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Comments (18 of 18)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Where is the indymedia coverage of this story? You just wrote it. You see, indymedia is whatever the users want it to be. If you want to see indymedia cover something that is dear to you - GO AND DO IT. But, next time, could you please not post cut and pastes as news items, they are properly classified as 'other press'. You should also just post a link after an original introduction. Your introduction may be original, but it also reveals your dimness a bit too obviously.
Hope he does not try to say Ireland was against the war or 'neutral' . As we know from the Australian Journalist recently released in Iraq - kidnappers know how to use google and fact check just as well as the rest of us. The UK Independent published a story on Mrs Hassan yesterday from their baghdad correspondent which bluntly stated (while discussing Bertie etc) that Ireland opposed the invasion of Iraq. The people did but the government didn't.
Taoiseach to make hostage appeal on Arab TV
16:16 Friday October 22nd 2004
The Taoiseach is to appear on Al Jazeera television this evening to appeal for the release of the latest hostage in Iraq.
A video of Margaret Hassan has this afternoon been shown on the Arab satellite station.
In it, the Dublin-born charity aid worker pleads to the British people to help her.
She has urged Prime Minister Tony Blair to withdraw UK troops from Iraq and not to bring them to Baghdad.
Meanwhile a statement has been issued by the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland demanding Mrs Hassan's release.
It denounces the kidnapping and killing of civilians in Iraq which it has said are damaging the cause of resistance to US and British occupation of the country.
only link to ken bigley that i am aware of on indymedia ireland
do the kidnappers believe Margaret Hassan is british, are they confused to the fact that éire is nothing to do with the british state? if so is this been pointed out to them and by whom?
i say this as i spent some time in muslim countries and many thought we were part of britain, bar many people in iran where they are aware of our history and even went as far as calling main street in tehran bobby sands street.
there is no sense in killing her.
i hope and believe she will be home soon.
aljazeera state
"Margaret Hassan — an Irish-British-Iraqi woman who has been doing humanitarian work in Iraq over the past 30 years"
but that is late into their article, their main story only gives her name only
stress the fact that she is irish to them
it will only take 30 seconds, and it could save her.
add your comment here
Margaret Hassan- bring her home
it doens't matter whether she is irish or not some people have played a part of the hurt and some havn't
"It denounces the kidnapping and killing of civilians in Iraq which it has said are damaging the cause of resistance to US and British occupation of the country."
So by implication, these good Muslim citizens support the "resistance" as long as they're attacking coalition troops and indiegenous Iraqi security forces?
The fact that this lady is Irish is irrelevant, if she's being held by Zarqawi - she's just another western infidel and a woman to boot.
Who shares responsibility for these kidnappings?
Responsibilty for these type of kidnappings must be shared by the so called "Coalition of the Willing". They have executed an illegal and racist war based on spurious charges. The fascist Bush claims that "we are kiling them over there so that we don't have to fight them here." They call heroines like Margaret Hassan "collateral damage". We must continue to resist the rise of fascism from Bush and Blair. We need peace not war.
Who will answer her and who shares responsibility for these kidnappings?
Responsibilty for these type of kidnappings must be shared by the so called "Coalition of the Willing". They have executed an illegal and racist war based on spurious charges. The fascist Bush claims that "we are kiling them over there so that we don't have to fight them here." They call heroines like Margaret Hassan "collateral damage".
Yes these kidnappers and extremist jihadists are digusting murderers but that doesn't let Bush and Blair off the hook. Are we supposed to judge our leaders by simply comparing them to sadistic killers? Ok, so they're responsible for a war in which uncounted numbers of civillians have and continue to be killed but at least they don't go around beheading people! Blair and Bush cannot hide any longer behind their fake facade of moral outrage.
Meanwhile, Blair is exacerbating the problem by moving British troops north to relieve American soldiers who are expected to launch an all out assault on Fallujah in an effort to boost Bush's flagging poll numbers just in time for the U.S. election.
What's one more innocent victim to these two cristian crusaders? Seemingly nothing, when they already have the death of thousands of innocents on their consciences. Bush and Blair are just as guilty by perpetrating an illegal, immoral and racist war. We must continue to resist the rise of fascism from Bush and Blair. We need peace not war.
Let's start at the beginning.
These terrorist scumbags want to kill the infidel.
Every non-muslim is an infidel.
Regardless of whether your nation joined the coalition of the willing or not, if you're kaffar you're a legitimate target.
Being Irish is not a get out of jail card.
Our soldiers are not part of the coalition of the willing.
Just as Nepal's soldiers are not part of the coalition of the willing.
This didn't save twelve Nepalese from these butchers.
This craven appeasement is sickening.
Feed the crocodile. He'll still eat you.
we do occasionally put up messages of
support for people in prison etc, but there has to be a story that goes with em, infact the only story I can think of from this is tha parallel
of Hassan with the two Italian Aid workers who as soon as they get free slam the people that were hypocrictical pleading their innocence on their behalf... just like bertie and co, there was a number of letters
in the times today and yesterday from Colm Roddy Bendan Butler and Roger
Cole criticisin the government over the attempts to paint Ireland as
neutral country....
competition over who wants her released more is useless, we all do, but
such statements are as useful as condemnation statements....
Weeping Hassan in plea for life. 'Please help me, I beg of you'. Videos Of Recent Iraqi Resistance Attacks on American Troops.
Hostage Video: British Boss (Margaret Hassan) of Aid Organization CARE, Videos: Attacks on U.S. Troops & More
Today's CCNWON headlines so far:
23 October 2004
Be afraid, be very afraid... it's what Blair and Blunkett want, Our Fears Will Enslave Us & More
Saturday, 23 October 2004 09:10 AM
UK Prosecutor: Islamophobia Linked to War on Terror, GOP Moves to Crush Ohio Vote & More
Saturday, 23 October 2004 08:08 AM
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 21 October 2004 and Friday, 22 October 2004
Saturday, 23 October 2004 07:18 AM
being irish dosent excuse you from the terroist threat after all rthe years of terroism commited by the ira isnt it a check to cry when another terroist group commit attrocities no matter what relgion you are these are crimes against humanity just like all the years the murders in the ira where murdering innocent people in ulster whats the differance ?
pheragas (?), the difference is that however you perceive the IRA, at least they were not illiterate (like yourself)
“pheragas (?), the difference is that however you perceive the IRA, at least they were not illiterate (like yourself)”
Indymedia-type arrogance epitomised. Just coz a person may have poor literacy skills (and whose are perfect anyway?) doesn’t mean they haven’t a valid point (by the same logic you must think much of the views of slum-dwellers of the developing world, very un-PC).
If f nothing else just for the sake of debate cut the cheap jibes and stick to the quality of your argument , ( that is if you actually have one!).
This is really quite simple. The terrorists do not care whether Mrs Hassan is Irish, British, American or outer Mongolian. The point is that anyone who doesn't believe in the terrorists radical form of Islam is an infidel and is fair game for killing. My heart goes out to her family but please people wake up and see what these terrorists stand for for Gods sake.
It's heart-aching that Mrs Hassan has been lost to those idiots. Man , I don't know what's moslem and what's not anymore. Don't these moslems have someone with balls to talk to in order to tell us what their literally freaking religion is all about ? Unless there is a unified public condemnation of these never-ending idiotic fatwas , all moslems stand condemned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since this kind of ideology doesn't tolerate the existence of the other.
They kill the guilty and not guilty. They show us how Islam conquered the world and submitted it to their wacko religion.
In the article:
Robert Fisk asks: Who killed Margaret Hassan?
asks just this question. The strange thing about this awful case was that the 'coalition' powers made much out of the story in terms of propaganda and using it as a way to legimitize their own widespread murder in the same country. And yet no Iraq group claimed to have kidnapped her.
How handy too, that she did such good work over the past 15 or 20 years in Iraq and how it played in the Western media. The implication was that if she was one of the good guys and she very much was, then whoever killed her is one of the bad guys which they are and by extension since Blair and the 'media' condone it and so they are good and then the coalition must be therefore killing or fighting against the bad guys. This is then supposed to lead to the conclusion that what they are doing in Iraq is the right thing and if you criticize that you are agreeing with Hassan's killers.
The replay of the images and the stories then reinforce this underlying message over and over again, so that it enters the subconcious mind. It's classic propaganda of course. The killing of Hassan for Bush and Blair almost becomes the new justification for being in Iraqi
What's not mentioned or allowed to be discussed is that the 'coalition' are killing thousands of innocents, her killers are not neccessarily the same ones the coalition are killing and can't be, since there are perhaps 100,000 dead and yet the 'kidnappers' are still alive. It also glosses over the thousands of slow deaths due to Depleted Uranium and destruction of the infrastructure (water borne disease etc).
But even more disturbing, as Fisk suggests is that what if her killers work for the coalition, then much of the discrepancy fits into place, particularly the fact that so many Iraqis said she should be released and the fact that so many groups said it was not them who kidnapped her.
I said that Fisk 'suggests' Hassan's killers work for the coalition in some way. In fact he didn't, but his article implies it.
To be clear though, I am suggesting it now.