Independent Media Centre Ireland

Delta Day.

category international | arts and media | opinion/analysis author Thursday May 27, 2004 23:01author by iosaf the ipsiphi - elfies

being the day he who has sworn the Oath of Bones must stand aside the representatives of "power".

D Day normandy you know about.
Day before General Strike thingy and a big cheery very sincere fuck off Bush message.

Everyone else "on the stand" will be "used to this". & Everyone else will somehow come across as being more "sensitive", "aware", "dignified" and "sussed" as to the "importance" of "Delta Day". Even the Irish whose forebears didn't see what all the fuss was about will try and cluck cluck just like Minister Mc Dowell does now. Nothing much has changed. Everything has changed.

The last time Bush spent the night out of the USA he spent it in the impregnable castle of Hillsborough in the Queen of England's own private Northern Ireland. "our wee north".
I'm not telling you where he's gonna stay in France.

France is different to our republics, in many ways:-

The Imaginary and Sublime Republic of Catalanland Barcelona whence I write as always doesn't have nuclear weapons.
France does.
The Imaginary and Sublime Republic of Little Rascals Bertie Ahern and Ltd Co. Ireland doesn't have nuclear weapons either.
France does.

The IRS CatalanBCN relies on nuclear power for some 80% of it's electricity needs, but will in 15 years have switched to completely non nuke energy.
The French likewise await 26 years more to switch from their 70% reliance on nuclear energy for their electricity.
The IRS Ireland relies on fossil fuel consumption for it's electricity and only gets nuclear waste from our neighbours the British Hun.

Anyway, Friends, Sublime ones,
I have not come today
to discuss neither Nuclear Energy
nor families.

No, I have decided in the spirit of Nobel winning Satire, to remind you, that the Supreme Wookie Bush, is not the man we are after. And this causes us many problems.

It has occured to me, that we need flush out the one we want.

Q. how will we flush out the one we want?
A. provoke them.
Q. how would you suggest provoking them?
A. do him.

off on a tangent why not:-
Some weeks ago, Carlos the Jackel was moved, by the French who hold him, for being a persistent shit, around about the same time, the DGSE loosened their attitude to satire, people who haven't been shits, and allowed us all more depth to the google. They also attracted attention to one of their murdered agents. a LB of flesh.
The Swedish as you know also would like their Lb of flesh. I assure you Colonel Putin would like his lb of flesh, for did not Daddy Bush promise Marshall Aid to the USSR/CIS?
We Irish really honestly, Bertie, the French told you themselves "your presidency is gonna be historique" ya boo, we Irish would like our lb of flesh. And weird as it is, the dissenters of Ulster and Scotland want their lb of flesh too.
Let us look anywhere, and we see that everyone knows, WB2 is a puppet.
Why Mr Moore has waxed rich and awarded telling us so. So, let's "do him". It will honestly serve all our interests.

Merci Beaucoup.
Amnesty International has ¿(have you been doing your homework?) made special mention of the French Police Forces for their behaviour in 2003. "les flics". It was a long year, we may remember the G8, we may look back to the veil, and the lead-up to this year's municipal elections, which sort of signalled a containment "for the moment" of the FN.
So lots done.
& the Right way too.
Merci Beaucoup.

The German "power" will for the first time since fighting the allied forces on June 6 1944 return to Normandie and take their place in _remembrance_ of the War Dead.

For some this signals a new seat for the Germans and the Japanese on the United Nations Security Council.

Also present will be Mr (colonel) Putin who came in for _serious_ criticism for alledged war crimes in Checnya in 2003 from the Amnesty people "AI".

Oh, and Mr Blair will be there.
He got lots of criticism from AI too.
He's sort of converted in a shit these days, and to think one of my squatmates cooked his special dinners all those years ago and we sort of could see something in common.

Oh yes.

I am very disappointed. & so too are you.
None of us really want either Kerry or Bush, and most of us have gone past the time when we even believe the USA elections @ all @ all. I once mused it might be useful to redeem their democracy and the faith of their millions of citzens in homeland, who are like the Irish heavily reliant on fossil fuels by sending out to the fields for a general.

I did suggest Wesley Clark.

But Bush will not be done.
He will wave, salute, platitute, swagger, insult, walk Disney fashion over the graves and then go back to Election times, with a let us be frank "ugly" Mr Hamza who just sounds oh too right for the Osama role.

I do satire.
Ink, pen, he man! words and digital
are truly greater than the sword,
bullet or nuclear powered aircraft carrier.

Do Bush please.

there is a long list of people who would forgive such a regretable slip of protocol, manners and élan. & besides, thereafter we would see "the Nth Man" pit against the Generals.

For we are playing that sort of game.

Delta Day and the French Popular Mobilisation against the Hyper-Capitalism of the "Bush"/"Reagan"/Bush/"Clinton"/Bush"
recipe will be fun.

I'm gonna take you on a magick carpet ride!

Now, who's going to ask me what I mean by "doing bush"?

probably the same people who wonder what ambush means.

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