'anti-psychotic' drugs continue to be prescribed to the elderly in Ireland despite the knowlege of the Irish Medicines Board concerning their fatal effects
It is not well known that some of the elderly are being prescribed ‘anti-psychotic’ drugs, a fact which the Irish Medicines Board (IMB) will confirm. In early 2004 the IMB strongly recommended that one particular ‘anti-psychotic’ should not be used for dementia sufferers because of the risks of stroke and fatalities (cerebrovascular adverse events). It is important to note that the definition of dementia can be quite broad and isn’t limited to Alzheimer’s disease. While the IMB says it is concerned about these serious risks in relation to a number of other such drugs they all continue to be prescribed. So-called anti-psychotic drugs are supposedly meant to treat ‘schizophrenia’ and ‘manic-depressive illness’.
I think it is unacceptable that these drugs which are known to cause neurological disorders, serious health risks and shortened life span are being given to the elderly because of what is termed ‘behavioural disturbances or disorders’ associated with dementia. In fact, often the real effect and purpose of such drugs is that they act as chemical straitjackets. It is inhuman in my view that people are given such drugs at all, but especially so when they are at their most vulnerable and unable to defend themselves, or resist such so-called treatment. The sad fact is that this State cares little or nothing for the vulnerable and maginalised and only perpetuates the pretence that it does care while all the time lining the coffers of big business and the pharmaceutical companies.