IRSP: Condemnation of Justice Minister's Record
The IRSP joins with others from within the progressive community of Ireland in calling for refugees' affairs to be taken out of the hands of the Justice Minister and turned over to an independent body that demonstrates a genuine concern for the welfare of refugees and a respect for human rights.
IRSP: Condemnation of Justice Minister's Record
3 April 2005
Irish Republican Socialist Party
International Department
Condemnation of Justice Minister's Record on Refugees
The Irish Republican Socialist Party's International Department condemns the government of the 26 counties' Justice Minister, Michael McDowell, for his callous handling of the rights of refugees and his recent deportations of vulnerable members of the Nigerian community in Ireland, as well as those from other communities.
The IRSP joins with others from within the progressive community of Ireland in calling for refugees' affairs to be taken out of the hands of the Justice Minister and turned over to an independent body that demonstrates a genuine concern for the welfare of refugees and a respect for human rights.
The IRSP learned from Residents Against Racism about the case of Jasper Mordi, who was taken from his home in Kilkenny and deported to Nigeria, and whose life is now endangered because he had been prominent in opposition to human rights abuses in there, to provide but one example. Jasper Mordi must be returned to Ireland, where his life will not be placed in jeopardy, and there must be no more deportations of the kind represented by his case.
The IRSP recognise that for over two centuries the Irish people have distributed themselves around the globe in a diaspora brought about by the emigration of those seeking to escape political repression, religious persecution, poverty, hunger, and terror. These Irish refugees found asylum, opportunity, and protection in nations around
the world, without which hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, would have faced torture, imprisonment, starvation, and death. The Irish government should be ashamed, given this reality of our national history, by the policies pursued by the Justice Minister today.
Moreover, the people of Ireland must provide a welcome to those seeking to escape political repression, human rights abuses, and poverty, as the Irish have traditionally sought elsewhere for
themselves when confronted with similar ills.
Irish Republican Socialist Party
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9those bastions of justice that is the irsp,tell me again which paramilitary do they represent again? INLA was it not?
By Bastions of Justice i take it you mean drug dealing scumbags!! Unfortunately i think the in-laws were set up for the right reasons by good people but they have been infiltrated by criminals out for themselves and not 'the cause'!! Pity about all the factions. A divided front is no good to anybody!!
The IRSP should disband and their members should integrate with some of the other left groups
I never heard so much shite in all my days!
Again, if anyone of you who take the time to add to the debate and information carried on this site know of, heard of, or witnessed anyone involved in the IRSM either directly or indirectly in any shape or form, with any of the rubbish rolled out and spined by the state, its media and the liberal left (who seem to listen to such bull with ease) then I would urge you to contact any member of the IRSP.
The IRSP in Dublin details are:
Irish Republican Socialist Party
PO Box 10081, Dublin 1, IRELAND
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0876 320 323
If not, then take the info distributed by the irps like i do, as it stands as positive republican socialist working class politics. You don't help indymedia by adding feul to the fire of state propaganda such as the sad comments made following the IRSP post.
The IRSP are correct to point out that the power to have people deported should be in the hands of an independent body, not a right wing politician who will undoubtedly manipulate the race card in order to boost his profile and seek re-election. All too often these people create a climate of fear against immigrants and then exploit it to be seen as tackling a problem with a firm hand.
Such a situation has the potential to lead to serious race relations problems in this country, and the possible creation of a radical right wing and should be opposed by all moral and progressive people no matter what their political allegiance.
While there have undoubtedly been those who over the years have dragged the name of the RSM through the mud, there have been others who set a high standard, such as Michael Devine, patsy O Hara , Ronnie Bunting...just to name a few.
The Irps are as entitled to voice their analysis here as anyone. Anything they have posted has been worthwhile, whether it was in support of Seamus Doherty or the Turkish death fasters.
Unfortunately despite their best efforts, the tag of criminality has been indelibly etched into the public consciousness when the IRSP are mentioned. This is extremely sad when one considers their sacrifices in the past, as well as their often worthwhile and thoughtful analysis of contemporary radical issues.
Maybe time will tell if the RSM project can be transformed into another progressive vehicle, or maybe not. At the end of the day its up to their own membership. Unity among republican and radical groups, especially in opposition to the GFA would be a welcome departure. Id like to hear the Irps views on this subject as well.
I would agree with barry and add that IMO an important aspect of the indymedia project is the idea that the news matters as much as the person who contributes it. I will defend my right to make up names to post under, but respect those who establish a voice.
While there is no way to seperate text fully from its context, we do not need an authoritative voice to tell us what to think of something. Those who greet reasonable statements on a topic with attacks on the poster but not the content of the post are just replicating the media hierarchies that are designed to prevent us communicating with each other. A radical republican reclaiming of the migration debate, to talk about rights of residence, franchise etc but also links with and ties to the originating culture / location would be a good read. I don't read it on Indymedia cos when those people come along they get drowned out by repetition of allegations that I have heard loads of times before. Someone is telling me what to think and read.
But can I suggest Barry that this thread should stay on republicanism and migration and discussion of issues relating to the poster should all be discussed elsewhere (on this site)
isn't that a better topic than 'A [slogan for today] of Equals'
For a long time every single post I made here was derailed by references to the Omagh bombing. Instead of being able to debate a political subject all i got was abuse. Ironically one of the few people who engaged in rational debate within its proper context, and without personal abuse was Al the guard.
Its one thing taking the mickey, but a person should be able to make a serious political point without being told they arent entitled to speak because of their political background.
Anyway, without derailing the point of this thread any further, its a scandal that the powers of deportation are in the hands of politicians full stop. These people are only interested in tomorrows headlines and a catchy soundbite. This is disastrous when it comes to making decisions which affect a persons or familys entire future.
This issue should be decided upon by an independent and accountable body. We have witnessed a young student being deported in the middle of his exams, and then let back because of public pressure. This means that had his classmates and friends been uncaring or racist, the young lad would have been forgotten about. That is simply a half arsed system and totally inappropriate for deciding on peoples futures.
Today a young mans future has been saved by good people. What will happen should bad people decide to campaign on immigration ? A populist politician will just go whatever way the winds blowing at the time. Thats a recipe for right wing disaster.
I wonder why a poster would waste time denouncing what they consider a 'micro' group when the very real issue of injustice is at hand!?
You need to seriously sort out your priorities. It may be trendy in middle class liberal-left-socialist-anarchist circles to denounce the irps (just as it is trendy in said groups to mock working class accents) but that will not advance the cause of human liberation.
...because having so many organisations virtually identical to each other means the left is badly fragmented and easily divided, that's why.
Unity is strength, as the old saying goes.