Pro Choice 'No' Events this weekend in Dublin
national | miscellaneous | news report
Friday March 01, 2002 14:56
by Mags - Alliance for a No Vote
Come on folks - only a few days left so all help is needed!
Friday 1st March
o Leafleting of Stations
4pm to 6pm - Heuston, Bus Aras and Connolly.
Please attend whichever one is best for you.
Saturday 2nd March
- Leafleting
o City Centre: Meet at 2pm at top of Grafton Street (Stephens Green Shopping Centre)
o Tallaght: Meet at 1pm at Eddie Rockets at The Square S.C.
- Public Meeting
Organised by the Socialist Party
Wynns Hotel, Abbey Street at 4pm
Speakers: Clare Daly of SP and Ivana Bacik of ANV.
Sunday 3rd March
o Anti Amendment Media Event
Celebs, actors, artists, etc.
From 12noon-2pm in the IFC, Temple Bar.
600 new ANV posters are available from the office. To arrange to pick up some contact Mary at the office 8726206 or on her mobile 087 7988330.