Illusive Pimpernel (Socialist)
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Saturday January 01, 2005 02:17
by Jack Russell - Social Justice Activist

Let's Go Back to 2004......
One morning the Pimpernel woke up and decided 'I am going to be a socialist'........
It is the only way, he thought.....that I can stop the rise in the Sinn Fein vote. If Adams can look like Castro, Bertie can look like Che Quevara!!!!!!!
Of course, we won't mention that the 'Cobbler from Castleknock who wiped his eye' i.e. Che Quevara.
Now in the New Year, I hope the people of Ireland have the common sense to look closely at the New Disability Bill. I have a deep feeling, it is going to be a ruthless decoy in relation to the next General Election in two years and believe me this Government is ruthless enough to do it on the backs of the vulnerable.
Remember the 2,000 Gardai that McDowell promised two years ago and my doubts have already started in relation to this new Disability Bill - I deeply hope I am wrong but if they are going to spend over 800 m. euros, common sense tells me you need to have the infractructure in place. So I say to Che (Bertie) don't lie to the Irish people on this topic because you will be caught out no matter how illusive you think you are.
The typist adds in her comment:-
Social issues including Suicide, Special Needs Education, Availability or at least access to psychologist at primary and secondary school level, advocacy for vulnerable members of society, the elderly, those with mental health problems, alcoholism, homeless - people generally who experience a form of alienation from a society defined by WHO!!!!!!
I have a humble suggestion. We see some 17,000 dogs put down in Ireland each year and I ask why so many viz a viz other countries.
We are moving towards Europe so if this is the case why are dogs banned from pubs, coffee houses etc. We need to be dog friendly and this is a special need of people who are often vulnerable in society.
Recently in Ranelagh I was surprised when a rather elegant woman in her eighties brought in to the coffee shop her canine......In Paris, Austria etc. dogs are welcome.
If the pubs are bleeting about loss of funds why are we turned away because we want our Jack Russell's to sit with us while we eat.......
Jack Russell is back.
To this so called socialist who is most skilful, who is most devious, who is most cunning, I ask 'Is Mutton Pullen getting his P45 for the year? Before I go, could Liamo tell me scientifically how this evoting system was credible to people like me, with a deep understanding of science knows otherwise!
You see LiamO when people call others idiots, they have a lack of knowledge which means they lack intelligence. When the Americans in some States knew it was a non starter in this years elections, you see LiamO it became a global concern.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year and keep away from the Bleach, it clings on like a Leech.
'There is nothing more painful than the insult to human dignity.
Nothing more humiliating than servitude. Human dignity and freedom are our birthright.
Let us then defend them or die with dignity'
Cicero (ex. Springs of Roman Wisdom)
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Jump To Comment: 1 2Well I can't grasp why nobody has come back on the dogs in pubs and public places.
Does anyone know if food served in pubs puts in place some environmental laws?
Even if there was a special time given to encourage say the elderly and disabled to have a coffee in the afternoons at certain pubs!!!!!
I live in Dublin 4. I can see a really good market in a more lateral approach by the Irish Vintners Association.......
Note the irony in the latest Guinness advert invokes the serene and includes a vaiety of animals..........
I have just received BBC News.
Sir Mark Thatcher, only son of the former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher in England has managed to NEGOTIATE A GUILTY PLEA' OVER alleged coup in Equatorial Guinea.....or so the reports say.
Yes, the word Financier/finance is cited. Here we see alleged 'white collar crime and its most elitist - the criteria are there, the 'right family background and connections' the right school (I think Eton no less); most like Oxbridge........What about Honour, Justice, Morality, Ethics. We are supposed to be moving towards these objectives in the so called World Order One category.
The former colonial power 'product' (allegedly) did not learn their lessons and greed again stated that plunder of a vunlnerable state in Africa and source of raw materials and oil could be subjected to a Financiers assessment.......
However; outcome has backfired.......
In the context of this and reviewing the contribution from Jack Russell, Pink Panther II, says how can our own Government be so slip shod in 'vergiage about criminality'.....
We need Regulation in this country; we need Ethics audits at Govt Minister level and at business level. The Competion Authority (John Fingelton) are under funded.
'Do we not remain innocent until proven Government and based on the foregoing appraisal and 'guilty plea coup' surely it is inappropriate for members of Government in Ireland to be so accusatory of a group when the claim is made by Hugh Order, PSNI (former RUC) without any evidence.
An appropriate quotation:
Checks and Balances,
'Its people who aren't credit worthy.
Its bank's that aren't people worthy.
Muhammad Yunus (contemporary Bangladeshi economist and founder of the Grameen Bank)
Pink Panther says - we can learn from Bangladesh.