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Abbeyshrule activity

category national | anti-war / imperialism | opinion/analysis author Tuesday January 11, 2005 15:09author by Pipeline Report this post to the editors

Abbeyshrule airfield has been upgraded. Runway resurfaced and military style numbers painted on both ends. Looks like there are plans to extend the runway and add bigger aircraft parking areas as part of a new development as the area is now fenced off..

Anyone know what the small white planes are that fly round? They look like US military drones of some kind?

author by No 6publication date Tue Jan 11, 2005 15:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What exactly is miltary style writing? You do realise that runways are numbered so planes can see which runaway they've been cleared for landing on.

Whats more pausible that the US is using a small Irish airport to carry out excerises, or that they are in fact small plans.....

My god there are no words to describe how inane this post is.

author by Blown awaypublication date Tue Jan 11, 2005 16:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Are you sure they are not just microlights?

author by Anthony Gpublication date Tue Jan 11, 2005 22:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I notice that this post has been submitted as Opinion / Analysis. I see opinion (or vague conjecture to be more precise) but no analysis and little in the way of hard facts. All that can be reasonably read from this post is that some construction and redevelopment is ongoing at the airport. No information has been presented that might lead the reader to conclude that the US military are engaged in activites at Abbeyshrule. Reports such as this can't expect to be taken very seriously unless they are accompanied by detailed fact and preferably backed up with some photographic evidence.

author by BigglesMk2publication date Wed Jan 12, 2005 00:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

No not again...is this an attempt to revive the 'Abbeyshrule Action Group?'

The airfield has had a runway centreline painted and standard runway magnetic heading numbers painted on the ends..most airfields have these, no specific 'military style' involved..tells the pilot if his magnetic compass is aligned properly among other things..

The 'White US military drones' are likely to be Czech UFM 11Ultralights built and based at the airfield and flown by student pilots.

Why didn't the dude who posted this do some research?

author by No 6publication date Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Idiots who post stories like this with delusional fantasys about US bases in ireland that shred indymedia's credibility as a news source, among first time users, unfamiliar with the concept of open publishing may think this is indymedia's opinion and not some crank who's run out of tinfoil for this hat collection. It tarnishing other better researched (or any kind of research) stories by association.

author by eeekkkkkpublication date Wed Jan 12, 2005 15:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

keep up the peer review - it's what keeps the whole show on the straightish and narrowish - the editors generally try to be as tolerant as is possible with postings that do not break editorial guidelines - it's a slippery slope using 'quality' guidelines - I agree with what you say about this post but it's now clear when one reads the thread that the story is extremely questionable - thus the overall scheme of things seems to be working ok

author by James Bigglesworthpublication date Wed Jan 12, 2005 20:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Most of the aviation-related stories on indymedia ie tend to be related to military matters, usually of the USAF activity. But there is plenty of civilian aviation, "General Aviation or GA", activity which is never covered.
I will try in the future to cover issues related to general aviation. Perhaps that will help to alleviate the paranoid fantasies of the person who posted this "story".

author by sKepticpublication date Wed Jan 12, 2005 21:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Now, at Shannon there's plenty of detailed reports, and photos showing the planes and the airport.

the only photos stuck online re Abbeyshrule were photos of a helicopter taken from below (so could have been anywhere) and photos of some planes with nothing in the background to identify the airfield.

Sounds like a herring with a rosy complexion...

If you get some pics or something solid to prove that there are foreign military aircraft using the airfield and then people will pay attention. But I won't be holding my breath.

author by Michaelpublication date Wed Jan 12, 2005 21:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Foreign military aircraft have used Abbeyshrule and Dublin Airport, among others in the state. It's not just Shannon Airport that's used. See records made public during Ed Horgan's High Court case in 2003, which detail permissions given for these flights.

Ireland isn't just a rock with an airbase on it though. If catching the planes as they pass through is too dificult, why not focus attention on our growing arms trade -- where the parts for those planes and weapons are made in the first place.

author by No 6publication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 00:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Indymedia can publish stories like

ridiculing the non existant research displayed by a paper while at the time posting up this unsubstaniated rubbish about drones (mirco lights) and "miltary style writing" (gee I have a swiss army knife am I in the swiss army) it's a double standard ridiculing the sub standard editorial and journalist standard of a mainstream media source while someone here defends this spurious unsubstantiated piece of purile nonsense.

author by 006.5publication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 00:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think it has been dealt with effectively by 'peer review' as pointed out above by eeekkkkk

author by no 6publication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 00:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

refering to the double standard. Most of the peer review on this nonsense happened because I stuck my beeeekkkkk in. and seeing as most the people here lack a sense of irony, how is there a story about shabby editorial and journalist standard in the mainstream media here a few stories away from this piece of crap.

Peer review is one thing, using it as an excuse to justify this shite is another,

author by Akrasiapublication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 00:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Stories that appear in print media do so without an automatic right to reply and because they go through an editorial process before they are published. In the case of Indymedia the users perform the editorial function most of the time and can benefit from the knowledge and experience of other users who can point out flaws in a story.
Also, Indymedia doesn't publish sensational stories for monitary profit

author by No 6publication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 00:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Only posts unsubstantiated stories that support its users worldview, which means unlike a profit driven capitalist service it's an idealogy driven site. The diferent paths they take are irrelevant what is the same is the result; the distortion of the truth to suit the agenda of the writer/publisher.

author by BigglesMk2publication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 01:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A free press attracts 'loonie tunes.' However the post may have achieved the posters aims..discussion and awareness of his pet subject.

Just so we know what really flys at Abbeyshrule here is a link to the flying training school who own the Ultralights (sorry secret US spyplanes) depending on your viewpoint...


author by Akrasiapublication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 01:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

When you said "only posts unsubstantiated stories" then you shot yourself in the foot.

You also said that newspapers weren't ideologically driven.
Tell that to a sunday independent reader or the editor of the UK. independent

author by No 6publication date Thu Jan 13, 2005 03:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I said "unlike idealogy driven sites,' comparing them to capitalist media, which is primarily driven around the persuit of profit and the idealogy is built around it. Ive spent too much time around media activists who approach events with their perconceptions firmly in place and then skew the story to suit this idealogy.

Look at this as an example "miltary style writing" and "US spy drones" the author has a preconcieved notion of whats going on and the scantest of evidence is irrefutual proof to them. How is this different to the writings or musing of a Mark Stern or a Conor Cruise O Brien?

We're supposed to be the open minded fair minded facing up to the facts and presenting the evidence is a clear and imperical manner, and offering the truth bare and naked and it should be enough. Instead we have have idealogical demagoues presenting the facts in a twisted to suit their aims. It discredits the work of the people who research their stories because they believe and know what they are fighting is worng.

Stories like this make a mockery of the concept of indymedia,

author by Pipelinepublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 15:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Seen at Shannon in a hanger and in the sky over Longford..anyone know what this is?


author by 006.5publication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 16:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So, how can you prove that the photo above was taken at Shannon?
And you would need a photo of the drone with a recognisable background, ie the fields of Athenry.

author by eeekkkkpublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 16:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I believe there is a strong possibility it is accurate in every detail. Just like there is every possibility No. 6 has a bee in the bonnet and is looking to pick a row to discredit this site amongst other entities.

Can't wait for those RTS trial transcripts I've got on order. It'll be like cluedo ;-)

author by eeekkkkpublication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 16:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

please point out 'delusional fantasys about US bases in ireland that shred indymedia's credibility' where they exist in the original article - Me no see any but I'll bow to your trollish wisdom if you can see them.

author by 006.5publication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 16:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I agree. Let's piss him off big time. He was unnecessarily rude to me when I first started to use indymedia and asked a naive question, and he has shown the same attitude to other users.
However this story is certainly beginning to look like it might be able to stand on it's own two legs, but we need something more concrete.

author by BigglesMk2publication date Fri Jan 14, 2005 18:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

do look like a bit like drones from below being basically a motor glider, white, long thin wings and high tail. The identification is not so stupid. if you are not an aircraft buff and all you know of aircraft is the 'area 51' fantasy sites.
However there is no evidence given that drones operate in Ireland. The photo is nice but its a mockup of a Predator UAV to half scale. Looks like the pic is lifted from some USAF site somewhere, certainly not in Shannon with tape guides and civvies wandering around in the background.

author by roosterpublication date Sat Jan 15, 2005 01:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

but when I first saw that picture I was thinking global hawk, but if you say its a predator I'll believe you!
One thing we are definitley agreed on is that it is not re NOT based in Ireland.
It would be rather stupid to base it here when it is so far from its area of operations.

author by BigglesMk2publication date Sat Jan 15, 2005 01:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You are correct Rooster, 2 mins searching on the net...and I complain about people not doing their research...it is a Global Hawk, mock up for sure and different from the recent pics of the thing in flight.

Assuredly not in Ireland and not out of Abbeyshrule as the beast is the size of a large business jet.

author by Irish Pilot - A/N - Very Important Aviation Grouppublication date Thu May 25, 2006 23:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dear Sir,
Excuse me for voicing my concerns about your complete lack of knowledge. I am a pilot, who is well known in Irish aviation, I am also generally anti-war, however, I can tell you, once and for all Abbeyshrule cannot cater for any type US or other Military aircraft. You are wasting your time, money and effort by trying to pursue your campaign, I'd advise you to visit Shannon if you are interested in seeing military aircraft. I m ust advise you, unfortunatly,you cannot carry on like this, it is unlawful, slanderous, and you could end up in prison for making such alligations. I am simply advising you- please give up your efforts, before it turns against you sir...

Yours Faithfully,
Irish Pilot

author by Ernst Udet 7th - Jasta 11publication date Mon Sep 18, 2006 23:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I would never exclude any possibility where warmongers are concerned. If they wanted to land at Abbeyshrule or anywhere else they would find the aircraft to do so. History proves that such people have gotten away with many things based on the belly laugh of " sure thats impossible only a nutter or a commie would suggest we could do that". Did the British not have the Lysander in WW11 and the US their little birds that could land/takeoff from unprepared surfaces in inaccessable areas of SE Asia during the Vietnam war. Is it not a fact that the CIA often goes where official USAF aircraft do not. They would come round the museum for the old Fokker Tri-plane if they thought it would serve their purpose.
Max Immelmann could have put a Jumbo down at Abbeyshrule, no bother.


author by Me - We the Peoplepublication date Thu Apr 19, 2007 09:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have just come accross this thread for the first time. It seems that this FAKE no.6 was trying to discredit Number 6 who never wrote any of the above articles on this thread. Why, I do not know.

I now post as Me , We the People for the above reason.

It is not the first time this fake no.6 has been used to divert from the point of view of Number 6.
I (Me) must have been touching a few nerves. That is always good news.

My view on Abbyshrule is that these small aricraft are in fact micro-lights. I have been there about two years ago inquiring about flying lesson on micro-lights of a different kind,as I thought. I was looking for lessons on a Hang glider with an engine which I thought were called micro-lights. The fact is, that these small fixed wing aircraft are refered to as micro-lights. So ,Abbyshrule was a waste of a journey for me.

As for Military landing there, Well, I am never surprised what happen in this Country and would not be surprised if there are plans for the landing of Military there ,as already with Knock.

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