National - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Sports Against Racism Ireland annual SoccerFest. Sat/Sun
plus side show entertainment
Sports Against Racism Ireland, (SARI) is a non-profit making organisation with Charitable Status that was set up in July 1997 as a direct response to the growth of racist attacks from a small but vocal section of people in Ireland.
SARI uses sport to integrate people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Sports Against Racism Ireland annual SoccerFest (Sept. 18-19)
This year’s soccerfest will take place in the sports grounds of St Brendan’s Hospital in Grangegorman, Dublin, which is now the new DIT campus,
on Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th September 2004
All entries should be in by Friday 13th August 2004.
Entry Fee
The entry fee is E200 per team of no more than 10 players. Payment should be made to SARI and posted to 135 Capel Street, Dublin 1
(please do not send cash through post).
Side show entertainment to include: Capoeire (Brazilian Martial Arts), FAI penalty shoot out competition, Face Painting, Clowns, Stilt walkers, World Music, 7 A Side celebrity football challenge, Chess tournament, More to be announced.....
Download the application form from and for further information contact Frank Buckley on 087 244 5154
Email [email protected]
We attempt to create a positive attitude towards all minority groups by way of our multi-cultural events to ensure that young people of this country grow up with a tolerant attitude towards people with different backgrounds.
The main aims of SARI are:
i) To create an awareness of the problems of racism and xenophobia in Ireland today and to highlight the benefits of integrating the new cultures that are becoming part of life in Ireland today.
ii) To use sport and cultural events to bring together people from different cultures and backgrounds.
iii) To promote a positive attitude towards people from different ethnic backgrounds.
iv) To increase the discussion and debate about racism, discrimination and xenophobia.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6Isn't that a little expensive?
brief post re last years event
its the same weekend as the african social forum in dublin
i hope indymedia go to this soccer fest, put up a stall, record stuff, take pix, get more people aware of and using indymedia
maybe we could put a team together
anyone interested
if so email me
On previous occasions SARI loked for ridiclious sums of money from people who wanted to set up stalls. I seriously wonder how representative this organistion is.
rang them and talked
should be no problem, ill be there with the indymedia process board and hope some more of you will be there too.
call for improved indymedia outreach 2- can people bring old printflares, at least one to be copied to this event. ill bring what i can
Ask what % of their funding goes on administration and salaries. How is SARI structured? Does it have a democratic decision making process? How do you join it? Who decides how the money is spent?
see article and listen to audio clips of event here