National - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Grassroots Gathering 9
national |
anti-capitalism |
event notice
Friday February 18, 2005 18:20
by Laurence Cox - Dublin Grassroots Network
grassrootsdublin at yahoo dot com

The death of partnership - what now for grassroots activism?
Dublin Grassroots Network presents
- The death of partnership
- What now for grassroots activism?
Friday 1st of April to Sunday 3rd of April
St Nicholas of Myra community centre, Carmens Hall, off Francis St.,
Dublin 8

Across a wide spectrum of movements - from community development
to trade unions, from environmentalism to disability rights - activists
are becoming aware that partnership is not working for them. Both formal
Social Partnership as well as "partnership with a small p" - exercises in
consultation and discussion at every level of government - are becoming
top-heavy exercises which involve us in endless meetings and writing
document after document, which are then ignored completely.
This Gathering aims to bring activists from different sectors together to
compare our experiences of "the death of partnership" and to ask what our
alternatives are: "where to from here for grassroots activism?" We are
holding plenary discussions on these topics as well as a wide range of
workshops, video showings and social events designed to give activists a
chance to meet each other, swap stories, express our anger and brainstorm
on what we can do now.
Confirmed speakers and participants to date are involved in community
activism, Shannon protests, independent trade union organising, opposition
to incinerators, the women's movement, anti-racist work, the global
justice movement, community and alternative media, the project for a
social centre in Dublin and guerrilla gardening!
Grassroots Gatherings are free and open to everyone involved in or
interested in grassroots, non-hierarchical activism. Good veggie food and
childcare will be provided.
If you would like to organise a workshop, set up a stand or get involved
in some other way, contact: [email protected]
Download Poster - Detailed timetable coming soon.
Grassroots Gathering 9
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Grassroots Gathering returns to Belfast
Sep 21 2004
Belfast Grassroots Gathering weekend of October 23rd
Jul 29 2004
Grassroots Gathering 7 Cork with Revised Programme & Map
Mar 2 2004
An chéad lá de Bhealtaine i mBaile Átha Cliath!
(Grassroots Gathering call as Gaeilge)
Feb 10 2004
Grassroots mobilisation from Dublin to Shannon
Nov 14 2003,
photos from the Grassroots Gathering - historical walk around Galway city centre
Nov 10 2003
Grassroots Gathering 6 - Galway
Nov 5 2003
Grassroots Gathering in Galway
Oct 28 2003
Oct 26 2003
Grassroots Gathering Five report
Jul 1 2003,
Grassroots Gathering 5 in Dublin this Saturday
Jun 25 2003,
Grassroots Gathering 5
Jun 10 2003
people everywhere on the move - for a better world
working with and learning from nature
More info for GG 9 is to be found at
Friday 1st of April
7.00-9.30 video on the Miners strike followed by Dave Douglas,
anarchist, ex -miner, talking about his experiences during the Miners strike.
9.30-12.00 some class of a social event organised by the good Seomra
Spraoi people
Saturday 2nd of April.
All day; Kids Grassroots
10.30-12.00; Dissent G8, with Irish and Scottish Dissent
Groups, Food Not Bombs Workshop, Design Skills for Activists -stencil
making Workshop, Making a Difference Workshop, DIY Fashion -make and
do workshop
12.00-1.00; Gender Circles , female, male, transgender, other. get together and chat. with 5 min transgender? film. Irish premiere.
1.00-2.00; delicious lunch provided by Food Not Bombs
2.00-3.00; Forgotten Radical Ladies -Talk by Pauline Conroy, Stopping
Incinerators with the Ringaskiddy campaign, Grassroots and Diversity with Irish Traveller speakers , Social Centres- Getting our Own
Spaces, with Seomra Spraoi from Dublin and CAZ from Cork.
3.30-5.00 Plenary: Death of Partnership ( see above)
5.00-6.30: Dinner, thanks to the lovely Food not Bombs people and you.
6.30-7.30: Media Workshop- media to press releases, interviews dealing with hostile media etc.
Models Workshop with Cork grassroots
, Safer Communities- dealing with
sexual violence Workshop, Iraq and Palestine. Plans for Action
8.00-9.00: Gender Identity workshop with carol o' keeffe documentary "written on the soul" followed by gender spectrum discussion, Anarchist Summer Camp workshop, , Book stalls and
information stalls
Stalls on WSF, Nano Technology, EU Constitution, Palestine Support and
from RED INK books, Indymedia, Workers Solidarity Movement, etc.
9.00- 12.00; the real business of grassroots,‘networking’ over a
couple of pints, The Green Lizard, Francis St.
12.00 bedtime.
Sunday 3rd of April
All day: Kids Grassroots
11.30 –1.00: The Grassroots Network -meeting with grassroots groups around the country
2.00-3.00: Flexploitation- Video and workshop with the Independent Workers Unio
, Community Gardening; how to do it, Anarchism- what is it?,
Defendant Support, Plans for Action, DIY medicine.
3.00-4.30: Plenary: What next for Grassroots Organising? Where to next?
5.00-6.00 Closing Circle: who hosts the next gathering?
c yus there :}
download and print, then distribute
Some of the meetings listed are very odd combinations of topics
Power to the People!
They are lists of meetings at the same time - there are several meetings in each time-slot.
i'm really interested in going, but i've never been involved in anything like grassroots before, plus i'm only sixteen- should i still come along?
You bet you should come along. Grassroots Gatherings are open to anybody who is interested in building a better world from below. You don't have to be a member of anything or have been involved in any political stuff before. The workshops have a really broad range of themes and the speakers are from all sorts of different campaigns. The idea is that people can go along, hear different voices, take part in discussions and make up their own minds, rather than listening to a single 'party line'. There is also normally a big mix of different age-groups.
Looking forward to finding out how stencil design is done. See ya on Saturday morning.
though I'm sure donations would be welcome
not a commercial event
There will be a kids space all day saturday and sunday. If you know ahead of time that you are bringing a kid with you let us know, otherwise we will see you and your young ones on the day.
Feel free to bring any toys . . .
085 147 6275