Independent Media Centre Ireland


category international | eu | opinion/analysis author Monday June 21, 2004 17:16author by the merrovingñanvanjan

f.a.o. Bartholomew Patrick Ahern

an Taoiseach, the Prime Minister of Ireland, the Premier of Eire, the leader of Fianna Fail, the the current President of the European Union, knight honorary of the Order of Constantine and St. George, Deputy for Dublin Central to Dail Eirinn.

You categorically told your post-election shock party that you would not be going to Brussels.

you also took all advice and wore the mismatching suit and trousers to Sea Island.

You did this, Bertie, so as not to satisfy the conditions for the job. You weren't banged up on psidrugs, like Tony, so cast your mind back, you did your best "not to get the job".

"Not getting the job", means-

You don't go to Brussells.
You don't become EU comissioner rascal in chief.
You don't become a UN high comissioner.
You don't become secretary general of NATO.

Now we've gone through all this before.
OH remember the days, when we went easy on you, coz it was your first mega-important job, and we took you through the pitfalls and pointed out the limitations you suffer on account of not being able to speak, read or write French.

Make it simple.
"Bertie you don't have any French".

You don't go to Brussells.
You don't become EU comissioner rascal in chief.
You don't become a UN high comissioner.
You don't become secretary general of NATO.

because you don't have any French.
You would very quickly be converted in a
"petit anglais" Bertie, and with that Order of Constantine and st George, still fresh on your list of honorary gongs, you'll find that your kind of english may complicate the long and interesting development of the Irish nation.

Why can't you be just happy to hang up your laurels now, forget about the disaster of the EU elections, bask in the glory of getting the Constitution (which those lovely merrovigninvanjans wrote) into the statues book. - ooooo, bertie it isn't on the statute books yet, hmmm, you'll need to learn French.

The problem with you Bertie, is you've forgotten all the lovely moments when your little helpers the merrovingñnvanjans caught you by the scruff of the neck and kept your teflon coating up to scratchless.

Like Cyprus. You didn't have a clue there did you?
Or Macedonia and Balkan expansion, that had you sweating didn't it?

So, have a think about where your career might best be pursued. You are indeed a valued member of the team, but you aren't the star, Bertie. Calm down.

Remember the game plan.

You are going into opposition in 2005.
A very respectably opposition. And the PDs will be finally be killed off, and someone who doesn't speak English as their first language and knows that Boston is as far from Utah as Galway is to Riga will get the _very important_ jobs for an bodach mór which are

*Secretary General of NATO/OTAN
*Comissioner after Prodi.
*High Comissioner for anything at all UN.

I hate people who don't know when the sloppy hig hug is over. You've till the end of the month, when you told your party that you weren't going to Brussells you mumbled something about little details which carry you up to mid July on EU presidential business.
Then August is your holliers.
And September is your _*"reshuffle"*_

¿are you on program or Qué?

Comments (8 of 8)

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author by -publication date Mon Jun 21, 2004 17:29author address author phone

don't even bother! you effed my fax last week.

Bertie, you _can_ resist the enormous pressure being put on you to allow your name be put forward.
All you have to do is think about the West. Didn't you ever get a chance to see a Blasket at Sunset? I'm sure you did. Wonderful.

You are being used Bertie. And it is _not_ in the best interest of either Europa or Ireland.

You really are too pally with that Tony Blair.
And I don't care what "the Boss" said to you in the private last minute meeting, Mr Chirac is playing you for an eeejit.

phone a merrovingnvanjan and ask them.

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author by -publication date Mon Jun 21, 2004 17:32author address author phone

speaks French.
understands commies.
was born on a 23rd.

what did the germans mean "Ahern has tasted european blood"?

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author by councilpublication date Mon Jun 21, 2004 19:59author address author phone

you've got to do somethings on your own.
like juan of luxembourg said, Fianna Fail wouldn't be either the greater European or Irish interest if it allowed its leader Ahern to pander to Franco-German diplomacy in assisting Tony Blair (that's you Tony) sell the very well written constitution (by merrovininjans Tony) to the peoples of Engurland, Scotland the brave, Cymru, and the funny shaped bit on the corner of Ireland.

So, we all know, there is no way in Charlemagne that the effin gobshite
Pat Cox is getting the job. OK he speaks
a little bit of french, but he has no idea about the berets. And anyway, Tony, you know he'd end up making a Euromess on the scale of the local mess they're leaving behind. But this selling the constitution thing, well it's going to be difficult, we know, but you don't need a Paddy/Mick/Celtic Tiger in the job to make it easier.

We've planned resting holliers for Bertie with some laurels and stuff.

it's going Finnish.

author by von van de di o and macpublication date Mon Jun 21, 2004 20:00author address author phone

je suis desolé mais ils sont petits anglaises.

author by merryvinjanspublication date Mon Jun 21, 2004 21:44author address author phone

le Taoiseach et président du Conseil européen, M. Bertie Ahern, a déclaré
à la presse : "Nous avons consacré toute la soirée à la question de la
présidence de la Commission. Nous ne sommes pas encore parvenus à une
solution satisfaisante".

"Evidemment, nous avons plusieurs candidats, des candidats de bonne
qualité, dont les noms ont été à la fois annoncés publiquement et abordés
ce soir. Nous devons essayer de voir si, en tant que Conseil, nous
pouvons aboutir à un consensus ou un quasi-consensus. Quelqu'un doit être
élu au vote à la majorité qualifiée, ce qui exige un consensus assez
solide. Nous ne nous trouvons pas actuellement dans cette position", a
expliqué le Taoiseach.

anyway change the title, and I could be looking forward to years of having to hmmmm and ngngngn and @#€*+¿?!!!! stuff from "el" Bertie.

Please don't do dat.

author by knowing what the eFF-ing game is about. - - He presided the least democratic elections in Union History.publication date Mon Jun 21, 2004 21:47author address 450,000,000 people. over 10 million on the street against the phone

like get real.

Related Link: http://www.You
author by Mary P, Kellypublication date Wed Jun 23, 2004 03:03author address author phone

He hasn't a word of irish but he can talk French like the best of them. Fair play to ya Bertie, you're the cutest hoor of the lot of them.

author by hate to admit itpublication date Wed Jun 23, 2004 18:04author address author phone

isn't he the veritible double mesh silicone playtex teflon rayon depleted crayon woven fibre nylon re-inforced supreme rascal 1.

You're the dog's bollix Bertie.
the cat's pyjamas.
the puta fucking madre.
the cutest hoor in christendom.
But you're still going to Hell.

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