Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Bad Books Dublin Re-Opens
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event notice
Tuesday August 03, 2004 18:59
by Librarian A - Bad Books Dublin
badbooksdublin at yahoo dot com
38 Strandville Avenue, North Strand, D.3

...alongisde The Forgotten Zine Library Archive.
Re-opening this Sunday, August 8th. Please come in and have a look between 2-5pm. New faces welcome.
Bad Books is a small community library comprising nearly 500 books. Titles range from fiction novels, to anarchist pamphlets. We have politics, poetry, and lots in between. Bad Books was begun and organized by John McCarthy in August of ’03. However, Bad Books could not have been started without the donations of hundreds of books from all our friends. The project was nursed to life on John’s radiator at The Mews, and then grew in the Magpie House on Leeson Street for most of its eight months. After the closing of the Magpie House, Bad Books was brought out to suburbs for a bit of beauty rest.
So what’s next? Well, Bad Books seems to have found a home in the UnawareHouse alongside it’s sister library: The Forgotten Zine Library. We will be hosting an offical opening/re-opening August 8th, from 2-5pm. We’ll probably have some nice wine, and any profits made will go to stationary costs for the libraries. The Forgotten Zine contains a large selection of Irish and international ‘zines, radical political newsletters and pamphlets. The Forgotten Zine Library is for reference only, and will be available for browsing during library hours. We’re planning to have library hours on Wednesdays, from 7-9, and Sundays, from 2-5. These times will be for library members, browsers, and hang-outters. We’re hoping that with the interest of others this will be a starting point for some more community interaction that does not centre on dutch gold. If you are not yet a card-carrying member of Bad Books, drop by to talk to some one about joining. An entrance fee of three book donations is the usual damage; and a donation of ten euro would be preferred to some random books you found in a skip – as we do have limited space, we ask donations to be thoughtful. Non-members are welcome to come browse and hangout at the library. The Forgotten Zine Library welcomes a donation of your current ‘zine. For more info, email [email protected], or [email protected] concerning the Forgotten Zine Library. Or drop in during opening hours!
Bad Books Dublin The UnawareHouse 38 Strandville Avenue (big blue gates on the right, just before the low walkway) North Strand Dublin 3
A good library collection should have something to offend everyone. If they don't, they are not doing their job.
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Jump To Comment: 1Are there any specific titles/subject areas that you're looking for?
Might I suggest that a bulletin board for suggestions and reviews might be of use.
I'll drop down to have a browse and bring along a few titles but as I have quite a lot of things some direction would help.