Independent Media Centre Ireland

Secret Deals and Treaties?

category international | crime and justice | news report author Friday December 10, 2004 17:14author by Edward Horgan

Has Ireland granted the US immunity from the International Criminal Court?

The scale and significance of US military use of Shannon airport has taken on a new dimension with the revelations that Shannon has become part of the illegal movement and torture of prisoners, and the airport's increasing level of use by US military and civil leaders. This begs the question, has the Irish Government done a secret deal with the United States, granting US citizens immunity from arrest and procecution under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court?

On St. Patrick’s 2002, some secret deals were made between the Irish government and the US government, and these deals were sealed over a bowl of shamrock. These deals and some subsequent deals have been kept secret, and have not been lodged with the United Nations, as all official international treaties should be. It may take thirty years to expose the truth, under current confidentiality restrictions. Among the deals done on that St. Pat’s day was the granting of Shannon airport to the US military for the Iraq war and other nefarious purposes. In return, the Bush administration agreed not to “discourage” US direct investment in Ireland. Some other issues were also probably included, such as the Intel expansion project in Co. Kildare, which was held over as a sweetener until after the war was under way in 2003.

The issue of the US military use of Shannon was far more extensive that has ever been officially acknowledged by the Irish government. Initially it was falsely stated that all troops going through Shannon were unarmed. When this was challenged by peace activists, it was belatedly admitted that the troops were carrying their personal weapons, and ammunition. This in not the full story. Hundreds of thousands of tons of military hardware and equipment has also been transported through Shannon on its way to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Needless to say, all of this is in clear breach of The Hague Convention V on Neutrality, 1907, and subsequent international law on neutrality.
Ireland does not have to be neutral country under international law. But if it declares itself to be a neutral country, which it has done and continues to do, then the obligations of neutrality do apply. The Irish Government is attempting to benefit from the status of neutrality while reneging on the obligations of neutrality. The price of such fraudulent foreign policy, will be paid in years to come, and may already been paid by Ken Biggley and Margaret Hassan.
In early 2003, just before the Iraq War, Ireland was listed as one of the US Coalition of the willing, but this was never officially acknowledged by the Irish Government, nor was it denied.

In the meantime, investigations led by Tim Hourigan have revealed that Shannon airport has been used as part of the an international web of prisoner abuse and torture, orchestrated by the United States. The apparent impunity with which this has been carried out, combined with the monthly if not weekly use of Shannon airport by senior US military commanders and senior administration officials, including the Vice President, and probably Secretary of Defence (7 Dec 04), and the Secretary of State, begs the question, why do such senior US officials feel so secure and immune while passing through Shannon Airport?
One of the very few important advances in international law over the past decade has been the establishment of the International Criminal Court. The United States is one of the major countries that has not ratified this treaty and has sought to persuade and threaten other countries to grant US citizens immunity from arrest and prosecution under the jurisdiction of International Criminal Court (ICC). The European Union has ratified and supported the ICC, so Ireland cannot officially renege on its commitments to the ICC. However, many of the countries who have granted immunity to the US from ICC prosecution have done so in secret. The explanation for the arrogance of the US abuse of Irish neutrality at Shannon may lie in a secret deal or treaty between the Irish Government and the US, granting US citizens immunity for arrest and prosecution under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

The people of Ireland may be even more complicit in crimes against humanity than they realise. Why have the Irish mainstream media failed to carry out indept investigative reporting into such important matters? In the interests of justice, the truth must be sought and exposed.

Edward Horgan, Citizen of Ireland, and member of humanity.

Comments (4 of 4)

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author by flight and fightpublication date Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:56author address author phone

Good man Ed for exposing the Intel connection to the secret deal Bertie has done with the patmasters. The construction of Fab 24 began around 2000 and was halted during the downturn in the tech economy in 2001. It was widely perceived that the production facility would never be needed to fulfill the market for computer components. But 6 weeks after the granting of permission for the US to use Shannon, Bertie was down in Leixlip, with little media coverage so as no protest could take place and smiling from under a yellow hard hat. I hope he kept the hat for when all the companies up sticks and leave for China and his evil little house of cards comes crumbling down on top of him.

3000 jobs were created and 100,000 have died in Iraq so 1 intel job = 33.33 Iraqi Lives.

author by flight and fightpublication date Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:59author address author phone

Damn Intel computers and their 't' beside the 'y'.

author by Ciaran Fowleypublication date Mon Sep 26, 2005 13:02author address author phone

irelands neutrality is not affected by the military presence in shannon, as a neutral country it does not side. if iraqi military had used ireland as a base what would your reaction be? as for the intel connection? all i can say is that intel cannot shift its manufacturing processes to developing countries as they are to complex and require 'quality not quantity' of labour, also look at the investment intel has made since it started, to leave now wouldnt be the best thing for business.

and yes ive been to shannon and ive had US Soldiers walk on my toes, but we also as a neutral country can raise our hands and say 'spank the yank' and tell them the flag on their arm does not mean the sane in ireland as it does in the USA.

as a final point, shannon is not 'occupied' in the sense ive seen it used in college demonstrations, and ill draw attention to the 'peaceful' demonstation protestors held in shannon during which and airport perimeter fence was destroyed and torn down. i'd rather have a disciplined foreign military presence, than a group of protestors with anarchists in their numbers, i know that almost all of the protestors are not anarchists and decent people. but these protests always attract people intent on causing trouble regardless of the cause. this undermines any protest to get US military out of shannon and it is unfortunate that this happens.

regarding the cost of intel jobs in iraqi lives i could say that 1 irish immigrent in america is worth 4 in ireland cause thats how many died on coffin ships leaving this country, in other words weighing jobs in terms of iraqis lives is pointless, completely pointless.

author by A10publication date Mon Sep 26, 2005 13:43author address author phone

Again what is missing here from the X files conspircy theory is some sort of concrete PROOF!!Have we any proof of these secret deals signed over on St Paddys day.That is written documentation???Eye witnesses?Anything?As for "neutrality"well,isnt it intresting that some of the AlQueida boys are over here for some R&R,re fianancing,retraining,and recruiting??? The Gardai know who and where they are ,but are not allowed to arrest or deport them???Maybe this is an Irish solution to an irish problem?
Also maybe you lot should read some odd rightest newspapers now and again.The US busisness is and the US in general is getting a bit pissed off with the continious Yank bashing eminating from this little rock!!
These are the people who DO have abit of a say in DC as to wether a multi national would be advised to stay or go to Ireland or Tawain
[who are just as intelligent or more so and alot cheaper than the average overpaid Irish layabout worker].
john O Shea in his idiotic "america is awash with millionares"statement did more damage than he realised over in the US and here.Good!I hope the SOB suffers for that

So I and many others here in Ireland will be very pissed off with the anti US crowd if we end up jobless again courtsey of the anti American rants from the wolly and trendy rebel set,and a few US companies pullout that are paying my mortage,and feeding me.
Break our rice bowls and we will have plenty of time to go and find and sort out the ones who did that.The likes of Ed Horgan,etc

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