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Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

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offsite link News Round-Up Tue Mar 18, 2025 01:36 | Richard Eldred
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offsite link How Does Gender Ideology End Up Everywhere? Mon Mar 17, 2025 19:00 | Caroline Ffiske
All it took for the Department of Health to add a question on gender identity to the form reporting a child's death was one email. This is how gender ideology gets everywhere, says Caroline Ffiske.
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Bush 2 has arrived in Brussels to talk to the EU.

category international | eu | other press author Sunday February 20, 2005 21:47author by frying other fish Report this post to the editors

lets go back to the familiar games eh?

“And I like to talk about him about well, why did you do this, or why did you do that? And I suspect he likes to ask me the same questions,”

“We’ve got the framework for a good strategic relationship… I think this relationship can be invigorated,”

“Look, I think the biggest success would be twofold: one, an understanding of the war – the world we live in and the war on terror.”

“Now, the enemy hit us and .... They hit us in a gruesome way, and...

the missing word is "russia".

And so Mr bush spoke exclusively to Russian media organs in prelude to his meeting Vladimar Putin at Bratislava on the 24th of Feb 2005.


Julia, the PM of the Ukraine has been continuing work on basic rights for the Ukrainian peoples whose first strategic allies are the Russians.

She is hoping that their previous rights to work, a pension, health and hearing aids will continue.

Though Mr Putin is finding it hard dealing with what his communications minister described as "provacateurism" with increasing thousands of both students and pensioners demanding those rights of the new captialist friendly russian state.

Julia has expressed her wish to lead the Ukraine into a EU membership by the year 2016, and hopes that by then, the lebensraum / grande armée crew will have got a constitution together she and her peers can consider worthy of Ludwig can Beethoven.

You all know the hymnsheet.
It's going to take you a while to get it right.

Meanwhile, thousands protested Mr Bush as he arrived in Brussels where the EU HQ stands in the former Luxembourg station, because they think he's a wanker.

Mr Bush has come to build bridges.
"pontes" in romanic languages.
Only a week after he appointed negroponte to the new post 911 role of chief intelligence digest reader. This role will mean Mr Negroponte must daily read 15 conflicting reports from 15 conflicting agencies with a combined budget of 27,000,000,000$ (excluding the revenues on patents for velcro).

This more than exceeds the annual cost of providing to the poorest of our fellow brothers and sisters of the planetary community, vaccines, water, sanitation, schooling, and decent nuclear arms.

Mr Bush will use his visit to Europe as an opportunity to remind us he is relevant.

and in the spirit of respecting democracy he will e happy to see thousands of people waving "Bush the world finds you responsible" banners.

Though he might giggle, as John Negreponte is now held to be responsible by 15 US very resentful spooky agencies varying from the familiar CIA (drop concrete blocks form airplanes) to the familiar FBI (caught Hopkins and put him ina a cage) to the familiar NSA (use over 50% of the state of Maryland's electricity) to the not so familiar MIB (very good special effects) and the Black Helicopters (use a lot of paint - don't like cows).

And Bush is probably unaware that his (Np's) deletion was sanctioned yesterday without too much fuss. {gurb mile maith agat. plausible deniabilty on that one.}

So what can we expect of the new relationship?

Well Mr Bush is looking east.
Mr Bush hasn't come to talk spanish.
And right now spanish isn't that popular in sneeky belgium, (Belgium is so full of sneakydom that even NATO / OTAN tippy toppy types won't tell the truth there) so honestly we can't expect much from this @ all.

the last 24 hours have meant moving and shaking in the old structures of "€uropa" and the internal repercussions will mean "being charming to ma cherie Connie" just don't cut the ice anymore.

Mr Bush will attend on behalf of the "free world" a commemoration of the "Great Patriotic War" when many millions of Russians, Ukranians,Baltics, Georgians, and others joined to fight fascism and nazism (though ordered by Stalin) we can be pretty sure most died having thought about God.


Luxembourg who hold the EU presidency aren't as sneeky as Belgium or Brussels or even the French and will be sort of decent to Mr Bush when they meet him. Consult your local pro-U$ pro €U for trite cliché reporting.

"never forget who you wear that -umpire's_ hat for".
(thats a ukranian play on words)

author by Q&Apublication date Mon Feb 21, 2005 13:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Q. what has Bush said?
A. Europe needs to be strong.
Q. how that work then?
A. american style democracy.
Q. who agrees?
A. Pressie ZP has just said Spain has helped Europe be strong by the weakest vote in history.
Q. who has Bush met?
A. NATO /OTAN the strong boys of Europe.
Q. what happens next?
A. tomorrow he makes a joint statement with the team over in Luxembourg.
Q. who are they?
A. Pressie Junky and lux crew.
Q. what else happens?
A. tomorrow Pressie Junkie will be joined by José Manuel Barroso and Javier Solana and then as a side dishie he'll meet Viktor Yuchenko who Julia (my beloved) is flying in from the Ukraine.
Q. why?
A. he's due for treatment for the agent orange poisoning which he recieves regularly in Switzerland, and once he's in Europe it seems a good idea to keep him off side visiting people.
Q. what will he have to say?
A. nothing untutored. He will do his best to allay fears that the radical plans of my beloved Julia will not upset either the Russians or Free market strong people.
Q. is the Ukraine more important than ever we thought?
A. yes. thats why I chose it as my first article here with the magic letters "rts" 3 years ago.
Q. are we going to win?
A. yes. we can't lose.
Q. will we live happily ever after?
A. sorry we're out of time.


author by wireless headspublication date Mon Feb 21, 2005 14:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

to live streaming of people shouting "you're a wanker" in French and Flemish at Mr bush.


if Bush was so strong he wouldn't need to say it all the time.
if Bush was so strong he wouldn't need to say it all the time.

author by iosaf O as If sofiapublication date Tue Feb 22, 2005 14:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

George Bush Junior, Deo Gratia, 43rd president of the United States of America, established by the treaty of Paris signed between Washington Jefferson and others and representatives of the Crown of Great Britain and Ireland the year Mozart went trivilous, in his opening "cringe cringe I know you don't like me, but I'm strong, look at me, I'm strong!" address in the Nobel hall of Brussels to a bunch of josés of Europa.

.... I suppose he can walk on the Atlantic now as well?

a road map.
a road map.

author by seeing the lightpublication date Tue Feb 22, 2005 21:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Bush is not a wanker, nor is he a wookie.
He is an angel of God. He is the witness.
He is the number one servant of the forces of universal light.
suggested new slogans for the movement-

Bush is an ANGEL!
Bless us mister B!
I want to be as good as you George Bush!

author by iosafpublication date Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Angel of the Lord, George Bush touched down the conventionally way (using Air force 1) at exactly 09h43 on the runway of Germany to meet Mr Shroeder (big man doesnt say much).

earlier at 08h14 The chancelor went to meet his big wigs re-assure them of their independence and start to wait for the Angel of the Lord, the Scourge of the unrightous, the Messiah of the Road Map, George Bush pressie 43 of the USA.

at 10h53 a small but very voiceful group of protesters entered the precint of the meeting with plackards which were broadcast live on TV which read-
"Bush - Mörder Nr.1" this is is a reference to the Angel of the Lord's cameo part in the movie Lord of the Rings.

at 11h10 the wives posed for the photo.
on the left is Mrs Chancellor.
and on the right is Mrs America.

link to pre-summit protest photos, you will not the protesters are ashamed of their faces and have little black lines over their eyes this is because they do not want to see the light.

does your husband say much? of course he does he's the Angel of the Lord!
does your husband say much? of course he does he's the Angel of the Lord!

author by -publication date Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors


Related Link: http://www.de.indymedia.org/2005/02/107739.shtml
author by iosaf - (never was really an angelic type was I?) very guilty me.publication date Wed Feb 23, 2005 22:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

a strong turn-out to mock the angel of the Lord as he prepares for his crucifixtion tomorrow, in the city of Bratislava which comrade (you need dinero gratis) Vladimar Putin chose for the summit.

On account of it having a russian style flag and still boasting a few old soviet death ray underground installations from the cold war period. Slovakia doesn't have an indymedia, but people with attac austria and slovak greenpeace (Beatrix and Juraj) are working on it. and they are under my and your (=our) protection.
meanwhile you can look here-

Here are photos of the protest in Germany today against the Angel of the lord, the scourge of the unrightous, the Messiah of the Roadmap, mister 43,
Young germans compared the Angel of the Lord to Hitler today, which just goes to show they've no idea of history. Meanwhile the russians are the bad guys, aren't they?


well just to show you they do appreciate history they also protested against neo Nazi's in Berlin today. And on a personal note, can I say how impressed I was in the run-up to the Shoah Holocaust "where's George Soros" gig this year, to meet a young berliner girl with a skull and crossbones tattooed on the back of her neck with the words (in german) "our guilt". Someday her hair will grow and no-one will see it, maybe some day people in the USA will also sport tattoos of the Angel of the Lord - "he died for our sins".


the angel of the lord will invoke this symbol to urge us to pray for peace, and prosperity.
the angel of the lord will invoke this symbol to urge us to pray for peace, and prosperity.

Related Link: http://changenet.sk/
author by http://changenet.sk/publication date Thu Feb 24, 2005 14:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

After leading their prayers for the sick Pope who was hospitalised this morning, the Angel of the Lord offered a decade of the rosary to our Loady of Fatima, and reminded everyone that muslims are just as devout as the citizens of Salt Lake city but don't wash as much.
He then reminded everyone he was number 43.
Waved his hands about, and warned people on the dangers of cut and pasting un-credited obits from respected news sources.


author by the lord & ladies jedi sith of spinpublication date Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

w€ won.

Bush has gone home, the majority of media space and spin off psychological deep resonance in European media and Russia and Ukraine and Levant and Asia went to-

Bam earthquake (again).
sickly Pope (again).
Royal wedding shocker! (again).

The "build bridges tour" saw Bush behave very badly addressing three presidents in a way which broke all protocol and accepted courtesy and good manners.
It is felt he's not going to be invited again unless its completely unavoidable.

In case you missed it (the best of)-

Bush said "hola amigo que tal?" to President Zapatero in an exchange which lasted 4 seconds, and saw the first governmental contact percieved as an insult to the Spanish nation who ZP represents.

Bush was given a "handshake" by Chirac which said "restez vous au délà mon cher .:."

Bush addressed the Chancellor as "Gerhard" a complete "no-no" for germans who even have problems addressing their lovers by just first names.

Bush didn't mention the pope when photographed in Bratislava over an orthodox cross and this time lost the body language "I'll pat you on the back and guide you to your place" game with Vladimir.

The man and his administration are tailor made for US mass media consumption, he's "the regular guy", but in "old Europe" he loses, for w€ are the maestr@s of "turning it around".


author by Xpublication date Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

yesterday in Paris.

"All alliance to search for Security and Peace".

Between them these three states contribute more military and related technological and financial resources to the European Union's external policies than any other current partnership within or without NATO. They also boast (combined) the largest diplomatic networks in the world. ¿do you think the british feel left out now?

On the agenda was -

The alliance of Civilisations.
(who thinks there in and who takes too much for granted)

The Lebanon problem. (all 4 call for Syrian withdrawl revitalisation of Barcelona declaration)

The Kosovo situation where EUFOR is based.
The assistance of Europe to the Ukraine (bit of tutting about Ukraine selling Iran scuds).

The non-involvement in the illegal war on Iraq.
(never means never)

The continued presence of ISAF (international solidarity afghanistan force) in Afghanistan.
(not leaving)

The peaceful solution to any Iranian problems.
(not going to war)

The peaceful solution to Chechnyan problem.
(not ignoring it)

The peaceful solution to the USA problem.
(has to come some day) as a result of the multi-polar world of which Russia is a pole.

Today at 15 h 30 in the Book Room Paris,
a special conference called by the Federation of Rights of Man will focus on Chechnya.


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