Video: No Lager - Nowhere
Right on time for the heated phase of mobilization for April 2nd, 2005, the second European action day, a new film was finished that focusses on international resistance against refugee camps and deportation prisons. “No Lager – Nowhere” is a European Co-production, German/English, 39 minutes, Berlin 2005.
A preview of the video you see here:
“Freedom of movement – Right to stay” is the title of the second European Action Day as agreed upon during the last European Social Forum in London in September 2004. For the first action day on January 31st, 2004 already many parallel protest actions and demonstrations against the respective local camps and prisons took place in almost 50 European cities. For April 2nd 2005 a focus on protests against camps is expected.
From the film description:
“Camps for refugees and migrants - everywhere in Europe you can find these places, that cannot be found on any usual map. Camps aim on exclusion and deterrement, and serve as a filter for the labourmarkets. Camps create a hierachy of rights and represent a cornerstone of global apartheid. It is time to draw new maps, maps of resistance:
to tear down the visible and invisible fences and walls, in each case to attack all lagers and detentions by any means necessary. The film documents various experiences and actions from eight countries: an accusation of testimonies on one hand, but mainly a patchwork of resistance, which should encourage and inspire to intensify and to transnationalise the struggles against the lagerregimes.”
The institutionalizing as well as the internationalizing of the camp regime seems to advance instopably, the camps located in the new eastern memberstates of the EU and even in Lybia show openly the character of current European migration politics. With this background it seems even more important to internationalize counter-publicity as well as protests and resistance against “the universe of camps and deportation prisons”. The film is thought to be a contribution to show the European dimension of camps as part of a global migration regime, secondly it is supposed to support exchange and mutual inspiration of initiatives and networks, practizing resistance on different levels.
Quicktime Version – 39min – 139Mb
Higher Quality DivX Version (.avi)- 341Mb (suitable for full screen public screenings
Further information:
"No Lager - Nowhere". 39 Min., Berlin 2005, VHS or DVD, english or german Version
order: KMII/AG3F - Hanau, Metzgerstr. 8, 63450 Hanau, Email: [email protected]
Sent a donation, 5 to 10 Euro, to the following bank account:
Hagen Kopp, Stichwort "nolager", Postbank Frankfurt, Kontonr: 469921607, BLZ: 50010060
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Jump To Comment: 1Switzerland (according to the PDs slightly poorer that Ireland) has just closed its asylum seeker camps.
Since scrapping financial aid for people whose asylum requests have been rejected, hundreds of asylum seekers are reported to have gone underground. The Swiss underground is pretty much the same as the Irish underground, except the station names are in gaeilge and it came in slightly just below about 250 million Eu above over and beyond budgetary expectations "to be regretted".
Earlier this month the Federal Court said asylum seekers whose requests had been ruled inadmissible and who refused to cooperate with the authorities were still eligible for emergency assistance. Those who did qualify for assistance are eligible for 350eu a month and may work but only at certain jobs, but a partnership has joined several issues together. for details read this comment link-
Mainstream parties in the small country driven by religious differences, and the problems of educating young people to work on the sub atomic particle accelerator and other related physical science areas have also observed a sharp drop in what is termed "grass-roots" votes.
We will do our best for those asylum seekers
and welcomed migrants to the Union and hinterlands who chose to go "underground".
"we budgeted for ye".