Does Martin Cullen lie alone in his bed in foreign lands?
Fierce speculation rages as to the carry on of one Martin "Cu"Cullen ,Fianna Fail,s hound from hell ,and the environmentalists nightmare Nemesis.!
Under the freedom of information act(recently interfered with by Fianna Fail)we have at great expense and effort unearthed an E-mail sent by minister Martin Cullen to his personal press attache,Monica Leech;Another scoop for; first with the new shit to hit the fan.!
Monica Leech you are truly a peech,
lovely Soldier of Destiny:
You spin and you win,
and new votes you bring in;
and your loyalty is only to me.
Thee, I must surely reward,
so your tender, put forward,
as I have many coins to disburse;
accompany me, over land and sea,
and together we will empty the citizen,s purse.!
Some people speculate,
if we both sleep in late;
on some junket in far off lands.
What they do not realise,
A cigarette is my prize,
and all of the gossip is lies.
We have travelled afar
and seen many a star;
In the heavens of far off lands.
Soul mates we may be,
in our Destiny,
In truth we have never held hands.
Roughshod I may ride,
crush Heritage with Pride;
For my highways traverse Erin,s land.
Royal Tara may disappear,
neath my tyrannous sneer;
as I mix new cement with the sand.
But my love affair,
when I leave my lair;
is a lady named "Waterford"
And a highway or two,
plus a local hospital new,
To this end all my schemings are toward.!
Monica Leech,
you I beseech;-
to be always by my side.
You cost twice as much,
as other some sutch;-
but Carr is a faithless spin-bride.
For Monica Lewinsky
I dont give a shinsky.!
Only voters suck up to me.
My Monica Leech
is a precious peech;
A true Soldier of Destiny.!
Comments (2 of 2)
Jump To Comment: 1 2oh thanks to be Jzshz there's still someone lighting a candle for us iminimgrunts off in the European dream,
doing it for Erron, sure without you John, (you never see a proclamation printed with "john" do you?) I wouldn't know what was happening @ all @ all @all.
But I do.
Mucho more than any little rascal ever dared to think.
Interesting little titbit from the "foreign desk", yesterday pressie ZP went and testified at the M11 inquiry.
Compare the bravery and social maturity of the Spanish, they're almost finished with their inquiry and so far not a single person has wriggled out of answering questions and saying their bit. Over in Ireland brain central (the U.S. of A) it's been over three years since 911 and not a single witness called, oh yeah there were movies and books but not a proper inquiry. Or back home in Erron, what was that terrible weekend when the good folk of Derry went protesting for playgrounds for their kids and got dumdum bulleted by paratroopers called?
Anyway I digress, Pressie ZP is pissed off, because ex Pressie Aznar erased (at the cost of 16,000€) all the computer files from March 11th to March 14th. They're like "all gone". That wouldn't happen in oirland would it?
Think about it, not a screed of info.
not a byte. not a page.
One can almost imagine the desperate moments when the forces of good began coming to the gates, and the little moustachiod one stuffing floppy disks and CD roms and hard drives in the stove.
Anyway, info is power.
no info is "no power".
What will the good people of Ireland do with themselves now that great riches can't achieve unity? Are we waiting till Paisley does an Arafat?
Pray tell what does Bartholomew say?
I somehow prefer a President who gets his dick sucked to one who invades Iraq.
Maybe I'm a moral relativist, but Monica's stained dress never brought terror to my neighbours.
Hi ,Moniker monkey tribe,
Your comments are hard to imbibe,
I would rather be sucked
than by Mr Bush fucked;
Mr Paisley to me
is reality,
If Bertie Ahern
is all that we learn,
in our Utopia
south of Maghera
Then I will have Spain
and forget the pain;
just bask in the sun
and have a little fun:
who needs all that shite
that no one will right;
some things never change
in a world of derange.
grasp what you can
short time man,
when Bertie is dead,
will arise in his stead
another of his ilk
the people to milk.
When C.J.H.,
our previous itch;
is graveyard rotten,
and truly forgotten;
the world will go on
and circle the Sun,
no one will care ,
for an old despair;
few will grieve,
when you take your leave.
Bush will die happy
his passing ,serene;
others die screaming
with pain thats obscene.
Its a timeless rendition
an ageless condition.!
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