Independent Media Centre Ireland

Give Us Our Day To Mourn Bertie

category dublin | consumer issues | news report author Thursday April 07, 2005 19:51author by The Sneerside People

Scenes Of Mourning World Wide

The Polish-born pope, who died Saturday at the age of 84, also had considered the possibility of a funeral in Poland, but later left the decision up to the College of Cardinals, which decided to have him buried under St. Peter’s Basilica on Friday after a funeral in the square.

Pope John Paul II suggested in his last testament that he considered the possibility of resigning in 2000, when the Roman Catholic Church began its new millennium and he turned 80, according to the document released Thursday.

Meanwhile the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has rejected calls for the declaration of a national day of mourning for the Pope.

Several countries throughout the world have declared official mourning periods and Mr Ahern has been coming under pressure to also do so in Ireland. Such a move would see all workers being given a public holiday to mark the death of John Paul II.

In Dundrum Shopping Centre today a dispute arose in the grocery section as several carrots and assorted vegetables held a silent protest to mourn the Pope's death.

Sheila McSpud, who is believed to be a leader in the dispute said:

"The death of the Holy Pontiff has caused serious anguish in grocery sections up and down the country. We find it absolutely insulting that the taoiseach will not facilitate us in our sorrow. It is quite clear just who he represents, and that is not the vegetables of Ireland who never even had a say in his election. Instead he has proven himself as siding with the owners and business classes. The Pope should come before profit.'

In ruling out the move today, Mr Ahern said this week was being treated as a period of mourning and he hoped employers would facilitate staff who wished to attend church services or other commemorations.





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author by georgepublication date Thu Apr 07, 2005 20:10author address author phone

don't give up the day job, thats if you have one, I'm not at all religious but your attempt at humour is pathetic, by the way I dont support a day of mourning but I also dont agree with a pitcure of the deceased pope being on a web site with thrash like this, get a life author, I hope it brings you the luck you deserve

author by Blah Boypublication date Thu Apr 07, 2005 21:22author address author phone

Attemps at satire are a perfectly vailid form of expression.

Even if they are as 'pathetic' as you think.

author by amandapublication date Thu Apr 07, 2005 21:39author address author phone

I think calling it satire is a bit generous, its in bad taste and a very poor effort at satire, think the writer could put a bit more thought into this sort of thing, the problem with this site is that any old shite can get on it, I suppose I'm worse to be even justifing it with a comment, People are also entilted to be critical as well as its also a form of expression

author by DRABpublication date Thu Apr 07, 2005 21:44author address author phone

Yeah, I cant believe you're laughing, you're sense of humour is pathetic. My sense of houmour is much better; I don't laugh.

author by Carrot Headpublication date Thu Apr 07, 2005 22:56author address author phone

The photos of the protesting carrots were kind of amusing...

author by Joepublication date Thu Apr 07, 2005 23:24author address author phone

I read the headline as 'Give us a day to mourn Bertie' rather than 'Give us a day to mourn - Bertie"

author by authorpublication date Thu Apr 07, 2005 23:46author address author phone

What a load of bollocks.


Now that's a expressing yourself.

But I wonder is it valid?

Is it satire?

Or is it a load of wanky students with nothing better to do.



Good day to you all.

author by Phil Hearsepublication date Fri Apr 08, 2005 01:09author address author phone

Very amusing!

author by .publication date Fri Apr 08, 2005 02:22author address author phone


Gets better with every comment.

author by SMpublication date Fri Apr 08, 2005 14:23author address author phone

With the recent total saturation and sensational coverage of the death of one insignificant man, its about time some one took the piss!
do be so feckin' serious....
dont forget vegetables have feelings too.... and rights!

Solidarity with the vegetables!

Viva La Vegetablés!! Viva, Viva!!

author by Guntherpublication date Fri Apr 08, 2005 16:11author address author phone

Whajt are tjhese objects being? This is very rude to the Pope RIP and they are looked like they sexing tools. Very not good and silly.

author by bonniepublication date Fri Apr 08, 2005 16:14author address author phone

Everyone knows the pope was a radish.
Red and white.
What have carrots got to do with it?
Orange B*****d's!

author by examinerpublication date Fri Apr 08, 2005 22:53author address author phone

By the sacred left bollock of the Pope! You lot are a dour humourless bunch. Reminds me of a certain other bunch of dogmatists who were in mourning in 1953.

Mr. Vegetable man, I salute you - as a fellow photographer of vegethromorphic scenes (I kid you not) this made me laugh out loud.

I hope we'll see these brave veggies take up the cases of the issues of the day!

To hell with the naysayers! (They'll probably meet auld JP Mk.II down there anyway, so they'll be happy enough).

Or maybe they'll meet the thousands of Africans who dared use contraception in definace of his Holiness?

author by letters and numberspublication date Fri Apr 08, 2005 22:53author address author phone

The €U opposed the U$A on the introduction of GM organisms (mostly sold and developed by U$ based biotech corps) to the third world as a "final solution" to hunger, on the grounds that an unproven science biased by speculative investment could and might do untold and irreversible damage to the global ecosystem.

The Vatican through its head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Renato Martino, (also the man who offered Saddam a fair trial with Vatican help despite him being dead years and all) surprised everyone on one of the most basic concepts of the .:. books. Only the Divine architect and creator makes things. Like you do what you want with the turkey baster and stuff, but at the end of the day, if it comes together thats the divine architect's job. And if you're a silly monkey you don't go improving on that especially if you can only remember a few thousand years of coherent forgery.

So in a way, the carrots make a point.
3rd world food poverty will end when 1st world business and national interests see it as their responsibility as brothers and sisters to share the resources denied them. Water - Food - Vaccines Development.

any silly monkey ought see that.

The RC church in 2003 "when Karol was weakening month by month" and U$A GM "organisms":-
some links.
write a postcard to the conclave, ask them what Joseph Ratzinger has told them to say. They'll know who you're talking about. Your postcard will get through.

.:. if you don't know how a soul gets in a monkey dont think you can make a seed .:.
.:. if you don't know how a soul gets in a monkey dont think you can make a seed .:.

author by Confusedpublication date Fri Apr 08, 2005 23:32author address author phone

Ok call me heartless but what is there to mourn? The pope lived a long and illustrious life and lived to the ripe old age of 84.

I thought mourning was reserved for those who die tragically or 'before their time'.

Anyway shouldn't it be a celebration, like according to the pope himself he should be dancing in heaven right about now - Funk Soul Brother.

Or maybe Ive missed something.........

author by JP McManuspublication date Sat Apr 09, 2005 01:14author address author phone

and whats with these scurrulous insituations and undertones? do you imply that that swimmer's are vegetables - just look at that last image. How dare you. hmph

author by grinning awaypublication date Sat Apr 09, 2005 16:28author address author phone

seriously this made my day, sitting here thinking of the random people finding those carrots on the way to work . . . and the socialist worker carrot BRILLIANT.

author by pollen distribution - mary mary quite contrary how does your garden grow?publication date Sat Apr 09, 2005 17:19author address author phone

The United States Agriculture Department, which imposed the fine of $375,000 for contaminating seeds with an unapproved variety of genetically-modified corn. The U$AD say its dangerous to humans. Syngenta say it isn't dangerous to humans. Syngenta is the world leader in crop protection and ranks third in the commercial seeds market. -The company makes products that help farmers fight weeds, fungi and pests.-
It was formed in 2000 by the merger of the agrochemicals divisions of AstraZeneca and Novartis.
-It employs about 19,000 people in more than 90 countries. -Net profit in 2004 after exceptional items soared by 84 per cent to $460 million

Meanwhile on the other side of the garden the Spanish have watched with increasing wonder the death of their bees, estimated at 290million in the last year, due to a vicious little creature - Varroa mite (Varroa jacobsoni) many millions of bee colonies globally are falling prey to this little critter. Syngenta also develop crop spray to control the various mites, fungi and bacteria that prey on bees. But for reasons of R&D cost effectiveness the effect of their GM products on bee health or the phenomenal recent added aggresiveness of those tiny litle Varroa mites has not been studied.
Bees are wonderful little creatures they may fly many kilmetres to find and mix pollen spreading their evil mites all over the isolated by 200 metre GM crops in the way. It is way past time therefore that in the name of Science and Progress we urged all children to finally kill the bees.

chanting as they do-

"Cost effectiveness"
"non-conclusive evidence"
"net profit and contribution to job creation"
"to be regretted"
"data not available at this time".

author by iosafpublication date Thu Apr 06, 2006 00:41author address author phone

He was a very twentieth century person.
He lived in times when personal action was customarily subsumed to ......
living lies at home and on the street.
reading lies and watching lies.
Hopefully he did really sincerely believe
the good things of his tradition that he seemed
so well to fit as a leader.

Karol Wotyla

may the lord have mercy on your soul.

chanting as they do-

"Cost effectiveness"
"non-conclusive evidence"
"net profit and contribution to job creation"
"to be regretted"
"data not available at this time".

Thou shallt not kill nor make war! + bong boing + bong boing +
Thou shallt not kill nor make war! + bong boing + bong boing +

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