Dissent Dublin are having a planning meeting on Sat 23rd at 2 O Clock in the Teachers Club 36 Parnell square. Come along if you want to travel with us to the G8 protests in Scotland this July or if you want to help organise activity here at home. There will be details of travel arrangements and what sort of protests will be taking place in Scotland before we work out how we will slot into these. Don't just come to listen - come to take part.
Comments (6 of 6)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6Dissent bus details are at http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=69365
It looks like our friends in Scotland are getting exactly the same sort of Media Mayhem that we got in Dublin last years. Yesterdays (British) Sunday Times ran with
'Inside the secret world of anarchists preparing for G8 summit'
"A REMOTE farm in the Lanarkshire countryside was transformed last weekend into a city of well laid-out army tents and marquees resembling a military encampment.
The military aspect was no accident. This was a “war summit”, where about 300 anarchists — some dressed in urban guerrilla garb in freezing temperatures — had gathered to draw up plans to paralyse Scotland during the G8 meeting at Gleneagles in July."
Come a long and hear what was really discussed in Scotland.
Come to the next Dissent Dublin planning meeting
on Sat 23rd at 2 O Clock in the Teachers Club 36 Parnell square
Make sure you get along if you arein Dublin and thinking of going to the G8 protests in Scotland
This will be a big meeting at a lot of stuff is coming up. Suggestions for the Agenda
1. Report back from festival of Dissent gathering in Scotland. See mad media story on this at http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1571447,00.html
2. The buses - two buses are booked and tickets are available - bring along at least 30 euro as a deposit to be sure of a place. We also need to collectively agree what the exact travel arrangements are so anyone going with Dissent should get along.
3. Dissent and the May Day weekend - lots on over the weekend from the Trade Union march and Stand up for Your Rights action on the Saturday afternoon, the anarchist picnic in the Phoenix park on Sunday May 1st and the Reclaim the Streets on the Monday. People involved in Dissent are involved in all these events, in particular the RTS
4. Bringing over a 'Street Medic' medic team for a workshop in advance of the G8
5. Whether we want to form an Irish camp at the convergence center and if we do delegating a team to set this up.
Suggest additional items for the agenda below and I'll collect them together for Saturday.
I'm not able to make the dissent meeting on the 23rd but I'd like to forward some thoughts around having an 'Irish barrio' in the Dissent rural convergence space during the G8.
Dissent are anticipating around 10,000 people at the convergence space for the week of Dissent 4th-10th July so it's a lot of logistics to sustain folk participating in creative protest & action.( water, food, toilets, power, etc...)
The logistics (not to mention decision making) will be much more manageable if the camp is organised into smaller units. At the moments it's looking like the convergence space will be organised along a 'barrio'/'neighbourhood' system, (similar to the No
Borders Camp in Strasbourg a few years back & the Anamasse camp during the G8 in Evian).
It's looking at the minute that the barrio's will be hinged around kitchens... As food is always a natural convergence -a good time for discussion decision making etc...
After some discussion at & after the Festival of Dissent, the Belfast Food Not Bombs crew are proposing an 'irish barrio'. Hinged around a kitchen to feed between 300-500 hungry activists. We're excited about this & would really like other people around the country to come onboard.
I think this could be good for Ireland for a number of reasons:
It's an opportunity for people from Ireland to participate in Action against the G8 in something larger than an affinity group. Strengthening our 'movement' not just around the G8 but beyond by working & playing together.
The logistical side of things food, accom, etc. was not our strongest points last year during Mayday/Ambush & we could learn a lot from working with folk from other parts of europa with more experience in this field.
An 'irish bario' is an opportunity to showcase the kinda things we are good at in Ireland bring our own politics to the event & give people a chance better networked with what's going on in Ireland.
Setting up an irish bario will take a lot of work (& will probably be a lot of fun). Some stuff we could work on:
(In Ireland)
Scheming to come up with what we'd like to bring to our bario.
A begging/borrowing/blagging crew, to obtain all the miscellaneous stuff we'd need to create an amazing bario, (cooking equip, marquees, glittery stuff etc...)
Wheels to transport all our miscellaneous stuff to Scotland.
raising some Evil money to buy stuff we can't beg/borrow/blag pay for transport etc...
(& then in June in Scotland)
a crew of people to set it all up & help out with general site stuff & learn about power plumbing & dig holes to pooh in etc.
If your excited about this & can't make it along to the meeting in Dublin send me a mail...
I was in Genoa 4 years ago & there was an Irish 'bario' or whatever you want to call it on the campsite in a small park about 20 minutes walk from the convergence space.
There were three areas - socialist, anarchist, and 'gluaiseacht'.
Think of all the micro-left bitching you get here on Indymedia - and magnify it ten-fold in a fairly cramped living space with minimal facilties. Add in pressure from police, tense political differences, over-familiarity with some of your crew, fatigue, inverse snobbery, blame games and alcohol. Mix well and stir constantly until boiling point.
I think having an Irish 'bario' is a bad idea. You end up not mixing with other nationalities, you spend the time with people you already know - and any existing personality differences you might have with people on your bus inevitably erupt at some point.
there will be a 2 day intensive clown training workshop in dublin in june. courtesy of the fabulous clandestine insurgent rebel clown army ( circa). date to be announced.
brilliant for affinity group building, trust forming, awareness plus it's loads of fun.
details at this sat meeting the teacher's club 2 pm.
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