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For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network.

category international | anti-capitalism | opinion/analysis author Sunday November 28, 2004 05:35author by cmi-santiago idnymedia de chile ((i))author address www.santiago.indymedia.org Report this post to the editors


For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network.

For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network.
Collective Indymedia Santiago.

(Official notice from the Collective Indymedia Santiago about it’s imminent expulsion from the Indymedia Network).

Indymedia –is for all well known- was born from the anti globalization movement. That posture could have been intentionally radical at the beginning, and maybe (and just maybe) could have advocated a rupture with the existent society, but in the present time it has become into one of the many merchandise of the offers that this system purpose us inside of it’s allowed diversity.
In Chile, the country from where we formulate this criticisms, the anti globalization is supported and financed by the government (neoliberal) of turn. The anti globalization is, simplely, the expression of a economy that privilege the local before the global. On the contrary, we take this issue a little bit farther: we don't criticize the extension of the economy, but it’s own reason to be and it’s configuration.
We criticize and condemn the economy by it’s self, transformed in something that does not have an other purpose tan keep existing. We have decided we wont rip off with the existent domination, and, in the same way, we have arrived to a point that is imposible to save: we are not interested in the basic criticism to the capitalist globalization, but we are in the one focus on the capitalism as such.

We consive the sickness and problems that, in a precise historical period, afflicts the people, as a result of the capitalism. Our integration to the Indymedia’s project was motivated by that rejection to the dominant system: because we wanted, by using antagonist information, to fight this social relation, which is the guilty of the ecological, social and the everyday destruction of everyone who lives immersed in it. However, he have arrived to the point where, as we said before, we have reached an irreconcilable position with the capitalism of this society, and that attitude is recognize in us by the Indymedia Network, and as a consequence of this, it has generated fear.

From a time to now, the criticisms that as a collective we have published have disturbed a number of people and local Indymedias. Such criticisms hurts and are dangerous because of its radicalism and simpleness: they question the bases of the domination. Using an internal process the Indymedia Network has disguised a criticism to our radical position with a call to become attached to the every local Indymedia’s common rules. In the same way, they demand us to transform into technical journalists, which, by using only the objectivity, describe events without impregnate them with any opinion.

Of the precise moment in that we heard speak of independent journalism (and of Indymedia), the project interested given the difference indeed to us that this it had with the official media which is taught objective and pluralist in universities, academies and restricted institutes of the knowledge; the independent media was made up of all the opposite that is to say, of a subjectivity that now if it gave a reason of being to the journalistic activity: thinking to criticize and, consequently, to contribute to an abolition of these social relations that are imposed to us.

The independent media (for us) was always the one that left the logics of Capitalism, because to be independent it means more enough than not to receive financing of the state (in fact, if thus outside all the companies would be independent). On the contrary, always we assumed that conscience that little by little we were forging, of conception of the necessity of abolition of the social classes by means of the confrontation of them, like the independence of which the media of Indymedia spoke. We always had the sensation of which the ideological position that we shared like group, of unsavable reconciliation with the society of classes, was the true spirit who moved to the really independent press. Nevertheless, to three years of to have conformed our local nucleus of the network, we occur to account of that is not thus, of which our ant capitalist critic saves and overflows the criteria of Indymedia. And which also, to anybody in the global network of Indymedia it concerns the one that we have been several years to him of arduous operation, at the time of questioning our permanence.

We are very sad to see everyday how thousands of independent stand in an eternal cycle of an illusory independent journalism converted in something by itself. The journalism -we say it with the authority that give us the years of work- doesn't mean anything if it doesn't have a purpose, this is worthless if its not the destruction of capitalism.

Indymedia denies the independence by proposing a journalism slightly different of the one made by the mass media, where the only difference are the events that are covered by them, and regrettable, not in the way of doing that. They repeat the same logics of the official communication mass media, Indymedia tries to create political indifference and, as a result, we get the lack of interest in taking part in the war that we need to fight against the responsibles of our misery. This is how Indymedia annuls it self as a critical purpose or as an intent of independence by exalting a fake regulation turned into a religion.

Indymedia by using the diversity and pluralism as standard (that restricts any radical criticism) pretending to be different, it doesn't do anything but becoming a post modern merchandise.

We never wanted to be objective journalists, and we never will be. Our critic attitude has cost us to be threaten of our expulsion from the Indymedia Network, and it’s in concordance to the consequence with our conviction that we formulate this declaration: We do not want to inform, but contribute to the debate and to the criticism to this unjust system. We are not interested in impassionated readers to our objective columns. We are interested in their participation. And when we talk about participants we don't refer to the simplicity of free publication for everyone, but letting, by means of radical questioning of the existent, the people abandoned their passive condition and assume an active one. We want them to abandon their watching capacity and to transform into actors, but not of a simple web site, but to take control and be actors of their own lives and history.

We announce our imminent retired from the Indymedia’s project because of the incompatibility that we have with a number of common "rules" that conform the network: the Indymedia’s independency contradict oneself because is a bourgeois conception and it doesn't change at all the way of doing journalism.

In the same way we announce to the people who is interested, that this collective, which keep growing, will keep its critic and contra informative function, contributing to the labor we have done during a long time in Santiago Indymedia (previously in Chile Indymedia) now in an other site, which we will announce when it’s ready.

Hoping the present opinion would be fructiferous in the debate respect to the goals of the independent journalism, in Indymedia and any other similar project,

Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its members).

author by redjadepublication date Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There's a difference between activist media and media activism. Media activism is what Indymedia is. At least, setting up a website dedicated to democratic media is being a media activist. When you write about a march or an action or anything about activism, you're creating activist media.

Here's the riddle: What am I doing? I'm writing an article about media activism. Is it activist media or is it media activism? When you write an Indymedia article about anything, you are engaging in media activism really by helping to grow the amount of independent media out there. You're helping to grow the amount of free ideas and words and pictures and videos and sounds that can be used for activism's sake.

The whole thing is a blur, but I think that's the idea. "Media" itself is a blur. They put movies on television, they read newspapers on radio, they put songs on line to download for 99 cents. "Everyone is a witness, Everyone is a journalist." It's not just about creating free open-source news. If you've been to college, you understand media is an all-encompassing thing. That's what we do. We're "Independant" media. We're another different shade of the blur.

Be the Blur.
- - -
text from:

Related Link: http://www.livejournal.com/users/radiofanclub/18035.html
author by Akrasiapublication date Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's possible that i totally misinterpreted this message, but it seems that (former) IMC in Chile wants to abandon the pursuit of truth in favour of the promotion on one single ideology?

I'm afraid i cannot agree with this position (if my interpretation is correct). I think political discourse needs to be grounded in reason and objective truth (as far as this is possible) It happens that i believe that the truth and rationality more often than not supports the political positions i choose to take, but this is always how things should be. If my percieved reality was in conflict with my political views, then i should be forced to alter my politics to take this into account.

The pursuit of truth, even if it is rarely achieved, is a necessary goal if IMC is to have any credibility even to the already converted. If i want to read fancifull propaganda with an agenda despite the facts, i can subscribe to the socialist worker. IMC is valuable because, with careful reading, and useful participation, it is capable of revealing truth and ideas that would otherwise remain hidden.

author by iosafpublication date Sun Nov 28, 2004 13:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

it's here-
they had / have really nice sections.
even had / have a button to bring you into "chat". (The Irish reader is never invited there.)
Chile has at the moment a better human rights and free press profile than many european states including Spain.

author by redjadepublication date Sun Nov 28, 2004 13:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'What follows is a first-person narrative of an American’s experience in Bolivia during an alternative journalism scholarship offered by the muckraking Narco News Bulletin....'

> Learning the Art of Journalism in Bolivia


The other little secret much modern-day journalism doesn’t share is that, in fact, the medium itself has the power to influence reality. What we choose to talk about and what we choose to say actually serve to inform the reality of readers, whether they choose to believe our stories or not. Simply laying a card on the table affects which card the next one will lay down. That is just the way of the game-playing world.
There can be no denying that we have, as journalists, a grave responsibility to tell the truth as we see it, knowing that the effect of our words is no less than the future itself. What purpose could there be in keeping this truth undercover? It becomes clearer all the time that the deep-pocketed sponsorship of the big-budget reporting in the land dictates much of what is told and how it is told in order to maintain the power it holds in those deep pockets.

The “authentic journalist” shows a different approach by laying all their cards on the table and calling out the one who chooses to keep theirs up their sleeves. Maybe they do it (like me) because they have nothing to lose. Or maybe they do it because they have a hope for humanity beyond wage slavery and desperation.

author by redjadepublication date Sun Nov 28, 2004 13:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Bruce Lee says:

“Set patterns, incapable of adaptability, of pliability, only offer a better cage.

Truth is outside of all patterns.”


author by iosafpublication date Sun Nov 28, 2004 20:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

like when all the jargon is taken out, what is their problem?
are they being "expelled" or are they "leaving"?
they seem to be on the anarcho-sindaclist libertarian socialist wavelength, otherwise they wouldn't use the "@" for "a/o" so much, a barcelona invention/meme which has been taken up by loads of people who write in gender sensitive languages. So that wouldn't seem to provoke problems.
They were criticised for not covering the social forum (a traditional red marxist centred funded event) which would be like indymedia ireland not taking too great an interest in a swp event, (would that ever happen? is it a schismatic offence?)

So if like any-one in Chile or any-one linked to or in contact with Santiago activists would like to explain it in non-jargon -

¿Que es la problema?
¿siguimos en solidaridad o que?

author by Michaelpublication date Sun Nov 28, 2004 22:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Like iosaf, I'm a little puzzled. What's their problem exactly? If they (whether it's a group or just one person I have no idea, but lets say its two or more people) want to warn us all about something that's rotten in the IMC network, why don't they do it a little more clearly?

From what I could make of the text above it looks like these folks think that their dislike for capitalism is greater than everyone else's on the IMC network. So much so, indeed, that they can't bring themselves to write anything that might actually be read and taken seriously by anyone not already quite as enlightened as them.

author by Joepublication date Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's hard to work out exactly what this is about but maybe there are leaving the network because they don't agree with the political concept of independant journalism. Although it says 'expelled' at the top at the bottom its signed "Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its members)."

author by slugfacepublication date Mon Nov 29, 2004 19:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's a shame the text is so hard to read (the english on their website is impeccable) but the jist of it seems to be fair enough; that they are coming under criticism/threatened expulsion (?) from the indymedia network due to having definite principals upon which they base their writings. I only just looked through it fairly speedily but it seems pretty good, and a good deal less wishywashy than our own indymedia?
The other indymedia's, the irish one included, are useful as an open noticeboard type thing, but it's true what yer wo/man says about the hournalism being expected to mirror mainstream journalism. The composition does tend towards traditional/professional journalism.
And it is also a good point about wanting to bring an end to the society of spectators (if that's what s/he was saying?), but anyway I think that piece raises very good points. Maybe a better translation would be available? might find out.

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