Independent Media Centre Ireland

IMB continues use of 'killer' neuroleptic drugs

category sligo | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Monday January 03, 2005 19:35author by sean fleming

'anti-psychotic' drugs continue to be prescribed to the elderly in Ireland despite the knowlege of the Irish Medicines Board concerning their fatal effects

It is not well known that some of the elderly are being prescribed ‘anti-psychotic’ drugs, a fact which the Irish Medicines Board (IMB) will confirm. In early 2004 the IMB strongly recommended that one particular ‘anti-psychotic’ should not be used for dementia sufferers because of the risks of stroke and fatalities (cerebrovascular adverse events). It is important to note that the definition of dementia can be quite broad and isn’t limited to Alzheimer’s disease. While the IMB says it is concerned about these serious risks in relation to a number of other such drugs they all continue to be prescribed. So-called anti-psychotic drugs are supposedly meant to treat ‘schizophrenia’ and ‘manic-depressive illness’.

I think it is unacceptable that these drugs which are known to cause neurological disorders, serious health risks and shortened life span are being given to the elderly because of what is termed ‘behavioural disturbances or disorders’ associated with dementia. In fact, often the real effect and purpose of such drugs is that they act as chemical straitjackets. It is inhuman in my view that people are given such drugs at all, but especially so when they are at their most vulnerable and unable to defend themselves, or resist such so-called treatment. The sad fact is that this State cares little or nothing for the vulnerable and maginalised and only perpetuates the pretence that it does care while all the time lining the coffers of big business and the pharmaceutical companies.

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author by knave of maltapublication date Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:16author address author phone

has donated 2,000,000$ to the Tsunami fund.

Because it's getting bad press.
"Eli Lilly knew Prozac had 1200% higher suicide rate than other antidepressants" sort of press.
After the British Medical Journal received internal documentation from an anonymous source on the suppressed information, it was handed to the USA Food and Drug authority who are now investigating.
Eli Lilly based in Minneapolis USA is also responsible for the Viagra copy Cialis (tadalifil) which cures erectile dysfunction and is under investigation in India.
Of the best selling Eli Lilly products only four are truly health products helping cancer and so, Five are psi-drugs which quite possibly could be more dangerous in the long term than banging up a few ectasys when you're an unhappy 20something.
They are-
# Cymbalta® (duloxetine hydrocholoride)
# Prozac® (fluoxetine hydrochloride)
# Strattera® (atomoxetine hydrochloride)
# Symbyax™ (olanzapine and fluoxetine hydrochloride)
# Zyprexa® (olanzapine)

Shares trade presently at 56$ and are dropping steadily, which in real terms (after reduced $ value puts the value of the pharmacorp giant at a 52 week low)
at the link you may read the statement on Corporate governance and integrity and respect for humanity by Eli Lilly.

author by sean flemingpublication date Thu Jan 06, 2005 19:47author address author phone

I agree with you in relation to the 'anti-psychotics'. You mention one in particular - Zyprexa ( olanzapine). The manufacturers, Eli Lilly and Company ( who have ties with the Bush Administration) admit that this drug like the other 'anti-psychotics' presents a risk of hyperglycemia ( high blood sugar ) and diabetes mellitus, not to mention the various neurological disorders such as tardive dyskinesia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Hyperglycemia is in some cases associated with ketoacidosis or hyperosmolar coma and death.

Diabetes mellitus is characterised by high blood sugar and is a chronic medical condition. Over time it can lead to blindness, kidney failure and nevre damage. It can accelerate the hardening and narrowing of the arteries ( atherosclerosis), leading to strokes, heart disease and blood vessel diseases.

I have contacted the company divisions of all the manufacturers of 'anti-psychotic' or neuroleptic drugs in Ireland. They have provided me with the information provided with their products on the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL). Most of them do make a reference to high blood sugar but the risk is played down or minimised.Bristol- Myers Suibb , makers of Abilify , do not provide any warning concerning hyperglycemia.Certainly hyperglycemia adverse related events as I have outlined above is in all cases not made known to the patient.

Only one company has refused to tell me whether the risk of hyperglycemia is mentioned with their product and that is Pfizer, the makers of Geodon ( ziprasidone).
Despite requesting my home address and personal details they still refuse to respond.

People need to understand that these drugs do not treat the symptoms of any mental illness or disease- they instead cause disease. Psychiatry has sold its soul to the drug companies and they have the blood of psychiatric patients on their hands.

author by Shameful historypublication date Fri Jan 07, 2005 19:34author address author phone

I think psychiatry has a lot more to answer for than its slavery to the pharmaceutical companies. It's a discipline which has often collaborated in the worst type of social control, effectively imprisoning people merely for not conforming to social norms. It still participates in these practices, but more subtly now than in the past, to cover its tracks, and commits people often at the say-so of families or friends who have an agenda that goes beyond a patient's well being. Hospitals themselves, especially for the have-nots, are run like prisons, with appalling facilities and bullying staff. They do anything but heal those who are traumatised. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say they increase trauma and try to break people down. The fact that patients are deemed mentally unsound is often an excuse not to take their criticisms seriously or to render their comments as another symptom.

People are afraid to make this a focus of activism because of the stigma around mental illness. Congratulations to Sean Fleming for coming out and criticising this brutal system, which so few have the courage to do.

author by common sensepublication date Sun Jan 16, 2005 23:05author address author phone

The drug concerned is olanzapine and it has been withdrawn wherever possible from clinical use because of the side effects.

It is still used sometimes for younger patients not at risk of a stroke.

Don't slate all psychiatrists like that - they all try to do their bit to help their patients and its not their fault that the medicines they are given have unexpected serious side effects.

author by seanpublication date Sun Jan 16, 2005 23:27author address author phone

olanzapine does continue to be prescribed though as do a number of other atypical ‘anti-psychotics’ . You refer to side effects. The reality is that implies that these drugs are genuinely helping the ‘patient’. They are not. The drugs –which the psychiatric profession and the pharmaceutical companies will admit- cause neurological disorders such as tardive dyskinesia and also present a risk of hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus. Just do a google search on tardive dyskinesia. You’ll get some idea of how dangerous these drugs are

author by Nuria O'Mahonypublication date Fri Apr 01, 2005 15:08author address author phone

Well done Seán. Problems need to be highlighted regarding drugs and awareness raised to prevent DRUG INDUCED HARM. It is a pity that the IMB could not do it the end of the day that is what it was set up to do as well as granting maintain the public safety regarding prescription drugs not look out for the pharmaceutical companies welfare before the public safety!! It has renaged its mandate. Congratulations in doing that and keep it up.

Related Link:
author by seanpublication date Sat Apr 02, 2005 16:43author address author phone

Thanks Nuria.

I have just written an article based on my correspondence with the pharmaceutical companies manufacturing 'anti-psychotics' and also the IMB about the fact the patient information leaflet (PIL)does not state that tardive dyskinesia is a disease caused by these drugs - it is not as the PIL states a 'side - effect' of the 'medication'.There is also as I am sure you know a failure to inform the patient of the risk of drug related diabetes with these neuroleptic drugs.

The Irish Examiner have contacted me to say that their features editor is considering the article for publication.

I feel I should say that I have also been contacting the Irish Times, The Irish Independent and the Village journal - they have all refused me even the simple courtesy of a reply which I do find slightly disappointing given the importance of the issue.

I guess it is not very surprising that Schizophrenia Ireland and the Irish Advoacy Network have not responded either to my submitting it for publication in their newsletters. Schizophrenia Ireland accepts funding from pharmaceutical companies and supports the brain disease theory of schizophrenia. The Irish Advocacy Network on the otherhand is not clearly, sufficently and proactively enough highlighting the great harm that psychiatric drugs such as the neuroleptics can cause.

author by eeekkkkpublication date Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:10author address author phone

Here is always open. No filters here. No sir.

author by Ellapublication date Sun Aug 14, 2005 23:04author address author phone

As an impatient patient, I have been concerned with being prescribed olanzapine which is pitched as some type of wonder drug by psychaiatrists. Sean, I would like to know more about your interest in this area?
and if you have managed to have your article published so that I and others may avail of your research.

author by just another human - nonepublication date Thu Jul 06, 2006 00:32author address author phone

A friend of mine has been on several different combinations of anti-psychotics and anti-depressants/anxiety drugs over a span of 13 years. She had her first diagnosis by psych services was when she was 17; she had post-natal depression after the birth of her son. This was a very traumatic time for her and she was prescribed an antidepressant. She had, (what I believe to be), an adverse reaction to the drug (very common), and ended up in the psych ward. They then diagnosed her as manic-depressive. And they put her on tranquillisers coupled with another SSRI. Over the years since that she was switched between several different psychiatric meds. She then had a "psychotic episode” a few years ago and ended back in the psych ward. They diagnosed her this time as schizophrenic and she is now on a high dose of an anti psychotic and lexapro (SSRI) medication.

Anyone notice a pattern here? 3 different psychiatric diagnoses and each time labelled after switching or being prescribed psychiatric meds? Unfortunately this is all too common a practice...and her story is one of many.

I have visited this friend of mine when she was an in-patient at a well-known Irish psychiatric institution. I have to say, I was appalled at her treatment, and her surroundings and the low level of care that she received. I sat in a dirty, cold smoking room to have a chat with her, and other patients came and went as we chatted. It was very unsettling to watch my fellow human beings shake and smoke incessantly, while obviously being drugged up to the eye balls on god knows what combination of drugs. These people, once sucked into the psychiatric system are brainwashed over a period of time through drugging and coercion. They end up as shells of themselves. They become reliant on a system, which continues to abuse them under the guise of offering, "care". I urge anyone, before dismissing anti-psychiatric views, to visit a public psychiatric hospital, and i guarantee you will change your mind. They are scary and they are intimidating. These places are everything your worst fears would imagine them to be. Anyone can end up in these places at any time in their lives. Anyone can have a nervous breakdown or a depressive episode. People need to be aware of these places and what they are about because anyone, no matter what their background or current status could end up like my friend. Diagnosed, drugged and discarded...

author by Seanpublication date Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:41author address author phone

You're absolutely right and psychiatrists support and perpetuate this system. What happened to your friend is criminal and psychiatrists should be held to account for these crimes.

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