Socialist Green Unity Coalition
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news report
Thursday February 24, 2005 14:08
by socialist / green alternative

Socialist Green Unity Coalition set to launch electoral challenge to New Labour in Britain
On Saturday 26 February, at 1.45 pm at the University of London Union, a coalition of socialist organisations and trade unionists will be coming together to launch a joint campaign against Blair in the looming general election.
The coalition, which will be contesting up to 30 seats, will put forward a socialist/green alternative to the right-wing policies of privatisation, war and environmental destruction offered by both the major parties and the Liberal Democrats too.
Participating organisations in the Colition are: the Socialist Party, Alliance for Green Socialism, Alliance for Workers Liberty, Socialist Alliance Democracy Platform, and the Socialist Unity Network
A joint policy declaration has been agreed between the participating organisations, including the following key issues: (note, please go to link for the full election manifesto)
A stop to, and reversal of, privatisation
Immediate re-nationalisation of the railways
A fully funded NHS, free to all at the point of need, with an end to privatisation and cuts.
Universal state pensions linked to the higher of prices and earnings, with its value restored accordingly.
A fully funded comprehensive education system.
The abolition of all student tuition fees – free, high quality education for all.
Troops out of Iraq. End the occupation. No more wars for oil. Support Iraqi workers in their struggles to build and defend independent trade unions and working class political representation.
Defend the right to asylum, and asylum seekers’ rights.
Urgent action to combat global warming and catastrophic worldwide climate change.
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