Independent Media Centre Ireland

How can future 9/11's be prevented?

category international | anti-war / imperialism | opinion/analysis author Thursday January 13, 2005 20:49author by Kevin Whelehan

Now that the American campaign in Afghanistan has failed what should the Americans do?

I deplore what has occured since 9/11/2001. Thousands upon thousands of people have been murdered by American bombardment of Afghanistan where the terrorists were based but the bombing has not affected the terrorists by an iota.
We must use peaceful methods. But how?

Islamic terrorists must be stopped from killing innocent Americans again but clearly military action was doomed to fail even if Bush did not divert the war to Iraq who never had anything to do with al-Qeada.
Al-Qeada espouse the worst sort of Islamic extremism and Ossama Bin Laden has vowed to continue to attack Western targets.
The bombing of Bali and Madrid show that Ireland will one day come under attack unless the US military is forced out of Shannon.
Clearly violence does not work.
What peaceful actions can be used against Islamic terrorism? I do not believe a pull out from Iraq and an Israeli pull out from Palestine will mean an end to Islamic terrorism as the Arabs are stoked up too much to care.
How can we peacefully prevent future 9/11's?

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author by Tpublication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 22:10author address author phone

Since 9/11 was an inside job of the Bush administration and possibly of it's associates such as the UK, possibly Israel, things like 9/11 can be quite easily stopped by having real democracies, not the facades we are presented with.

A transparent and totally accountable administration would help and most critically and cruically, a free and truly independent press, free of corporate and or government control and influence. It is because it is not, that public opinion is so easily shaped and the selective history concoted by the elite governs what people know and preceive politically apart the world.

It is quite clear, that virtually the entire population of the US for instance is totally ignorant of the truly depraved and murdereous foreign policy of the USA over the past 40 years. This is also true, but to a lesser extent in Europe of the people here and of their knowledge of their respecitive governments.

Thus the elite or the professional thugs of the elite were able to pull off the 9/11 dupe and thus rob America citizens of what ever remaining civil liberties they had. Public opinion is so well manipulated and controlled there, that it was possible. While quite a few people have tried to ask questions and have pointed out the many many glaring holes and inconsistencies in the actual event and the so-called official story, in the main, unfortunately these voices are not getting heard. Or at least that should be rephrased, they are getting heard, but the mud slingling, and general apathy, passivity and lack of ability to ask questions has meant that people are not really hearing what is being said.

author by Tpublication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 22:45author address author phone

See the article at the link below, of which the first section has been extracted here:

Worker Bees and Soldier Ants: America’s Army of Fascism

Marching Boots of Mass Psychosis

Manuel Valenzuela

01/13/05 "ICH" -- It is in times of fascism rising that armies of ignorance are once more resuscitated from the bowels of a society bordering on the edge of mass psychosis. The America at the dawn of the twenty-first century is no exception, for an army of fascism is being born inside its womb, its growing power in numbers and ideology granting freedom of action to immoral despots and juntas of warmongering greed addicts. Contrived through the mass manipulation of fear and hatred, xenophobia and ignorance, searing nationalism and blind theological faith, this army represents the greatest threat to the nation, and the world.

For the rest of the article see link

Related Link:
author by Devil Dogpublication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 22:54author address author phone

How has the US campaign in Afghanistan failed? The country has a democratically elected leader and administration, much to the consternation of those in the west who thought it would nver happen.

The original writer seems to link AQ attacks with the presence of the US military or support for US actions - I must have missed the building of US bases in Bali then......

author by misepublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 01:34author address author phone

911was an inside job.


Related Link:
author by Devil Dogpublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 01:38author address author phone

Wonder what the reaction would be if I posted something similiar gloating over the deaths of dead Ba'athists and Islamonazis....not that it's an accurate depiction - the "resistance" which didn't skiddadle out of Fallujah last Nov were sent to their celestial virgin dating agency by Uncle Sam's Misguided Children.

author by Careful Readerpublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 02:13author address author phone

Care to point out an instance of someone gloating over US deaths. Aside from the "inside job" conspiracy theories (which have some plausibility but I'd still be surprised if they're true), the most offensive item is the crude cartoon supporting the Iraqi resistance against the US occupation.

author by Phil Stone - anti-Yank Frontpublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 02:41author email clan_man12000 at yahoo dot ieauthor address author phone

Jesus, are we still debating the 9-11 attack? Who gives a flying fuck?I'm sick and tired of of the endless drivel and analysis of that attack. I don't know about you, but I'm still trying to put the events of Rwanda into perspective. As an anti-American Irishman, I stand by the insurgents and people of Iraq and I stand by the Palestinians!! I'm not moved by the slaughter in New York. If I was, I'd be failing in my duty to recognise where the real evil of the world emanates from and just how casually they export it.

author by Devil Dogpublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 02:52author address author phone

Like the old kids' TV show said, if you feel so strongly, why don't you head over to Iraq and pick up an AK so you can "stand by" the Islamonazis while some "evil" Marine makes another martyr?

author by USA citizenpublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 02:58author address author phone

Bomb more terrorists. And kill these bastards who try to undermine our democracy. Simple fact is this; a dead terrorist is an inactive one. Having read this site a fair bit most of you hate the Irish terrorists so you would agree with this. Let’s get these people and wipe them out.

author by misepublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 03:51author address author phone

Is this the sort of Democracy you mean?


author by Kevin Whelehanpublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:48author address author phone

I never wrote my original article which began this discussion as an Anti-American rant.
Clearly many of you are unhinged.
One of you wrote that he doesn't give "flying fuck" about 9/11? (The comment being referred to was hidden for being abusive - ed) You don't care that religious fanatics can hijack civilian airlines and crash them into skyscrapers killing pilots, passengers, office workers, firemen and police? None of these people had anything to do with American foreign policy. They were people like you or me.
I suppose you know that 9/11 implies that religious fanatics might hijack the next cheap Ryanair flight you take on your holidays to the Canaries and divert it into a nuclear powerplant and kill millions from fallout in the resulting explosion? That's what all of us learned that terrible day.
Ossama Bin Laden and his thugs must be stopped.
The Anti-war movement believe that "War is Not the Answer" and I believe them.
I don't have any solutions but I have NEVER come across any solutions from anti-war activists in how to tackle the problem of Islamic terrorism which was brought home to everyone who believes in tolerance, freedom, peace and human rights on 9/11

author by Kevin Whelehanpublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:58author address author phone

"How has the US campaign in Afghanistan failed? The country has a democratically elected leader and administration, much to the consternation of those in the west who thought it would nver happen."

It has failed in democracy is a Western system of thought. The Afghans have a different culture and society and the solution to the Taliban should have come from their efforts not from America. I think it is racist to assume that Afghans want the same things you and I may want- capitalism, money, shopping, cinema, technology etc.
The US campaign in Afghanistan has also failed because they used violence to achieve it.
Although I disagree with you about many things I too was outraged by 9/11 which was totally evil despite what others in this discussion may be saying.

To everyone keep this discussion calm and reasonable and stop using personal insults.

author by Tatepublication date Sat Jan 15, 2005 11:56author address author phone

So where does Irish neutraility fit into the Governments plans ??? Oh no wait they are breaking a corner stone of our society - but does anyone care ??? Does anyone do anything about it ?

author by historical snippetpublication date Sat Jan 15, 2005 17:02author address author phone

"I suppose you know that 9/11 implies that religious fanatics might hijack the next cheap Ryanair flight you take"

An Aer Lingus plane was once hijacked (Late seventies/early eighties?) by a catholic priest who demanded that the "Third Secret Of Fatima" be revealed.

author by Lone Gunmanpublication date Sun Jan 16, 2005 18:28author address author phone

Forgotten the last two attempts at hijacking a Ryanair flight from Stockholm over the last year???One gave himself up in the aircraft with a handgun,most recent. And the other was intercepted at security ...

Please crash the next Ryanair flite into the Dail,Stormount,or Sellafield.Do us all af avour.

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