Independent Media Centre Ireland

Response to a letter by Jarlath re. criminality in context (IRA)

category international | crime and justice | opinion/analysis author Saturday December 18, 2004 15:17author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethics - Please

The Home Secretary, Mr. Blunkett chose to resign. There is a need to re-focus in line with characteristics of integrity, justice, equality and honour.........Administratively the vulnerable in Irish society are not being protected - nb the hospital/pension issue at present.

To the PD and Fianna Fail Government

I read in amusement in Indymedia all week about criminality in modern Ireland. Now let’s see what type of criminals are we looking for here? Are these the ones in Halloween suits in South Armagh or in Dublin 4 suits in AIB? I read with interest a piece by Jarlath on criminality in Ireland. Now Mr. Jarlath – try and wake up, look around you, and tell me who is bleeding this country dry? It is not Sinn Fein, Jarlath but keep looking and if you are born with the common sense God gave you will know that your data is not totally correct.

I read with interest your last GAA data also. God, I am proud to be Irish, Jarlath and I am also proud of my Gaelic Irish background. My own people fought for this country but not the country we live in now. In the last week I read with sadness about our Health service and the immediate legislation to be passed through prior to Christmas to amend an ‘oversight’ re. pension payments to our elderly and more vulnerable members who are hospitalized and in nursing homes. To this I add the cost involved in these nursing homes – they are exorbitant and often funded by tax breaks (and again I would like to see more accountability here).

I listened to Fr. McVerry on the Late Late Show last night. He gave an excellent analogy of the widening gap in society over the last 10 years. Initially, he worked with the homeless but there was some hope, accommodation was a possibility and even a job. However at the time of the Celtic Tiger, accommodation became the problem and now work is a problem. To this add the switch from the middle class drug of cocaine to others. Heroin effects are more controllable to manage but Cocaine is psychoactive and the outcome is unpredictable with violence being a likely outcome. Fr. McVerry welcomed the pledge by the Government to Disabilities but he added to crucial points: the need for the bill to be rights based and enforceable. Enforcement poses a big problem for the vulnerable particularly in Ireland.

Let’s back to the coup of the week, it concerns the public relations coup of the infamous Martin Cullen and Miss Monica Bleach. Now the fact that Mr. Martin Cullen spent over 300,000 yo yo’s on PR advice and then ended up face down in a pile of bullshit – I do not know.

Now let’s go first to Miss Bleach who won’t get out of her bed for less than 800 yo yos a day. Now that alone has put this gobshite Cullen in this pile of bullshit and my tax and yours Jarlath is paying for it. Cullen has paid Miss Bleach a 116,000 yo yos this year alone and nobody in the country including Bertie or the Mad Mullah knows exactly what kind of advice this gobshite Cullen was getting off Miss Bleach. Could Cullen not get by with the legion of civil servants and press people employed at Government expense? In any other country, this gobshite would have been kicked out of Leinster House as soon as the story hit the headlines. But not in this modern Ireland. You see in Bertie’s modern Ireland Jarlath, there is a special place – either Tents at the Galway races or Dark Corridors in shady lanes, for chancers (Cucullen), PR handlers, Spin Doctors and Bull-Shit Merchants – all prosper and the rest of us pay for it.

Can somebody explain this word Criminality to me as brought up by the Minister McDowell and has caused a waft of Indymedia letters taking up the accusatory tone. I wish you all Happy Christmas and 2005 full of more bull-shit from Cucullen and Miss Bleach.

At least Mr. Blunkett (former Home Secretary) acted with integrity and honesty.

It is time for Ethics, Justice, Honour, Values to feature at the top of the New Resolutions list…………………

Jack Russell
Gandhi say “ You have to be the change you want to see’

Time to move on perhaps Jarlath.

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author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethics - Pleasepublication date Sun Dec 19, 2004 23:54author address author phone

I note comment to Jarlath was signed in my name. In the fact, the writer was Jack Russell.

A number of interesting issues raised?

Has anyone spotted the article in the Sunday Business Post with Minister McDowell......possibly an attitude in retreat!!!!

The Village is also worth a view.

All those bank accounts that allowed funds minus tax in the 1980's gave way to an inward flow of funds to the Revenue. I reckon at a substantial return on funds for the Revenue....

One other gem for the Christmas per one of the business magazines. Revenue laws are about to change and legislation is to be put into effect in the New Year. To me, it seems that the Revenue now will have access to all Irish citizen account transactions in EU member countries and other countries like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands. It appears to me that the Revenue will have power to ask for proof of the origin of funds for the purchase of property in these countries.........What does this suggest????

Michelle Clarke

author by Jack Russell - Social Justice and Ethics - Pleasepublication date Mon Jan 24, 2005 01:38author address author phone

Jack Russell spent some time replying and trawling thru archives noticed no reply.

Given todays newspapers and media coverage, I ask what has changed and can anything be learnt!!!!!!

A little philosophy perhaps is needed:

Bright Spirits
Stand Fast (Edward Abbey, contemporary US writer)

'Be like a tree in pursuit of your cause:
Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward, bend the winds of heaven and learn tranquility'

Bon nuit

author by jarlathpublication date Thu Feb 17, 2005 00:43author address author phone

"I read with interest your last GAA data also. God, I am proud to be Irish, Jarlath and I am also proud of my Gaelic Irish background. My own people fought for this country but not the country we live in now. "

Why oh why when you talk of your pride in being Irish do you straight away talk about conflict and fighting. Can you not quietly sit contented in being Irish but you feel the need to go out and do harm to people?????
If you are not happy with how the country is being run you have your chance to change things at the ballot box.
You talk of Sinn fein so glowingly but yet you cannot see that this party has brought nothing but conflict pain and suffering and in fact it is they that are the obstacle to a united Ireland which we all seek?

author by Jack Russell - Social Justice Activistpublication date Fri Feb 18, 2005 02:20author address author phone

In regard to the sinister comment you made 'Can you not quietly sit contented in being Irish but you feel the need to go out and do harm to people?'- I would like to legally clarify that Jarlath.

I find it abhorrently offensive to me and my family. I am a Civil Engineer and I do an honest day's work for a living. Also, I am a floating voter.

If you read my piece carefully, I mentioned the word criminality. Yesterday, in the Supreme Court, Justice finally arrived for the elderly and the vulnerable, in our hospitals, nursing homes and psychiatric hospitals. Well done, Chief Justice Murray for upholding the constitutional rights for these vulnerable people.

Jarlath, he re-emphasised my comments on whose the real thugs and daylight robbers wearing suits in Dail Eireann. In his 88 page statement, on the clarification of Mary Harney's idiotic proposal (along with the Socialist Bertie) - 'How can you make unlawful lawful?' Is this not a crime? Is it not a conspiracy on behalf of the Government that failed in their attempt to rob the vulnerable.

You see Jarlath - I believe in facts. Now this goes back to 1970 when the High Court clearly prohibited the Government from taking money from these vulnerable people. But they quietly kept on taking.....Again it raised its head in 1976 and again it was subtly put under the carpet.

Then in 2001 under Michael Martin's portfolio, he wouldn't handle it because he knew (as a cute Cork man) that this was a time bomb. Remember he was asked to leave a pub one day......because he brought in his own sandwiches...and started to consume them therein.....Some Minister, some Role Model.

You see, Jarlath, Justice was done yesterday and this could potentially cost the tax payer Euros 1.6 billion. This was created by successive governments but the biggest and most arrogant of them was the PD's in 2001 when Mary Harney not alone tried to cover up the offshore accounts (some years prior), she then with McDowell and his idiotic legal advice hoodwinked Martin, to not address the issue then, when a legal team within the Department of Justice were airing serious concerns. Mary, of course, (the helicopter pilot who in her hobby time eats in Ouzo's in Baggot street.......and opens up Off-licences in Leitrim......Did somebody say Minister for Health.....

Harney, in her own words, brought in the best legal brains she could rush the legislation through the dail immediately before Christmas. When the media broke the scandal - she said people would be repaid.....48 hours later, Jarlath - these vulnerable people were being offered a paltry euros 2000 advised to Harney by her legal (corporate governance.....) legal eagles. But yesterday, the lies, the denial, the arrogance, and the attempted crime all fell to pieces. Vincent Browne said on his radio show last night to Fianna Fail and Fine Gael guests 'This was a Crime'........Yes, Jarlath, it was a crime.

Now we better ask Hugh Orde for a direction on this or maybe Ian Paisley junior who spoke with such bigotry against the Gay community last week. Now Jarlath, it is easy to criticize an article which someone writes. But to say Jack Russell hurts people is way out of order and again I ask you to withdraw your remark.

Now back to the word criminality. The Supreme Court's ruling, Harney and McDowell Corporate plc. supported by the pet poodle Bertie minus the bitch celio (taken to a good home by a cobbler) were found out to be liars, cheats.......I won't hold my breath to see if there will be any arrests for this conspiracy to rob the vulnerable in our society.

My father once said.....'the best type of criminal is the one with the shirt and tie and a brief case' from PD to AIB - it even rhymes......The AIB took Euros 137 m. from its customers.....not one arrest. Where is the CAB in this situation........and also bring in the CAB to investigate the 10 foreign holidays that Monica Bleach and Minister for Foreign Holidays, Mutton Pullen. What were these holidays about? Someone said 'Environmental'.

To explain environmental habitat to Ms. Bleach would be like handing the Mona Lisa to a Gorilla and asking for a price valuation. These holidays cost the taxpayer Euros 235,000. Again, I ask why?

Haughey has jost sold his Kinsealy ranch for euros 38 m.and has sailed off in his yacht for France (laughing no doubt at us gobshites paying our taxes and having a social conscience). Maybe Terry.....can enlighten us.......She now writes for Ireland's Own Lonely Hearts along with Cecilia, Mrs. McDaid, Miriam and now Mutton Pullen has joined the heart break hotel. You see Jarlath, I can see these people are a bunch of idiots but the abuse of taxpayers money I will never accept.

Before I close. Remember these words. There is a corporate based company being set up among the elite with an Opus Dei 'belle' to it. It is called Corporate Governance. It is not for the ordinary Irish man Jarlath.......The duo Hart to Hart are involved. Niamh and Michael and Garret Fitzgerald. Now don't forget the slight flaw in Garret's bank account when the AIB waivered Pounds 235,000.

This is our Ireland of today......Corporate, cold, bureaucratically smoke-screened. God help the future generations when they start bringing in the incinerators which I wrote exclusively on in relation to the Corrib six months ago. Destruction of clean water, habitat, wild geese, puffin, seal, corncrake, and other rare Irish birds that are slowly dwindling because of environmental pollution. You see Jarlath, we need to wake up - Minister Romeo Mutton Pullen cost the taxpayer euros 52 m. e-voting machine and as we speak, it is still costing the taxpayer 1 m. euros per year in storage. You will never guess who has a share in this scam....O yes, a friend of Romeo's.

The Peace Process now needs clear and able minded heads. When the dust settles in relation to the bank heist; the alleged laundering operation in Cork. Jarlath believe me, no matter what the outcome is when the cuckoo koos in the Spring - all the parties will be sitting down as common sense people trying to get a stable common sense agreement.

He who has not sinned cast the first stone!!!! Now let all these politicians from every party sit down and do some serious talking. Peace brings stability. It brings a healthy economy, its boosts tourism North and South of the Border and above all it gives people the right to live in peace and safety, no matter what religious background or race, it inspires equality for all people

Jack Russell................


Gandhi 'You have to be the change you want to see'

Another from Gandhi

'Live as if you are going to die tomorrow but learn as if you are going to live forever'

author by Bingo Handjobpublication date Fri Feb 18, 2005 19:36author address author phone

Lets put Bloody Sunday in context too. Or the Dublin and Monahan bombings. Or Pat Finucane's murder. Y'know lets move on, in a spirit of progress. I anticipate a deafening slence from shinners

author by jarlathpublication date Sat Feb 19, 2005 09:00author address author phone

"In regard to the sinister comment you made 'Can you not quietly sit contented in being Irish but you feel the need to go out and do harm to people?'- I would like to legally clarify that Jarlath.

I find it abhorrently offensive to me and my family. I am a Civil Engineer and I do an honest day's work for a living. Also, I am a floating voter."

Jack, what are you on about? Please explain to everyone how this remark was sinister?
Whether we are a nation of floating voters or dedicated party voters is not relevant.
My position is this, we live on an island where everyone man woman and child has the right to see themselves as British or Irish, its the small minority who feel the need to go out and kill their opponents that I have a problem with.

Militant republicans/loyalists have nothing to offer this island apart from bloodshed, poverty and suffering. You want to find that position offensive, fine.

author by jarlathpublication date Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:05author address author phone

"Now Jarlath, it is easy to criticize an article which someone writes. But to say Jack Russell hurts people is way out of order and again I ask you to withdraw your remark.

The Peace Process now needs clear and able minded heads. When the dust settles in relation to the bank heist; the alleged laundering operation in Cork. Jarlath believe me, no matter what the outcome is when the cuckoo koos in the Spring - all the parties will be sitting down as common sense people trying to get a stable common sense agreement."

Jarlaths response - Whats with the use of the word "alleged" there was 2 and a half million pounds sterling found under the guys bed, thats not alleged thats pretty much an open and shut case. Jack Russell is a republican, republicans hurt people, end of story.

Your defence of the peace/appeasement process is admirable but flawed sin feinn has gone beyond the pale and is now untouchable as a political party, all of a sudden politicians all over the island are in agreement with the DUP!!!! And now the aspiration of a united Ireland is further away than ever before thanks to the bar stoolers in the republican movement.

author by jarlathpublication date Fri Mar 11, 2005 17:41author address author phone

Thanks for the response Jarlath...belated.....
by Jack Russell - Social Justice Activist Friday, Feb 18 2005, 1:20am

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