An African Election Candidate in Galway - Torn Down Posters - Abusive Phonecalls - A Racist Website
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politics / elections |
Friday June 04, 2004 19:51
by John Cunningham - Tokie Laotan campaign
johnliamsheain at eircom dot net

'I do wonder, however, if the racists who run websites, who make disgusting intimidating phone calls, who will not accept my right to have my election posters displayed publicly, are gaining encouragement from the government’s decision to run a racist referendum in conjunction with these elections'
Tokie Laotan, an independent candidate for the North / East ward in Galway city, has been facing harassment on the election trail. She has been receiving abusive anonymous phone calls to her mobile phone, she has been targeted by a racist website, and now her posters are being removed –-apparently in a systematic fashion.
‘I was reluctant to raise this publicly’, says Tokie Laotan, ‘because almost all of the Galway people I have met on my campaign have been friendly and open to what I have to say. Clearly, however, there are individuals who think that an African woman should not be allowed to even stand for election. All this harassment is making me nervous, and making it difficult for me to campaign effectively’.
‘The phone calls stopped after a few days, when I started to tell the callers that I was having their numbers traced’, according to Ms Laotan. ‘The website is still up and spreading its message of hate against me and other immigrants to Ireland —can it be closed down, I wonder?'
‘The final straw was when I learned that two-thirds of my posters were removed within 36 hours of being put up. I realise that posters can be brought down by the wind, and by the odd stray drunk, but this was done systematically, with posters taken from every pole on several routes —College Road and Augustine-street for example.’
‘I know that the racists who do this are a tiny minority, and that they have little support among Galway people and Irish people generally. I do wonder, however, if the racists who run websites, who make disgusting intimidating phone calls, who will not accept my right to have my election posters displayed publicly, are gaining encouragement from the government’s decision to run a racist referendum in conjunction with these elections'.
Related Links and Stories on Immigrants, Elections and McDowell's Referendum
Audio Report on Campaign against the Racist Referendum Meeting - June 4th 2004
Voting Rights for Immigrants in Ireland Under Threat - April 11th 2004 Report
All Children are Equal But if Michael has his Way - Some Will be More Equal than Others - April 6th 2004 Report
The Chen Case @ the European Court of Justice – Money Talks and a Government Lies - May 24 2004 Report
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34Local travellers will empathise given the awful treatement that they have had at the hands of the "Tribesmen". Knackers in the true sense of the word.
It's always the same with scum like this - they'll make threatening phonecalls, slander people behind their backs, but when it comes to actual face-to-face confrontation they're too chickenshit to do anything at all.
Good luck to her. If there's any human decency left then a few gobshites aren't going to stand in her way.
It is not difficult to imagine that such groups as these will attempt to garner propaganda from the July 11th referendum proposed by Mc Dowell.
If his law is passed, ultra right wing, and right wing lobbyists throughout Europe will point to it as precedent and argue for same.
In a short time, the national "logo" and image of Ireland, might be changed.
And indeed it already is changing.
If my constant scribbling irritates some, you need only reflect that it is a daily series of messages and opinion "home". From one who has not lived in Ireland for many many years. And the Irish image as "benovelant", "tolerant" nation has shrunk no matter what fine words or behaviour may come from Bertie as EU president.
This bodes ill for the future of both the Irish people, and Europe as a whole. I'll repeat it to both "left" and "right", Ireland has enough laws to fudge a compromise on this. The longterm consequences of Mc Dowell's proposals will sow division amongst the Irish of the future, and hasten the transformation of the national image to that of
a US/UK satelite.
White only.
In-tolerant and socially backward.
These are notions you are never presented with, no-one wishes be told their country appears badly. If I tell a spaniard that they are percieved as being racist, I have to go carefully, If I tell an Irishman or Irishwoman that I have seen at close hand racism and hatred in London, they nod and cluck "that's the British".
You are one generation away from racial nailbombings. And you ought know that such a small society already fractured, doesn't have the psyhcological resilance to survive such an incident. You are indeed already (as are the Spanish and NYCers) in trauma of demographically embalanced terrorist attacks.
This referendum is incredibly important.
IT will mark the direction of Mc Dowell's development as a shaper of the Ireland, which is "his project". And in some way it is so important, that campaigning against it, can not be confined to the left alone.
I urge everyone, to do their best on this.
Even those of the "centre" or "right", including his own party members. it can't be passed and it's that simple. IF need be send him back to the drawing board to present another, to be voted after the EU Presidency ends.
What today may seem "befuddled" often proves to be accurate such little time later.
The ultra right may use it but it is not theirs. It is commonly used by all manner of sporting, cultural and religous groups in Ireland and long may it be. So I'm not sure what your point is.
On the other hand, you do make good points on the referendum itself.
In italy where I'm living now the celtic cross had been long adopted by the far right. It is forza nouva's symbol (on a red flag, like the old nazi one) and cities are covered in nazi grafitti with the celtic cross. It has reached the stage that if you wear anything with a celtic design on it people may presume you are a neo nazi. Danm shame but thats how it is, Ireland here is being used by the italian facists as their ideal society, (white, catholic and being oppressed by prodestants, and no i'm not joking). There's posters of bobby sands with nazi symbolsall over the city. And after this referendum the neo nazis will definitely use it as an example and lean on the ex fascist National Alliance to introduce it or something similar.
there are facists in Milan and Lombardy that are pro LVF-Some Italian guy gave me the URL of a site dedicated to Billy Wright. It's true!
The people involved in tearing down the posters and making threatening phonecalls are thick ignorant racists with no political knowledge whatsoever. One positive point about the irish political system is that the views of racists has thankfully not yet translated into an organised political movement. As these racists are too vacous to even know how to use their polling cards.
from Barcelona.
Today in solidarity with "sin papales"/"sin papiers" were assembled a few thousand mostly of the poorest paid workers, mostly muslim, mostly male, and they walked slowly through the city.
And then they walked into the House of God.
There are many houses of God, the one they are in at this very moment, is the Gothic Cathedral of Barcelona.
It's been a bit over an hour. I hope this makes you smile Tokie, and if you were here, I hope you'd be amongst us, and if you were (amongst us) then I'd have no trouble saying
forgive me a personal reflection, one shared by an Austrian friend. We saw this cathedral fill, and then the security guards kindly open the "no tourism" sections, and as time slowly passes, the cathedral full of mostly tired men, who are illegal aliens, who are the cheapest workers, who worship (if they do) in different houses. And then we thought, all that was missing were the wives and children the few mattresses, the huddled refugees in the war time sanctuary of Church.
Another friend mused it a bit strange to see the cathedral bastion of patriarchal power blaa blaa fill with muslims, hindus, sikhs, anarchisties, (who did thoughtfully and sensitively lower their flags) and bolsheviks.
I'm going to go back there now.
tell you about it later.
perhaps tomorrow in the "sunday papers".
No, D. Mooney. Black people are not subhuman vermin.
They all have their own beautiful indigenous cultures and languages. However, coming to Ireland doesn't do the Irish, the immigrants or their native countries any good.
Tokie Laotan and other immigrants should not be allowed run in Irish elections for the simple reason that they are NOT Irish, and will not work politically for the good of the Irish people. Naturally, immigrants of different nationalities will stick together and try to impose their own ways of life on Ireland. This, for both Ireland and there native country, is not healthy. But Reds akin to those here at Indymedia insist on backing immigrants so they can back their anti-Irish agenda. Ivana Bacik, naturalised and assimilated to the country which took her father in after World War II, has even developed an acute hatred of Irishness, the Church, and has embraced the idea that cultures and peoples can only flourish when mashed together. This results in the imposition of a monoculture akin to that of the U.S., creating ethnic and political division - something which makes it easier for crooked elites to rule.
I wonder how white Irish people would get on canvassing for votes in Lagos, Addis Ababa or Nairobi? Answer that, Oh Ye Wise Lords of Indymedia. I think the question answers itself.
By the way, I was responding to a post by a guy called D. Mooney, who was a bit extreme in his point of view.
I trust my response, however, will not be deleted so freely.
I must say its use as a political symbol is much more profound than, say, the SWP's red fist.
If they claim they're not Communist, why do they insist on using Soviet art and symbolism? The SWP is, after all, made up of predominantly Irish people, so why not use an Irish symbol, if they are serving Irish interests? It wouldn't be because they hate any form of national pride and ultimately seek to destroy Irish identity in some ultraliberal, multiculturalist mess..................... would it? After all, those serving the "International" do not want to forsake the blood Red of their revolution.
Maybe they should take their red fist and throw themselves a wake-up punch.
The Celtic Cross is not particularly Irish. It evolved among Celtic peoples on this island and on the British island long after the original Christians were tortured to death by the Imperialist Romans and their religion of submission to the will of God replaced by a "religion" of social control and priests.
It is unfortunate that the symbol became associated with the Irish republican struggle from the time of Pearse and other ultra conservative Catholics. It was a mistake. It is the symbol only of oppression Gods people by a Church bent only on it's own supremacy and survival.
I notice many atop the graves of deceased master Masons and indeed Strangeways prison in Salford has a fine one over the exercise yard which is hardly there to commemorate the Irish struggle.
Buzzby is such a racist ! So afraid of being taken over by a "foreign" group about to ,"impose their own ways of life on Ireland". Wouldn't want to dilute our wonderful Irish blood now would we? After all we are such fine specimens of human evolution and achievement ourselves. Go down Temple Bar or any Irish street at night and see the precious white boys and girls in all their glory, displaying our culture.
So what part of "Irish" culture do you like best Buzzby? The smelly ole paedophile priests and their Roman brand of Italian fascism? Our glorious British customs of having war commemorations and marching in neat little rows? How about an Australian "barbi" and beer while spewing hysterically at Manchester United on Sky Sports? How about your US styled clothing and music - which do you prefer Glenn Miller or the Beastie Boys? Whose knickers will your 10 year old son or daughter see in the Sunday paper, Kylies or Britney Spears?
Or haven't you noticed your wonderful "Ireland" of the thousand paedophile priests and corrupt judges, police and politicians being invaded by these "foreign" values, customs and habits? Perhaps not since these are all from WHITE CHRISTIAN nations. Eh?
I wonder is heaven too only full of white Irish angels? Surely we should pray hard that we will have a corner of heaven to ourselves . But what if there are other nationalities there Buzzby? That wouldn't be heaven now would it? Not for you, you racist pig. You might want to work that one out before you get there(?) as I hear St Peter and God are definitely NOT Irish. Then perhaps as an outsider your eternal reward will be to receive the same treatment you now wish to dish out ?
celtic crosses on master mason graves?
wow. I had thought the celtic cross was a question of pratical stonemasonry. A lateral block is difficult to support, so the circle beneath carries the weight, the circle above was added for aesthetic purposes.
in the movie the lord of the rings, there's celtic crosses all over the place, the whole second episode just seems like saxon creation myth to me I got bored and left.
Whoever thinks "immigrants of different nationalities will stick together and try to impose their own ways of life on Ireland" really needs to get locked in a cathedral with a thousand of them and one fucking wannabe Rosa Luxembourg on a megaphone for a few hours.
this is one of the biggest problems of immigration, they don't stick together.
You know the history of Central Park in NYC?
irish catholics and italian catholics all awaiting citizenship, without voting rights, hacking each other to death every night in the ghetto that stood there. So they cleared it and put the park. Hey, maybe they imposed their blood thirsty ways on the previously really quite passive white ango-saxon protestants?
Other candidates have their posters thorn down also and i don't see any coverage about them. I wonder if this candidate was any other colour other than black would we see any coverage of her either. Any candidate that call our goverment racist and think that all emigrants should be allowed to live in this country whether their are legal or not I have a poblem with, and with Irish people who think the same.
MouseCat says:
"Buzzby is such a racist !"
This is getting old. You are intellectual eunuch.
Excuse my grammar. AN intellectual eunuch.
But in all seriousness, how many times do you crowd wet yourselves from the use of the word "racist?"
Great courage deserves great reward.It is wonderful to see our new and attractive womenfolk immigrants challenging the incumbent Mafiosi for positions of influence in politics.If I were living in Galway I would be out canvassing for this lovely young lady!
who torn down Royston Bradys posters, I recall they were not locals or maybe they were by virtue of their children, I believe you need to be consistant and what sickens me is the way ethnic groups reach for the race card evey time and choose to ignore what is staring everyone in the face - the abuse of our citizenship - you wont get my vote with your racist card
i believe there were from, damn can't remember definitely eastern european...
arrested with a carboot full of posters and a sum of money... ie that they were paid to do it....
arrested/taken in for immigration reasons
a further rumour has it that they weren't tearing posters down put being paid to put them up, by roystens team.... so ...?
who tearing down other peoples posters...
so far residence associations trying to keep their town tidy
priest outside their church for not having seen the politican in person
random drunk people
individuals with a beef about a particular candidate
i don't fully agree with the carr racist ref... slogan but it does say
mc'dowells racist referendum... ie the gov/mcdowell are the people they are accusing of being motivated by racism not the people/yes voters
And sorry that the LAOTAN posters were torn down. Sorry too that there are racist comments here masquerading as reasonable ones.
However, on the bright side, as you said yourself, the majority of Galway people are not like that
Don't be discouraged if you don't do too well this time - there will be other days and you can build on the vote you get this time.
Enjoy the campaign.
Yes well i'm sure you'll wet yourself when the majority of Limerick people endorse the WACIST WEFEWENDUM.
no text
is race hate anti goddess pagan religion by ritual design. A source of truely fucking awful karma. Celtic cross or otherwise. Mind/reality controllers by ritual racist child abuse.
This is the nature of christian vampire beast.
Vote for this woman,
Jah Love,
Jah Peace,
and compassion!
King Amdo.
Blessings and Love to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, reincarnated diety of compassion, being of love light telepatahy consciousness.
(as ultimate light is to ultimate evil, so the Tibetan esoteric senario is to the christian freemason (dodge occult temple builders...think of this primarily in terms of a pyscik temple).
The true religion of Ireland, which you must know about to be truely Irish is awareness of the Great Mother Witch, Danna rather than the money cult of the ritual child abusing fear/separation/pyscik death merchants of the church of rome and it's spawn. (The devil's spawn!)..Like the american christian church for example. They are all a negative karmic trap.
Know you know!
I Will be voting YES to the citizenship referendum. I am not a racist, a fascist, or a bigott. On the same day as i vote in the "racism referendum" I will also be giving Tokie Laotan a vote for a seat on the council. I would like to see non-nationals represented and i think it would bring in some new Non-jaded thinking to shake up the shower of miserable cunts up in city hall.
I have absolutely no idea what her citizenship status is at the moment, but as long as she has been resident here for three years any children born to her will be irish citizens. I DONT SEE ANY PROBLEM WITH THAT. And i dont think the majority of the country do either.
this brings me to what has really been worrying me about this referendum. McDowell and his FF cronies announced the whole shebang in typical FF obtuse and arrogant fashion, but it was the opposition who started to yell RACISM, So who turned this into a racist issue then? It is you who are stirring it up calling it a "Racism referendum" Implying that a YES vote is a vote for Racial segregation, xenophobia and hate. Well fuck you, go out and talk to people, they're not racists and they dont see that this amendment is a racial issue. Once again the LEFT opposition is alienating itself from the people its trying to save.
PS i am noooooooo fan of this government, (may they all rot in hell, and soon) but i think the Opposition (that included you guys)has a lot to answer for regarding turning this into a matter of race and stirring up the racist mud for its own ends, ie to dirty the government with.
The referendum will be passed, and i think the legacy of partisan opposition shit-stirring will live on long past it.
Good luck Tokie.
i just read the phrase...
"we're all racist to certain extent we just have to try and get over it" hear hear...
oh yes it purely economic reason im sure
De Valera, founder of Fianna Fáil, was a US citizen because of birth in the USA. This saved his life when he was sentenced to death in Ireland after the 1916 rising.
Now de Valera's party are not allowing citizenship to people from the USA or anywhere else who happen to be born in Ireland
Suppose some day such a person is sentenced to death in the country of his or her parents, then there will be no reprieve such as the one de Valera got here.
Fianna Fáil, what are you up to?
didn't i read a storyt re an irish citizen on death row at the mo... convicted for murder btw...
and what I've noticed is that though alot of people don't really understand it... they are going to vote yes all the same. I'm living in Clare,and people are taking in hook line and sinker what the government is feeding them. It's as though they believe there are queues out the door in Dublin maternity hospitals, caused by the unprecedented arrival of thousands of African women.
In the Fianna Fail country bastions, they could be fed any old nonsense by the government, and they'll believe it because it's from Fianna Fail and of course the PDs...
What I can't understand is that people are willing to give immigrants a chance, but not new born's as though they can see the benefits that immigrants bring to Ireland (though God forbid they should enrich themselves) but they can't see the benefit to Ireland and the world if a child is given a good start in life.
Anyway, that's the end of my rant. Vote No!!! and vote against the government!!!
Anyone who cannot see that the system is being abused by aslum seekers is in denial,
there are far too many doo gooders out there willing to oppose anything that any government proposes, alot of theses doo gooders are also on social welfare and share a common theme - neither group want to work and want to milk the system, Not all aslyum seekers are bogus but those that are genuine should have no difficulty in achieving that status offically and proving it for example people from the likes of rewanda, however alot of what come here are wasters looking for a soft touch
It's racist to vote for someone while taking their colour into account, nationalist if you take their nationality into account, sexist if you take their gender into account. Thatcher was a woman, but no reason to vote for her. Ahern is ostensibly 'Irish', but no reason to vote for him. Harney is white, but not the reason to vote for or against her.
If someone was to be elected because of disability, it would get even more ridiculous, since the myriads of disrepair could not be represented on this basis.
Are issues not more important than colour of skin, or accent, appeareance, or physical ability?
'Fearless', is trying to have a reasoned disussion amidst all this 'racist' hysteria. The hysterics are using right-wing emotive tactics for want of a reasoned debate on the referendum.
In doing this, they are disenfranchising, or bullying people from the issue (in referendum), and turning the beauty contest of local elections into an even more blatant beauty contest.
Style over substance is a traditional complaint of the Left (Weill, Brecht and Barthes anyway).
'reven policy can't be believed 99% of the time, not least because local government has no power anyway.
Miss World for Taoiseach (Jays no, not this year anyway).
I know it's popular to say that DeValera's citizenship saved him. But is it true? By the time they got around to killing DeValera they had already turned public opinion against the British and the Redmondites. The killing of the Pearse brothers and Connolly were particularly unpopular. Also remember that this was a crucial time in the War. 1916 was a time when they did not want to enter into yet another front in Ireland. So it made sense not to kill DeValera and the others. Also remember DeValera did not play a key role in the Rising. He was only a commander in name in 1916, in practice his talents were best suited to diplomacy and mathematics.
In saying this I'm sure they did consider DeValera's dual United States/United Kingdom citizenship. The last thing they would want is to potentially harm relations with the US in any way especially as they had not yet got the US to join the war.
So, despite popular belief, it was not solely his US citizenship that saved him. There was also public opinion.
olé well done.
If I lived in Galway you would have had one more vote.
No reasonable person has a problem with her running for election.
As for the referendum, everyone shouted rascism but no-one addressed this person's point: "but as long as she has been resident here for three years any children born to her will be irish citizens. WHATS THE PROBLEM?"