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Anti binge drinking measures are destroying our night life.

category national | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Friday May 28, 2004 03:06author by Chris Bondauthor email chrisbonn_irl_2000 at hotmail dot com Report this post to the editors

Anti drink legislation such as the intoxicating liquor act will not make the streets safer and will only curb our liberites.

For the past 14 months justice minister Michael Mc Dowell has been committed to curbing "binge drinking".The methods he has been using in order to do so are rather high handed and will only destroy the fabric of our nightlife in ireland. These methods include restricting access to cheaper drinks at a certain time ie banning happy hour. and moving the thursday night closing time back to 23:30.

These measures are supposed to make the streets safer. yet round my local there is as much fights outside the pub as there ever was. The only thing thats changed is that the entertainment that used to take place on a thursday is cancelled due to the earlier closing times.Banning happy hour only means that a night out is a bit more expensive, as if the price of drink isn`t high enough.

More methods are on the way. there is much talk of the drinking age being increased to 21 meaning that some adults can vote and elect corrupt, smoke and give themselves lung cancers,go off and fight a war and die but are not allowed to go out for a few drinks and enjoy themselves. This is based on the grossly false assumption that all alchohol related violence is caused by those in the 18-20 age group.

This tactics are highly unfair as 99% of people who go out on saturday nights drink rather sensibly and do so to enjoy themselves. why should we curb everyones freedoms when problems are only caused by a small minority.

The government said that these methods would make the streets safer but there has been no evidence to suggest that they are. They have kept silent on the recent effects of this legislation.

author by Brendan Beenpublication date Fri May 28, 2004 05:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is bullshit. Face it, there is a problem with alcoholism in Ireland. Deal with it, publican.

author by Anonymouspublication date Fri May 28, 2004 12:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Though not a big fan of the PD's I applaud McDowell’s commitment to curbing binge drinking. As the last commenter said the whole nation has an alcohol problem which is causing untold problems for the whole nation and for many of the individuals within our nation.

Yes, we do not want to see a draconian society arise (which I would have slight fears where McDowell is concerned) - but something must be done - and we somehow have to change our drinking culture.

In my opinion some of the other things that should be done are:-

1. A blanket ban on alcohol advertising. In every single form - including alcohol advertisements outside pubs. This will not restrict the freedom of individuals to drink but will help change the culture in Ireland.

It fascinates me every evening as I watch TV to see all the multitude of sexed up alcohol advertisements happening in the mist of what is becoming a problem of epidemic proportions.

And how we can allow our national sport involving thousands of young people to be sponsored by a drinks company beggar’s belief.

As with smoking, I think there should be a total blanket ban in the morning.

2. Replace these with advertisements on TV showing the many facets of the destruction of excessive alcohol intake. Much like the car advertisements on TV. Repeat and produce more of these in the same way the drinks companies have been doing for decades, and very successfully.

3. Educate our children while in schools of the dangers of alcohol. And not just one class a year. Many classes throughout the year. Bring in people whose lives have been destroyed by alcohol and let them bare witness to the students. And at as young an age as possible. Test the students on their knowledge of the effects. Prepare 100 short questions and make sure each student knows the answer to these questions. It is far more important that our students know the answer to these questions than what is the highest mountain in our Ireland or the French for dog.

there are many more things that can be done, and they must be done............

author by Shawn Hunterpublication date Fri May 28, 2004 12:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It’s not the publicans, or the brewing industry, or the advertising industry, or sponsorship, or the government, or any of the crap that is being thrown around. The problem is the people of Ireland.
There is a cancer somewhere deep within us. We are the biggest bunch of ass clowns when it comes to dealing with every issue we face. “It’s not my problem” “It’s not my fault.” “They’re controlling me.”
Wake up and smell what you’re shovelling!!!

author by .:. libertarian iosaf. - Autonomy begins with Self.publication date Fri May 28, 2004 13:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Aznar thought to end "el botellón" that phenomona that has since the expulsion of the Moor, meant that Spanish youngsters go out on the street and get pissed, really loud and then find someone to breed with.
He made it illegal last summer and teh debate raged and raged, - was it really the function of government to illegalise open drinking? is this "nanny state" or "authoritarianism".
Let's be honest, and fashionably rightwing "EuroNeoCon" like Aznar and Mc Dowell, for there are too many slum dwellers breeding these days. And it must be discouraged. But is this the case in Ireland?
Are the slumdwellers taking to the warm fetid streets every summer to drink, be violent and breed, or is it the legendary British Hooligan who comes and does same?
I have long ago realised that most of the little pleasures of life, are also vices. And so they ought be enjoyed in moderation. But some people don't know when to stop the alcopop daddio. But being the sort I am, I think a world where a boy or a girl, can get pissed on beer hootch or wine, savour a cuban cigar at dusk, smoke a good pipe of Opium in season, relish the fine flavour of quality hashish and so on is a good one.
A world that allows people their vices in "moderation" is far preferrable to one that seeks to impose yet more restrictions, yet more beurocracy, and more legislation and therefore more police time and effort on the scolding of people for doing such "bad things".
We need our vices, "in moderation", for if we don't have them, not being "saintly" our characters find outlet in other ways.
Would Mc Dowell suggest any other psychological release therapy for the masses of Ireland?
Yes we know the Irish drink.
All the Northern Europeans drink. It is our genomic culture. And yes we have suffered greatly because of it, violence, poverty, abuse, but by now we ought to have to learnt "how not to treat upon the ancient problem".

smoke cigs.
drink beer.
hit your mates.
have your babies.
roll spliffs.

Do these things, learn they are vices, stop doing these things, get on with it know yourself and the wisdom that comes from denying the "Puritan" no matter how "he/she" manifests.
= Do Mc Dowell as well. he's an intolerable puritan, Mike, God man, if I could sit you down, play you some Mozart like once I offered, read you some poetry and drop you a trip, I could save Ireland's unborn generations from a the worst sort of Hell you are to dull to even imagine.

Stop Mc Dowell
b4 he turns you into a US dixie state, where everyone is conceived by sober middle class non smoking parents without any genetic defect @ all, who will guarantee a university educated offspring of the Celtic Tiger and naturally voters for the PDs.

author by Anonymouspublication date Fri May 28, 2004 21:15author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Re: Shawn Hunter.

I take your points Shawn and ultimately I agree with you that everyone has to take personal responsibility for their actions in an effort to change their actions and in a recognition that they can change their actions (without help from the outside world).

However real life is not as simple as this. If Ireland was to wait around for individuals to take responsibility and change their actions we would be waiting well in to the next millennium and beyond.

There is this thing called "culture" and environmental conditioning. And like it or not it effects each and every one of us. Therefore as a society we must recognize any weaknesses in our culture and then try and change these weaknesses. Not that I would wish we become less Irish, just less alcoholic!! But culture is a real thing and accepted and borne out worldwide. As a nation we can and must do something about this problem that is getting out of hand.


author by tompublication date Sun May 30, 2004 00:31author address author phone Report this post to the editors

shaun you are dead right, glad to see I'm not the only one acessing this site who's not out of their head

author by stevepublication date Sun May 30, 2004 01:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

the issue of levels and methods of drinking in ireland has a number of roots from poor urban form to emplyment patterns. i.e. We work some of the longest hours in Europe with the worst commuting schedules and our cities are not places of conviviality in the normal sense. You can look at the economy and the freedoms and pressures it places on people. Freedoms in terms of available cash but pressures in terms of job dissatisfation and lack of cohesive outlets for social interaction and integration. We have have far more money than ever before yet we see the levels of homelessness 126% above 1996 levels. This is only a bare peek at the issue but some of the implications of Irelands developmental choices are having obvious impacts on our habits.

author by chris bondpublication date Sun May 30, 2004 01:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Dont get me wrong im not being nieve. i recognise that there is a drink problem but the government are tackling it the wrong way,

I was in the netherlands last summer and outside every bar and club theres one or more police officers standing there casually in the event of trouble breaking out, they are friendly, helpful and approachable.

I think we should follow holland`s example instead of bringing in rediculous rules restricting pub opening hours banning happy hour and moving the drinking age up to 21.

author by stevepublication date Sun May 30, 2004 02:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I was in Berlin recently. Very sparse police presence - apart from mayday of course. Many bars stay open 24 hours the booze is cheaper and still I saw no trouble or the type of behaviour that makes Dublin city so horrble at night. There is a long list of possibilities why. And any short-term view such as McD. is following just will not do it.....

author by Phil Boylanpublication date Mon May 31, 2004 00:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As a 24 year old I have noticed the considerably bad effects that drink have had on this city and country. Now I do drink, alot, fridays and saturdays are usually spent enjoying fermented juices. When I was younger and in college, drank as most students did, I also got into alot of the trouble that students do. Looking back I realised how stupid I was and how dangerous some of the activities were. I don't think that the drinks culture is being destroyed, I believe it is being refined. I travel to Holland alot, I enjoy drinking in Holland and I have yet to see any trouble, to me I personally believe Holland has one of the best cultures in the world. I don't think I would allow as much Marajuana in Ireland, but I would probably legalise it. I would lower the prices of drinks, why are Publican able to take up to 40% of the cost of your beer. It should be a uniform 25% or so lower. I also think that the kids out drinking needs to be dealt with immediately. If you buy drinks for a minor, you should have to face a 2000 Euro fine. If you are caught again and again it should be jail time.

I think the drink culture will rebuild itself, from anything McD does to it, but I think we need to tackle the price and availability of drink. Its a real double-edged sword.

author by chris bondpublication date Mon May 31, 2004 01:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

granted there is a drink problem but is ireland any different than other european cities. a lot of the claims of open war fare on the streets of dublin and other irish cities are sensationalist. I would to see some statistics and points of comaparison in binge drinking and alcohol related violence between dublin and other major european cities.

Wheres the statistics to state that mcdowell`s dixie police state policies have had a noticable effect on the safety of dublin`s streets at night time.

If i was in charge id liberalise the opening hours let nightclubs stay open for as long as they want and allow "happy hour" i would also take measures to drive down the price of drink.I would Have more adds on telly like the diageo dont see a great night wasted add.and make it obligatory for drinks companies to have stamped on their beverages and drink pitchers in pubs and nightclubs. "enjoy carlsberg sensibly etc"

As for policing the streets at night i would take realistic steps like increasing CCTV and have more gardai patroling the streets. that way any measure to control binge drinking will be workable and not be at the expense of people`s liberties.

As for underage drinking any person or establishment supplying to the underage should be fined on a sliding scale depending on how many offences they have committed. More social facilites and community programmes, discos etc should be provided for teenagers on weekend nights given them something to do other then drink. face it when i was young i really had nothing better to do on friday and saturday nights.

author by Freedompublication date Sun Jun 20, 2004 10:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Who in the hell runs your country's health ministry? The Taliban? It is getting to the point where they are going to tell us when to go to bed next. They will shut down all of the pubs and clubs and turn them into milk bars and gyms next.

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