outlined by Professor John Harris (University of Manchester)
and Professor Paul Schotsmans (University of Leuven, Belgium) at the second
annual lecture of the Irish Council for Bioethics. The lecture will
take place in the O'Flanagan Lecture Theatre, Royal College of Surgeons in
123 St Stephen's Green on Wednesday 11th May 2005 at 7pm.
Admission is free and tickets can be requested by emailing your name
and the number of tickets required, to ed -email address removed due to spamming
Research Officer,
Irish Council for Bioethics,
19 Dawson St,
Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-6762570 ext. 272
Fax: 01-6762346
Ed: People are advised to check with the Bioethics Council to confirm the actual date and time of the event
web: www.bioethics.ie