with only one world leader's christmas / new year address to go
a quick reminder of the common ground between (in no particular order) the Pope, The King of Spain, The Queen of the United Kingdom, The President of Russia and President Chirac.
The Pope said "look at baby jesus in the stable learn from him I hope the peace work works"
The Queen said "think about the good samaritan I'm a christian think about your neighbours"
The King said "welcome the immigrants we are diverse"
The President of Russia said "love to you all"
The President of France said "we're all in this shit together and love will save us all".
Big Brother's image is everywhere.
If you haven't read the book by George Orwell (Eric Blair) you should.
in Big Brother we trust.
all creatures great and small Big Brother made them all.
Now Mr Bush, do have what it takes to say
"I love you everyone" in your New Year address?
Or do you have to stay in room 101 a bit longer?
Liebniz the inventor of digital quite correctly thought 101 being binary would prove the existence of God a.k.a. Big Brother.