Food not Bombs Dubv3.2 - The Story So Far
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news report
Wednesday August 11, 2004 04:28
by d + m

pics and report from maeve and derek and meeting announcement
Report and meeting on thursday 12th at 7pm meeting trinity arch...

don't talk with your mouth full
Recently in FNB we've had three events where we've given out free delicious/amazing/sensational vegetarian food : )
We collected fruit and vegetables from the market on Moore Street on the Thursday and Friday prior to the giving out of the food, but this turned out to be way too much. We were overcome by broccoli, and now we reckon that one collection of food on the Saturday is plenty for the moment. Cooking and bread collection from bakeries has been taking place on the Saturday. all the food we use is food that would otherwise be thrown out. We get it for free and so we give it out for free.
Our first Sunday we set up in the millennium park opposite the Olympia (just outside Dublin castle). we fed lots of people with a sort of vegetable mush. Our preliminary plan was to give food out food there every second Sunday. However, since we're just getting this thing rolling, we haven't finalised any decisions like this yet.
the following week, FNB provided free food at the DIY fest in the project. There was vegetable curry, hummus and lots of bread.
Then, last Sunday, the rain fell. We had no umbrellas. it was very cold. Instead of setting up in the millennium park we distributed the free wholesome soulful food outside the Mc Donald's of the Ilac centre. At first we used the shelter from their overhang, but after a while we moved slightly away from the Mc Donald's and more towards the street. Our two varieties of vegetable stew and the sack of bread were very popular. All the food was gone within an hour. We talked to lots of people and did our bit to divert some mc Donald's customers towards an all-round better option.
So, so far it's all going pretty well. There been a real interest from the public. We're gaining momentum all the time - a bread redistribution network started, regular meetings, free food on the streets and plans of big things to come. These are the very early days, but everyone involved in FNB is really working hard. We want the FNB network to grow so if youre interested in what we're about drop us a line and get involved.
We'll be having a meeting at the trinity arch on Thursday meeting at 7 o'clock : ) to discuss our plans, figure out how we can sustain this thing...
( again i pc will have some fnb flyers in my hand if anyone who doesn't know us wants to come along, and you can email us before hand too at [email protected] )

an oasis

at the ready

people pausing from shooping to break bread
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If anyone has BIG cooking pots, portable gas cookers, paella gas rings, untensils they feel like selling or give to us for free... that would be great.
Two Contact Numbers for FNB are:
Derek 087 2143008
Cian 087 6745575
hi lads
well done keep it up
im organising an event for this sat, an art-social-political-cultural-spirit event
and it would be great if food not bombs could interact with it
ill have it online later
green blue walk- green zones, parks, and places with and next to water
that leads to art event on streets @ east wall, then to burning man party- a massive example of where art and political and spirit meet
if your ideas big ideas could be achieved?...
im not so sure about this burning man lot... creating events where the entry fee is 20e or 50e who supposed to afford these, i know its an expensive thing to go the burning man, but thats a bit much and if you arn't going you can't really enage in the experience yourself
ill inform the others at our meeting tonight though, we're happy to help out at other events but need a good bit of forewarning
Great to see your efforts there! hope you don't get the police attention we've had here! Keep it up!
Pacé, Liam
night was class
thanks for coming down
im going to try to do it once a month
an indymedia cultural event, space to phsically meet up and socialize
we got in to burning man thing for 5er, not bad, good fun, then party in the gaf
will promote fnb too on future events, if you can give me flyers
next event this thr, hope some of you can make it