Does Martin Cullen lie alone in his bed in foreign lands?
Fierce speculation rages as to the carry on of one Martin "Cu"Cullen ,Fianna Fail,s hound from hell ,and the environmentalists nightmare Nemesis.!
Under the freedom of information act(recently interfered with by Fianna Fail)we have at great expense and effort unearthed an E-mail sent by minister Martin Cullen to his personal press attache,Monica Leech;Another scoop for; first with the new shit to hit the fan.!
Monica Leech you are truly a peech,
lovely Soldier of Destiny:
You spin and you win,
and new votes you bring in;
and your loyalty is only to me.
Thee, I must surely reward,
so your tender, put forward,
as I have many coins to disburse;
accompany me, over land and sea,
and together we will empty the citizen,s purse.!
Some people speculate,
if we both sleep in late;
on some junket in far off lands.
What they do not realise,
A cigarette is my prize,
and all of the gossip is lies.
We have travelled afar
and seen many a star;
In the heavens of far off lands.
Soul mates we may be,
in our Destiny,
In truth we have never held hands.
Roughshod I may ride,
crush Heritage with Pride;
For my highways traverse Erin,s land.
Royal Tara may disappear,
neath my tyrannous sneer;
as I mix new cement with the sand.
But my love affair,
when I leave my lair;
is a lady named "Waterford"
And a highway or two,
plus a local hospital new,
To this end all my schemings are toward.!
Monica Leech,
you I beseech;-
to be always by my side.
You cost twice as much,
as other some sutch;-
but Carr is a faithless spin-bride.
For Monica Lewinsky
I dont give a shinsky.!
Only voters suck up to me.
My Monica Leech
is a precious peech;
A true Soldier of Destiny.!