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A bird's eye view of the vineyard
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"Very special arrangements..."
international |
politics / elections |
other press
Wednesday April 13, 2005 21:44 by .:.Q & A+ - priory of Sion

"very special contracts"
In a few days, a little more than a hundred mature
men will enter a special place to engage in a
millenial ritual to elect one of their belief pattern to
lead over
1.2 billion fellow believers into "the XIX century".
The result of their ritual shall influence the social,
political, ethical, economic, moral and "spiritual"
direction of this planet.
Here's a short reminder of the "very special
arrangements" There will be no emails or any other electronic
communication into our out of the Holy See for the
duration of the Conclave.
Those states, corporations and individuals who
operate satelites in geo-stationary or other orbit
over the Holy See are asked to suspend such
activity for the duration of the Conclave.
Any attempt to use satelites to infringe the secrecy
of the Conclave shall be considered an act of War
on the Vatican state.
Any cardinal elector, or worker in the Vatican State
who divulges information to any third party during
the conclave will be excommunicated. That means
their summary execution shall be lawful.
Any cardinal elector or worker in the Vatican State
who permits the surveilance of the conclave shall
be excommunicated. (all repeat) "their summary
execution shall be lawful".
The cardinal electors and workers are aware of
some of the measures which have been taken.
The Conclave area is the Sistine chapel.
The ceiling (painted by Michelangelo) (very good
job) has no windows. The area will be closed in
an electro-magnetic shield for the duration of the
In addition, any cardinal or worker who has had
invasive surgery in the last four decades is
advised to report to the vicar general's office.
The cardinal electors are aware of the gravity of the
task they are entrusted with, and of the
corresponding uncertainty the media and culture
industries and "legendary prophecies" may cause
to the wider community. Many have played their
part excellently since the demise of Pope John
Paul 2 "the great = "saint" Karol Wotyla.
Many states, corporations and private interests are
interested in the result and are capable of
influencing the result and the voting process.
The Late Roman Pontiff explicitly proscribed
excommunication for all those who attempt to
canvass, bribe, influence, or otherwise influence
the ritual of conclave-
(all repeat)- their summary execution will be lawful.
The media naturally will be much impressed at the
"electro-magnetic shield", & yes it's costing a
fortune, an arm and a leg, up to your effin neck on
a beach with your tongue tied to the tip of your
nose- don't even ponder what happens to your testicles.
But to be quite frank, building such
hardware is not that "high tech" @ all @ all.
If any of you hang out in fishtanks and specialise
in clairvoyance / clair-sentience or anyother remote
viewing techniques for a living, don't even bother.
.:. we are the masters & we got a deal, if you're
dead you still float .:.
There are indeed many other surveillance and
remote suggestion devices which may pass metal
and other (standard spectro-chronographic x ray)
& like there all known. yep every single one of
them. As they say in smoking GNU land - "There
are no secrets".
sure like:-
"we got the patent on letters and numbers".
Every infraction of the sovreignty of the Vatican
state shall be counted, weighed and numbered by
the Holy See, her allies and defenders,
and no third party will win any brownie points by
displaying new gadgets or gizmos.
Rather they shall be...
(all repeat)...
May we all wish the cardinal electors and workers
of the Vatican State luck, providence, and
blessings as they choose the next Roman Pontiff,
who will represent the milenial christian tradition,
the majority tradition of "the books", and the
constant moral authority.
May anyone who breaks the rules, be prepared to
pay the forfeit, for they are going to pay that forfeit.
as we say in Priory of Zion land-
ve gevurah ve gedulah l olahim amen.
world without end.
* historians' note, it has been some time a
disputed conclave, as you'll know that causes the
phenomona of "anti-pope", that's the wonderful
thing about the millenial tradition it's ... _"so
medieval"_. & your readership "are prepared".
pulp media hitting on the "low tech" :-
sister Judit's site will use mirror servers during
conclave :-
the RC church's wikipedia, 'cept you can't rewrite
the pages {(well that's not exactly honest .:. we can
rewrite it, if it comes to it )}
"passalo = pass it on"
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Comments (10 of 10)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10for "XIX century" read "XXI century"
have to have a sense of humour you know.
(all repeat)
for "The Late Roman Pontiff explicitly proscribed
excommunication for all those who attempt to
canvass, bribe, influence, or otherwise influence
the ritual of conclave-
(all repeat)- their summary execution will be lawful."
"The Late Roman Pontiff explicitly prescribed excommunication for all those who attempt to canvass, bribe, influence, or otherwise influence the ritual of conclave."
It's not a FF ard fheis, or a US or UK election you know, its not even the taste of democracy you get at school-classroom elections, there'll be no black thumbs, just a bit of smoke, and some "heavenly choirs of angels" (YOU WON'T GET TO SEE THEM ON CNN).
I'm a cardinal prince of the church, aged between 60 and 75, and in the last eight years had extensive orthodontic surgery "for a bit of an overbite", and anyway, last year when attending the pre-natal tests for my lovely little baby boy, i noticed the ultra-scan went a bit off kilter when i was in the room.
Would you please find it in your gift to offer me a wee clarification of what exactly what will happen to me dentures once the electro-magnetic shield is switched on, as I haven't been able to make allowance for the kid in any official will or last testament and i'm sort of scared of the "we have a license to kill popes" brigade, and am considering calling in sick.
bless you all the same
I've read your coverage of Vatican affairs over the last weeks, and would like to remind your readership that the next man in charge will be expected to deal with the finances and defecit of the RC church.
Thanks to the intrusive effects of the liberal media, the work of errant liberalist organisations, and the development of free speech and an end to blind obedience, there are many who have thought to sue mother church for the abuse, sexual or physical they suffered whilst children in the care of employees of that organisation.
The settlements don't come cheap.
In addition rising fuel costs, concerns for ethical investment, the depreciating dollar and so on are taking their toll.
The RC church needs someone who can stem the tide of liberalism, lead from the top and silence the criticism within and without. As you remarked recently JP2 "the great" = "saint" Karol was a child of Nazi-ism, well so too is Joseph Ratzinger, more so- he was a member of the Hitler Youth. such a man will re-assure the RC investor base in south America that the post-Pinochet church can be relied on to safeguard their earthly investments against the continuing threat of bolsheviks such as Lulu and Kirchner. Likewise as a child of stalinism, (he swore an oath to the Fuhrer as a child to fight communism all his life) he has led the struggle against liberation theology in the third world, playing his part in the silencing of no less than 15 theologians, and speaking specifically against 4 universities.
And he looks the part, who could not have been moved to see him sitting in the door of the Vatican in his white mitre, repeatedly saying "follow me" during the mass for JP2 "the great" = "saint" Karol?
wiki on Ratzinger-
a new site "rate your cardinal"-
And finally @ the link you will find comprehensive media links on Ratzinger's crusade against heresy, t-shirts, baseball hats and other stuff.
Vote for Me! I swore an Oath to the Fuhrer to fight communism!
"is the world ready for a Black Pope?"
asks the Reuters correspondent, still confusing "black" with "african"- I assure ye at no stage did the legendary prophecy say "african pope".
Now many readers are a bit confused, obviously, and have been writing in to me these last few hours asking, "are the progressive democrats in a state of sin and error?". And some others have been asking me about the cardinal prince "no-name" with former the overbite and the dental impants. And some others have been asking for a new site to run with "rate your cardinal" to be called "name & shame your cardinal".
Well sorry dedicated fans, but today I've only got time & space to answer one of these questions-
"are the PDs in a state of sin and error?"
Yes. The PDs are part of a european alliance of political parties that describe themselves as "liberal", and the holy mother Church of Rome is very clear on "liberalism" :-
By proclaiming man's absolute autonomy in the intellectual, moral and social order, Liberalism denies, at least practically, God and supernatural religion. If carried out logically, it leads even to a theoretical denial of God, by putting deified mankind in place of God. It has been censured in the condemnations of Rationalism and Naturalism. The most solemn condemnation of Naturalism and Rationalism was contained in the Constitution "De Fide" of the Vatican Council (1870);
the most explicit and detailed condemnation, however, was administered to modern Liberalism by Pius IX in the Encyclical "Quanta cura" of 8 December, 1864 and the attached Syllabus.
Pius X condemned it again in his allocution of 17 April, 1907, and in the Decree of the Congregation of the Inquisition of 3 July, 1907, in which the principal errors of Modernism were rejected and censured in sixty-five propositions.
The older and principally political form of false Liberal Catholicism had been condemned by the Encyclical of Gregory XVI, "Mirari Vos", of 15 August, 1832
and by many briefs of Pius IX (see Ségur, "Hommage aux Catholiques Libéraux", Paris, 1875).
The definition of the PAPAL INFALLIBILITY by the Vatican council was virtually a condemnation of Liberalism. Besides this many recent decisions concern the principal errors of Liberalism. Of great importance in this respect are the allocutions and encyclicals of
Pius IX,
Pius X. (Cf., Recueil des allocutions consistorales encycliques . . . citées dans le Syllabus", Paris, 1865)
and the encyclicals of Leo XIII of 20 January, 1888, "On Human Liberty"; of 21 April, 1878,
"On the Evils of Modern Society"; of 28 December, 1878,
"On the Sects of the Socialists, Communists, and Nihilists"; of 4 August, 1879, (now you'll see that spreads the sin and error of "liberalism" to include the rest of the parties apart from the conservative and neo-nazi alliance in the €U parliament. You really ought know that since Pius XII commies are excommunicated. (all repeat)
"On Christian Philosophy"; of 10 February, 1880, "On Matrimony"; of 29 July, 1881,
"On the Origin of Civil Power"; of 20 April, 1884, "On Freemasonry"; of 1 November, 1885,
.:. Now that's one of the places the ancient grudge comes from .:.
C/f your local bookshop best-seller list, for the brudah's populist messages to ye, or
.:. never fear, that little encyclical which ignored the contributions of Mozart and Newton (2 name but two) to world peace and education and the betterment of young gurriers, lead to the attempt to ditch that particular pontiff's coffin in the Tiber the day of his funeral. (the italian nationalists helped out).
"On the Christian State"; of 25 December, 1888,
referred to by the Franco-ist state in the 1944 condemnation of freemasonry by Mr General Franco, in which he attributed the ills of this world to the zionist-masonic conspiracy.
"On the Christian Life"; of 10 January, 1890,
"On the Chief Duties of a Christian Citizen"; of 15 May, 1891,
referred to as a basis for the total obedience meditations of Opus Dei founder.
"On the Social Question"; of 20 January, 1894,
prosribed votes for women coz their souls aren't as good.
"On the Importance of Unity in Faith and Union with the Church for the Preservation of the Moral Foundations of the State"; of 19 March, 1902, "On the Persecution of the Church all over the World".
Full information about the relation of the Church towards Liberalism in the different countries may be gathered from the transactions and decisions of the various provincial councils. These can be found in the "Collectio Lacensis" under the headings of the index: Fides, Ecclesia, Educatio, Francomuratores.
Remember Ratzinger sees "liberalism" as global threat to the RC tradition. No-one has mentioned the comparative effect Franco or Mussolini and Mozart and Beethoven have had on the little gurriers.
So here are two liberal theologians who have been banned by the RC church in the period that Ratzinger and his Opus Dei chums came to prominence-
Leonardo Boff who has worked with the landless movement of Brazil, the same movement that saw one of its nuns killed recently by Brazilian security forces and today ended its occupation of Brazilian government offices.
Boff's crime:- "liberalism".
Hans Kung
Hans Kung is one of today's leading Catholic theologians. Küng, a Swiss national living in the southern German city of Tübingen, has been embroiled in an ongoing feud with church authorities for decades. As a result of his critical inquiries on the papacy, the Vatican withdrew his church authority to teach in 1979. Nevertheless, Küng, 75, is still a priest and, until his retirement in 1995, taught ecumenical theology at the University of Tübingen. As president of the Global Ethic Foundation, Küng is also an advisor to the United Nations.
his crime-
"liberalism" and arguing the "divine character of the Koran", which to Ratzinger threatened the primacy of the RC church.
german press article in english translation which touches on Kung's beliefs.,1518,348471,00.html
please read the last comments and go to all the links, and do your best to remain silent, and let the men make their decision coz it doesn't effect you.
The PDs are damned either way.
The Swiss theologian is one of many who was proscribed for "liberalism" and "ecumenism" during the last papacy. the specific crime he committed was to question "papal infallibiliy" in 1979.
He was was a theological adviser to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) called by John XXIII.
On Monday I will wheel out the other theologians who have been silenced, and then the women of the religious orders of the RC church who have called for increased recognition of their role, and equality.
Women have played a central part in the RC church since the beginning, and the arguments about the natures of their souls (like do they have one?) has brought the princes of red silk and white smoke to many clashes with the bunch of shagging reprobates who built their best cathedrals, composed their best music, and painted their walls.
It was not till the mid-XIX century "common era" that such clashes finally brought about the doctrine of "papal infalibility" over an argument of what happened to one of the "Mary characters" in the text. As you'll not have noticed too much, there were a lot of marys, women were in the text all along, and hung out with, comforted, fed, loved and lived with the man himself.
And He made a point of not telling them they were dirty big sinners with no souls, or refusing their offers of a cup of tea. Yet apart from sister Judit who runs the vatican website, there are no nuns on display. Even old mother teresa of calculta who gave diana of cymru a run for her money, hasn't been made a saint yet, and she was *really* conservative.
The cows of Europe survive on subsidies of 4eu a day. The poor of Africa and South America subsist on 1 euro a day. The cows of Europe get quality medical vaccines, the poor of Africa and South America get nothing. The cows of Europe get milked daily if they are of the dairy type, and fed daily if they are of the beef type. The poor of Africa and south America get fucked.
The cows don't go to heaven.
The poor of Africa and South America do.
But *only* if they don't use condoms, don't take up arms, don't go "gay", or don't commit the fatal error of liberalism, socialism, anarchism, or examining the stone work.
Am I making myself clear?
.:. have we made ourselves clear? .:.
o as if -we have- sofia
there's a lovely cave in the Lebanon awaiting chance discovery.
I've been carefully vetted, and will be on side to provide tea and special relief.
How dare you insult the flower of European womanhood in this manner !!!
has joined the Louvre in allowing the US/French movie-makers to shoot scenes from the pulp fiction best-seller which brought the P.:.S and O.:.T to the attention of people (mostly women) globally, and even more of the brudahs seem to be spilling beans.
For those who haven't read the book, Rosslyn is significant because a big star of david has been worn into the floor by people through the millenial history of our civilisation, and that's where the characters discover they're both merrovinginvanjans and it's really cool coz by then they're in love and shagging and stuff after all the adrenaline of escaping Opus Dei and the nasty swiss bank staff.
anyone explain to us non-initiates what's going on in secret society land? They seem to have made some sort of collective decision to either bring a lot of stuff out in the open or obscure it all the more?
What will this do conspiracy theories?
will we be learning more about JFK & Elvis?
do masons use condoms, it didn't allude to them in the blockbusters?,,2090-1573158,00.html
the threat as he sees it :-
"from Marxism to free-market liberalism to even libertarianism, from collectivism to radical individualism, from atheism to a vague religious mysticism, from agnosticism to syncretism and so forth."
the complete speech is here :-
the excerpts are on global commercial media.
so there you go, with Joe ratziner you're all damned.
liberals, free marketers, collectivists, individualists, atheists, vague mystics, agnostics, women who've had abortions, gays, poor people who use condoms,
and syncretics*.
In fact if you're not in Opus Dei,
you're damned,
and let's get really scary about it.
only 144,000 members of Opus Dei are going to get through the raptourous door to heaven if Joe Ratzinger or his appointee get voted in.
*syncretics is a dig at the harry potter crew.
= look it up on wikipedia.
Now if we weren't facing a Europe where good Opus Dei catholics march with falangists and vote for Haider and talk about the need for another strong leader on the radio/telly and end to the reds, this would seem laughably old fashioned, and if a good few million americans weren't waiting on the angel of the Lord Bush to bring plastic Jesus into Jerusalem from Baghdad on a UFO and them into heavenly rapture, it would be hilarious.
But I'm not laughing.