Independent Media Centre Ireland

USI Officer board manifestos

category national | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Thursday May 27, 2004 14:55author by USI Member

The manifestos for candidates for USI Postgrad officer, Environmental officer, Deputy President, Equality officer and Irish language officer have been emailed to Student Union around the country, here's your chance to read them


The postgraduate position in context

The topic of postgraduate education is now, more than ever, on the agenda of the debate in Irish education. Government seems to be serious about accelerating growth in research across Ireland. Yet the interest to boost research is not matched by a commitment to provide support and services for postgraduate students.

The massive expansion in undergraduate population has dictated that the majority of capital investment in Universities has focussed on meeting ‘capacity’.

But the capacity being offered is not suitable for everybody; postgraduate students have requirements specific to their circumstances. The USI Postgraduate Officer provides a platform for those issues. If I’m elected I’ll make it my duty to be a point of reference for colleges seeking to improve postgraduate provision, and the centre for students’ unions, who want answers and support for postgraduates on campus.

The issues for postgraduate students seem complex and variable even within colleges; the Postgraduate Officer exists to make sense of them and to help students’ unions deliver results for their postgraduate members.

A candidate with experience of the movement

As a sabbatical education officer I know the questions asked by postgraduates – both students of taught courses and researchers. I have also been a research student in two colleges, and an undergraduate tutor/demonstrator. Therefore, I am aware of problems encountered at a local level and those common to other institutions. A national postgraduate officer should be available to reduce the workload of local officers while creating a structured and strong national campaign.

I also know that postgraduate societies are a key in delivering support on campus; if they see their future as active participants in making their members lives easier, I’ll ensure that USI is a platform for their activities. I will also establish a concise directory of all postgraduate groups and so provide easy access to information for our members.

My aim is to put in place a programme, which effectively meets the needs of postgraduate students.
I have set ambitious, but achievable targets, to establish an enduring structure for the support of our postgraduate members.

• Produce a Guide to Postgraduate Education (PG Tips!), to be delivered
via the USI website - and, if finances are available, in printed format.

• Promote the rights of postgraduate tutors and demonstrators as workers.

• Establish a code of practice together with colleges across Ireland, the NPC of
the UK, and trades’ unions, to create on a ‘Tutor’s Charter’.

• Develop the newly mandated newswire and discussion service to support a
network of postgraduate student representatives.

• Generate a reference manual for COs to deal with complaints from
postgraduate students with regard to supervisors and course directors.

• Co-ordinate professional seminars to develop the writing, presentation and interview skills required to secure funding, enhance theses and gain employment .

• Investigate progress of QA QI/RAE with regard to postgraduate courses
(particularly taught courses); does cost equate to quality?

• Provide regular articles in USI publications to inform members of
postgraduate events and opportunities available.

• Collate information regarding on-campus living accommodation, and academic facilities available for postgraduate students.

• Facilitate a UOS training module to enable COs to answer FAQs from
postgraduate students, and provide back up and support on bigger issues.

• Fulfil this year’s and previous congressional mandates, and

• Outline the USI’s policies, and their implications for postgraduate students.

I have seen USI evolve from a fractured organisation to one of strength and influence. USI’s current difficulties are nothing a unified movement cannot overcome. There is now an opportunity to structure the union and establish a productive and enduring postgraduate element to USI. This will define our stance on postgraduate entitlements, recognise their achievements, and allow them full involvement in their union.
I also believe that postgraduates have an important part to play in helping to form the USI they need. By harnessing the potential of postgraduate students have, and thereby unifying the whole student population, USI can be stronger.

“There is no strength without unity.
Unity is nothing without purpose”.

About the candidate

Aoife Braiden

NUI, Galway, BSc (Hons) Earth Sciences (2002 Graduate)
Sabbatical V.P. Education, 1999-2000, NUI, Galway Students’ Union
(Acting V.P. Education, Aug-Oct 2000, NUI, Galway Students’ Union)
Governing Authority, 1999-2000
USI Education Working Group, 1999-2001
NUI, Galway Academic Council, 2000-2002
I have also been a member of numerous academic, managerial, sporting, society and USI committees during my time in University

Delegate to USI Congress 1999-2003
Observer at USI Congress 2004

Contact me with any questions: [email protected]


My Four Key Plans

Below, I detail four key plans I intend to pursue as Postgraduate Officer. In addition to these four key plans, I will also work to implement all postgrad-related mandates passed by past congresses, and will consult college officers to find out what specific issues they want me to work on.

 Work for an increase in the number of, and quality of, scholarships offered nationally to research students. Particularly;

o An increase in the number of IRCHSS and IRCSET awards
o An addition of a ‘research expenses’ element to the IRCHSS awards

 Seek a targeted funding initiative from the HEA to fund the setting up of a Diploma in Lecturing in all universities and ITs

o This would be a part-time Diploma that PhD students could enrol in while pursuing their PhD
o The PhD student will benefit from having an identifiable qualification in Lecturing, and undergraduate students will benefit from having better trained lecturers
o DIT currently has a highly regarded Diploma for training lecturers, however, it is only open to existing lecturers, not PhD students

 Seek to set up a Journal of Postgraduate Studies

o This journal, which would be funded through advertising and college subscriptions, would give postgraduate students a first publication to start them on the process of publishing their research. A panel of lecturers and peers would review and edit the journal
o The Graduate Students’ Union in Trinity currently publish such a journal for postgrads in Trinity, and I am involved in publishing the journal this year

 Investigate the possibility of setting up an advertising-funded ‘postgrad issues’ website for Irish postgrads;

o This website would include details of funding opportunities, postgrad courses, upcoming conferences, employment opportunities, and a discussion forum
o When I was a representative for the Trinity Business School postgrads, I set up a website with all this information in my Department and it is still being widely used, indicating that postgrads want access to all this information


 Currently President (sabbatical position) of the Graduate Students’ Union (GSU) in Trinity College Dublin
o The GSU is the primary representative union for postgrads in Trinity

In this role I have;
 Developed an intimate understanding of postgrad issues
 Represented, and lobbied for Trinity postgrads on all the various committees in college
 Gained media exposure for postgrad issues
 Attended most relevant USI events during the year, including;
o Attended USI congress
o Spoke at the Trinity element of the USI Cutbacks March
o Attended the Lobby of the Oireachtas

 Before taking up the presidency of the GSU I was a postgrad rep in the School of Business Studies for three years, and a faculty rep for one year

 I am a PhD student in the School of Business Studies studying finance, and I have published on my research in the national media, including the Irish Times and Irish Independent


About the Candidate

Ian McGahon is a 24-year-old Graduate of Business from the National College of Ireland (NCI). He is currently studying a part time course in managing community and voluntary organisations. He has been actively involved in his own Students Union since his first year in 1998. Since then he has shown a strong interest in many equality issues including access for the disabled to the new NCI campus

• 98/99 – Class Representative, Awarded NCI Fresher of the year
• 99/00 – President of 2 college societies – Caring in Action – A charity based society, Journalism society
• 99/00 - Editor of Student Newspaper in NCI
• 00/01 – Chairperson of NCI Student Council
• 01/02 - Final Year Class Representative
• 02/03 – Vice President, NCI Students Union
• 03/04 – Elected member of USI Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual working group
• 99-04 – Volunteer with the NCI Centre for Educational Opportunity (runs programmes similar to the Trinity Access Programme)

Ian McGahon has highlighted and campaigned on many Issues affecting students throughout his time in NCI and believes passionately in Equality. If elected Equality Officer Ian will work hard on issues such as racism, discrimination and access. He believes in USI and it what we can achieve as an organisation for students.

What is equality and why does USI need an Equality officer

Society treats people in many unjust and unequal ways and creates barriers for people simply because they are different to what is perceived to be normal. These barriers are not always tangible and very often difficult to prove and then overcome; they can be cultural, structural, legislative and have many other facets.

Equality is about on the hand recognising and encouraging diversity while on other ensuring that people are not treated differently because of any one characteristic.

The USI Equality Officer ship was under attack at this years congress because the office was seen as being irrelevant and not needed

USI needs an equality officer because:

• There are many areas of inequality within 3rd level education which need to be tackled through campaigns and other measures
• There are huge barriers of access to 3rd level education from socioeconomic deprived areas
• COs have anti-discrimination officers, international student officers and others who are working in the equality arena and need back up
• The last 6 years has seen much legislative change within equality. The employment equality act and the equal status act were introduced, while recently the government has taken back rights given under the equal status act. USI needs to be at the forefront of promoting the use of this legislation and improving it.
• USI needs to be proactive about forthcoming legislation e.g. the Equality Act 2004

A Chairde,
I am asking for your vote for USI Equality 2004/2005. I am very much going this aware that it is going to be tough and that the position is more than likely going to be a part time unpaid one. I am prepared for this and am willing to work at the position during my spare time, at weekends and in the evenings.
I believe that I have experience from both being a CO Vice President and a member of the USI LGB(T) working group necessary for the job
If elected I will:
• Work to provide professional equality training
• Develop the USI equality website section
• Work closely with the Chair of WRAC, the Disability Rights Officer and LGBT Rights Officer to ensure cohesiveness on equality issues
• Promote the current equality legislation so that students on the ground are aware of their rights etc.


Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

Robert Kennedy 1966



If you are a student on the island of Ireland today you are more than likely suffering poverty

The rising costs of attending college (increase in registration fees, books, rent, photocopying) and the lack of government financial support mean that most students are now forced to work part-time in order to get by. This means it is much more difficult to fulfill your potential at third level. Noel Dempsey’s recent decision to impose an effective 10% cut in day-to-day college spending has meant deteriorated conditions at third level with courses cancelled, overcrowded lectures, cutbacks in student services and rising costs.

The introduction of top-up fees in the North has been yet another attack on education. That is for those of us fortunate enough to be in college, as the cost of education means access to third level remains the preserve of those who can afford it.

If we think this is bad, what the HEA, the government in the south and the OECD are proposing will make things even worse. They are proposing (or have already introduced) the return of fees, further cutbacks (nicely put as ‘streamlining’ and ‘restructuring’ or ‘rationalisation’) across the sector, privatisation of third level institutions and inter-institutional competition for funding. Hibernia teacher training college represents the government’s vision of education - courses run by private companies at a profit and charging huge fees.

We now see the effects in the Health sector of the cutbacks in the 1980’s; what education system will be left in ten years after these cutbacks?


The key to achieving change is uniting the maximum number of students in common action

We need to use all tactics to defeat the government. The time for talking is over! Talking with the government alone has not worked- they are pushing an agenda of cutbacks and privatisation that we must oppose with all our forces and with our one strength- OUR NUMBERS!

Neither sweet words nor lobbying alone will stop the avalanche of cutbacks and issues that face students today. The only way forward is undertaking a mass campaign of action that includes lobbying and taking our message to the streets and campuses across the Island. USI has a potentially huge force when it unites all students and unions across the third level sector. This strength was shown when mass mobilisation defeated the government’s plans to reintroduce fees.


If elected I will begin immediate consultation with all Student Unions on the island to come up with a united and active campaign against cut-backs, privatisation and fees, tackling student poverty and promoting access.

I believe that the issues central to this campaign should be...

• Defend public education - no to privatisation - increase funding for third
level education now
• Stop the cut-backs
• Abolish the top-up fees
• Increase the grant to social welfare levels and extend the threshold—ensure education for all


 This campaign should begin with meetings of union reps and students during the summer to debate the issues we want to campaign for, agree a plan of action and get campaigns groups going.
 I believe we should produce a policy document we can all agree on aimed at defending public education and that sets out our vision for a decent third level education system. We will use this document as the cornerstone of a campaign for the media and to inform our members
 I will liaise with local unions to organise public forums from the start of term in the colleges to democratically involve all students in the campaigns and the campaigns groups, and collect emails to keep open communication and agree action
 Plan a series of actions—marches, sit-ins, student walk-outs and stunts—not just one march a year
 Co-ordinate lobbying of TDs and MLAs, not just on one day but also on an on-going and local basis;
 Unite with other unions, lecturers and college staff (in Britain students and lecturers are striking together-we should stand shoulder to shoulder with staff and lecturers) trade unions and parents. The agreement between SIPTU and USI should be promoted and we need to work on closer links between the organisations


Other campaigns that I believe should be supported include;

• Campaigns that are aimed at guaranteeing the fair treatment for all students—especially international students, equality campaigns, women’s rights campaigns and LGBT campaigns, students with disabilities, travellers and others who feel they are discriminated against
• Campaigns that suit the specific needs of students in different regions and sectors – regional colleges, teacher training colleges, post-graduates, art colleges, PLCs, FEs, etc.
• Co-ordinate campaigns relating to health (for example pushing for medical cards for all students, health awareness) and education with the welfare and education officers
• Environment related campaigns and awareness
• Supporting the Irish language
• Solidarity campaigns such as the anti-war movement and express our solidarity with those students whose education and lives are being destroyed by the war on Iraq

USI is at its strongest and most effective when it is relevant to students - the only
way to do this is through an active, democratic union involving the maximum number of students in a united fight for a better system of third level education.

I will work to build the maximum unity among students – an important aspect of this will be campaigning to affiliate the non-affiliated colleges (especially Cork IT, Maynooth, UL, DCU)

If we continue with more of the same and with no change, USI will be irrelevant and will die.


More of the same will not do

What has been missing in USI is a lack of real campaigning, a lack of involvement by the general student body, and an unwillingness to take on the government - USI has become weak and now is the time for a radical change

There needs to be proper communication and co-ordination among the student unions across the Island. A central role of the campaigns officer is to facilitate that communication and I will work to ensure we are working and campaigning together and agreeing common actions in order to ensure the most effective campaigns and a democratic union.

USI is in financial difficulty however I believe the lack of finance should not be an excuse for inactivity. Campaigns should be prioritized for funding because if we are not campaigning actively for students then what purpose does USI serve?

I was elected in Trinity on the basis of taking on the college and the government and I did. I organised successful boycotts of the college canteen and effective protests over accommodation rent increases, which halted price and rent increases in their tracks. I organised TCD students in the USI campaign for increased grants and led a successful referendum to re-affiliate Trinity to USI. This shows an ability to organise, co-ordinate and carry through effective campaigning action.

I am running for campaigns officer because I believe in education as a right that should be free and available to all. I have actively campaigned on these issues for several years and I have recently been involved in the Irish Education Forum. I am committed to the principles of equity and social justice. I believe education is a right and should not be a privilege or a marketable product.


The current OECD review is likely to recommend the reintroduction of fees and the privatisation of some of the third level sector. We need to respond to that with clear ideas for the education system that we believe is necessary.

Education should be democratic in terms of student involvement and access. USI needs to make sure that students have a say in how their education is run. USI should make a strong and sustained case for education to be publicly funded through general taxation so that it is available for everyone regardless of ability to pay.
The Irish Education Forum has a lot of potential in providing a space to create and campaign for a democratic education system. We can work with people from the primary, secondary and third level in united forums such as this.

We need to make use of our international links in the European Union of
Students (ESIB), the European Education forum and European Social Forum
to fight the corporate agenda of cutbacks at an international level.


These plans are only my ideas and proposals. We must fight together in order to win a decent education system. USI and the campaigns we are involved in should be democratic through open meetings and improved communication with students. I will work with everyone to come up with a campaign strategy upon which we can take on the government. It is only through working together and using our strength in numbers that we will win. There needs to be a culture change within the organisation; we need to build a national Union which bases itself around the active participation of students.


Rory Hearne is a 25 year-old postgraduate student of Geography at Trinity College, Dublin. Rory was President of Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union from 2000-2001. As TCDSU President, Rory managed over 20 Union staff and was the driving force behind Trinity’s reaffiliation to USI through referendum in 2000. He organised a successful boycott of the canteen to lower prices and a successful drive to stop on-campus accommodation rent increases, amongst other campaigns. Rory enthusiastically supported a host of USI campaigns and marches, and is a strong supporter of USI’s Autonomous Campaigns.

Rory Hearne has a broad perspective on the education system given his experience as a teacher at both primary and secondary level. He has been involved in anti-war and anti-racism campaigns, was the Chair of the One World Society in Trinity College and is a member of the SWP. Rory co-ordinated the Trinity Access Programme and set up an Intercultural Exchange in which international students from Trinity visited schools across Dublin.

A keen surfer and hurling fan, Rory hails from Tramore, Co. Waterford.

Vote Rory Hearne Number 1 for Deputy President/Campaigns officer USI

Tomás Óg Ó Céilleachair

Candidate for USI Irish Language Officer

Dia dhuit, is mise Tomás Óg Ó Céilleachair agus ba mhaith lion dá dtabharfá d’uimhir 1 dom le haghaidh post an Oifigigh Gaeilge AMLÉ. Is as Gaeltacht na Rinne mé sna Déise agus táim sa dara bhliain i gColáiste ne hOllscoile Corcaigh, ag déanamh staidéar ar an nGaeilge agus an Stair. Tá bliain is fiche slánaithe agam. Tá seal caite agam im’ Oifigeach Gaeilge ar AML UCC agus tá fonn orm an obair a dhein mé I rith na bliana a dhéanamh arís ar scála náisiúnta.

Hello there, my name is Tomás Óg Ó Céilleachair and I want your Number One vote for USI Irish Language Officer. I am a native of the Gaeltacht of An Rinn in Co. Waterford. I am a twenty-one year old second year student of UCC and I am studying Irish and History. I was the Irish Language Officer for this year’s Students’ Union in UCC and I would like to repeat my year’s work on a national scale.

Ma thoghfar mé mar Oifigeach Gaeilge, cuirfidh mé béim ar:
If elected I will prioritise:

• Airigeadas Finance
Is oth liom a rá go bhfuilimid i gcruachás airigid agus chaith mé roinnt ama ag lorg maoiniú d’AMLÉ i mbliana. Ba mhaith liom imeachtaí náiseachta a rith le cabhair an Choiste Cultúrtha chun airgid a thuilleamh don Oifig amach anseo.
It is a sad reality that we are in a financial crisis and I have spent this year searching for sponsorship for USI Irish Officer. I would like to run national events in conjunction with the Coiste Cultúrtha in order to create revenue for the USI Irish Office in the future.

• Conradh na Gaeilge
Ba mhaith liom nasc oifigiúil chruthú idir AMLÉ agus Conradh na Gaeilge má’s féidir, nasc cosiul le AMLÉ agus SIPTU.
I would like to explore the possibility of creating an official link between USI and Conradh na Gaeilge, similar to the USI and SIPTU link.

• Na Meáin The Media
Tá súil agam cliú níos mó a chruthú sna Meáin Gaeilge maidir le post an Oifigigh Ghaeilge na meáin náisiúnta san áirimh.
I wish to raise the profile of the Irish Officer in the Irish Language and national media.

• An Rialtas The Government
Má thoghfar mé beidh mé ag coiméad súil géar ar obair an Aire Gaeltachta agus tá súil agam caidreamh a bhunnú le Coimisinéar na Teangain agus eagríochtaí Stáit na Gaeilge.
If elected I will keep a close eye on the work of the Minister for the Gaeltacht. I hope to initiate relations with the Irish Language Ombudsman and Irish language state bodies.

• Coláiste Uile AMLÉ All USI colleges
Tá Súil agam an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn I ngach coláiste atá mar bhall d’AMLÉ ag brath ar éilimh.
I hope to promote the use of the Irish Language in all USI affiliated colleges if there is an interest amongst them.

• An Ghaeltacht
‘Sí an Ghaeltacht bunáit na Gaeilge agus mar fear Gaeltachta ba mhaith lion í a chur chun cinn.
The Gaeltacht is the cradle of the Irish Language and as a native of a Gaeltacht, I would like to promote it.

Tascíonn Tomás Óg Ó Céilleachair le polaisí dhá-theangach AMLÉ.
Tomás Óg Ó Céilleachair supports USI’s bi-lingual policy.


The USI Environmental Campaign

With the growing number of active environmental societies on campuses throughout the country this is an exciting time for the USI environmental campaign. The two motions passed at this year’s Congress in March, UO8 ‘Networking Environmental Societies and Officers’ and NA8 ‘Colástí Glasa’ reflect the importance of co-ordinating local campaigns at a national level – and the vital role USI will play in this.

If Elected I Will…

Continue the campaigns USI’s membership has mandated the Officer to carry out:

Sellafield, working with NGOs who campaign for the closure of the nuclear waste reprocessing facility
Incinerators, to campaign for more environmentally friendly methods of waste disposal
Reducing the amount of waste going to landfill
Kyoto Protocol – Ireland’s responsibility to reduce emissions
Recycling Promotion on Campuses

Build a network of environmentally minded students, societies and student union officers

Ensure the Coláistí Glasa (‘Green Colleges’) campaign is launched by Christmas

About Me

I am studying a general Science degree course at Trinity College Dublin, and will specialise in Physics next year. For the past two years I have been elected a member of the TCDSU Executive as the Environmental Awareness Officer, representing students on the college committees that organise waste disposal, our successful annual
Green Week and promote environmentally friendly practice on campus.

I have been an active member of the USI Environmental Awareness Working Group, and have also been involved in the Trinity student union newspaper The Record, as a contributor and News Editor.

For the last two years I have represented Trinity students at USI Annual Congress and Environmental Conferences, and I have been a part of the campaign teams that successfully fought for continued membership of USI during two disaffiliation referenda in Trinity. I have enthusiastically participated in USI campaigns and protests, have got soaked doing the 10K walks for Chernobyl in the rain and had my picture in the Irish Times dressed in a pink dinosaur suit after a TCD SU protest against the re-introduction of fees.

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