Independent Media Centre Ireland

Al Qaeda drives oil price to all time high

category international | anti-capitalism | opinion/analysis author Monday August 02, 2004 14:49author by Hilaal

(but, hush, it's a secret)

Oil futures in New York on Friday surged to $43.85 a barrel, the highest level since the futures contract began trading in 1983. A slowdown in the U.S. economy and a renewed threat to it's economic recovery has been blamed on steep increases in the price of petrol.
Belgium burns
Belgium burns

OPEC, which has been trying to bring prices down for months, is pumping at more than 95% of it's capacity, the highest for a quarter of a century. After crude oil prices in March soared to $42 a barrel the world's stock exchanges and consumer confidence were on the point of panic, so the economic witch doctor bloodsuckers, headed by Alan Greenspan, along with the Suadi Arabian "princes" and OPEC cooked the books and boosted output to try and stem the inevitable collapse of the New World Order that will result from more expensive or less available oil supplies. This was a temporary trick-of-the-light and now reality is emerging fast despite being denied or ignored by a media primed to ignore reality.
A "mysterious" explosion ripped through a main European gas connector last week in Belgium and perhaps someday we may find out the real cause of that explosion. Was it an "accident" caused by an Act of God or was it some group acting in accordance with the will of God?
On Saturday two "mysterious" explosions ripped through two pipelines linking a tanker terminal to the Petrogal oil refinery at Leca de Palmeira, about 300 km north of Lisbon, setting off huge fires. The Petrogal oil refinery produces 4.8 million metric tons of refined oil a year. The "unexplained" explosions have stopped supplies to the plant, which supplies oil products to northern Portugal, the country's industrial hub. Portugal contributed troops to the coaliton of oil thieves and murderers in Iraq.

Over the weekend Chechnian and Dagestani rebels attacked Russian soldiers in Dagestan on the proposed route of another Caspian Sea pipeline to mainland Europe. Another Caspian Pipe-dream goes up in smoke along with oil prices!
Russia too is in trouble with Yukos which produces one fifth of Russias oil being threatened with closure. Vlad "the KGB" Putin is trying to steal the Yukos oil company from it's owners by a Criminal Assets Bureau type ruse in order to stop his government being held to ransom by exorbitant oil prices in the near future. The Russian military like the Americans marches on it's oil and a shortage of cheap oil (anything under $50 a barrel) would make it difficult for them to impose their imperial might in such far flung places as Afghanistan or to check the advance of the US into places like Khazikstan or sub-Saharan Africa where the few dwindling oil reserves as yet untapped remain.
The US has invested almost a trillion dollars so far in and effort to squat the Iraqi oil wells and this is now looking like wasted money as their troops and those of their offspring take a beating they did not anticipate in their greed-wish-lust for more and more oil to squander.
The US have lost the war in Iraq and will pay dearly for the tens of thousands they have murdered and tortured during the invasion and for the almost two million civilians they have killed through UN Security Council sanctions over the preceding decade.
Exacerbating matters are worries about threats to political stability in Saudi Arabia, the world's largest exporter. The Kingdom is teetering on the edge of revolution with the "Royal Family" shifting their wealth to Europe and the US in what appears to be their last theft-spree of Saudi resources before they are driven from the Kingdom along with their bloodsucking masters.
Venezuela too has proved illusive for the US. President Hugo Chavez has held fast , with the help of the people, against every trick of the CIA to oust him and have Venezuela's massive oil reserves once again returned into the hands of the elite who have impoverished the country for the benefit of themselves and the US for decades. Viva Chavez!
In Nigeria and Saharan Africa the war-for-oil also rages quietly with the CIA and MI6 playing their hands in murder , intimidation, and conspiracy to keep and gain control of oil reserves. Things are not going so well for the thieves and nearby Sudan is a thorn in their side as long as it keeps being a route for and supplying those who will fight them. This is why we see Africans on camels every night on the news being portrayed as ,"an Arab militia". Look closely at these "Arabs" and see how Arabic they look, then look at the Muslims in the refugee camps fleeing the Western backed murderers. Don't be fooled by their lies!
Meanwhile back in Ireland the Navy and gangs of former Army Ranges , now working for ConcoPhillips, protect Whitegate Oil refinery and Whiddy Island storage facility in Cork for their US masters. ConocoPhillips is a US Government controlled company closely linked to the US military industrial complex (more of this later). It's nice to know our military breeds such fine fellows at the Irish taxpayers expense! . Now that they have laid off trying to bully and intimidate George Lee and Charlie Bird on behalf of National Irish Bank and it's gang of thieves they have so much more time to make money from serving another fine bunch of international bloodsuckers.
It's appears that the Neo-Conservative philosophy of , "let them hate us as long as they fear us" has not worked. They hate the US and it's litany of murder, they do not fear it and as Osama Bin Laden has promised , they will destroy it and all who suckle from it's evil milk.

Related Link:

 ConocoPhillips' Irish property
ConocoPhillips' Irish property

Debutinizer at Whitegate
Debutinizer at Whitegate

Kerosene stripper at Whitegate
Kerosene stripper at Whitegate

Whitegate in Cork Harbour
Whitegate in Cork Harbour

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