The Monkeys have come out to play. ..
Sinn Fein...Pat Rabbite...all are mud smeared this week.Joe Higgins ,keep your head down you'r next in line!! (hope none of your family got private grinds in class) Bertie and McDowell are on the rampage.Only power hungry corrupt politicians and aspiring capitalists can go to good schools.Know your place -you underdogs.!
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has urged people to make waste collection charges an issue in the local elections.
The charity has said increasing numbers are calling its helpline for assistance due to the privatisation of public service providers, which refuse to offer waiver systems for those on low incomes.Fianna Fail are set to escalate the stealth taxes such as rubbish charges to a level which will make the present charges seem innocuous
.But only when they consolidate their grip on power in the next general election.The local elections will be a test run for these charges.
It now appears that Fianna Fail feel supremely confident of their re-election . In consequence of their generous benchmarking handouts to a large sector of the electorate,-and their reliance on the always solid farming community voters who are recipients of so many subsidies and supports,at the expense of taxpayers,rich and poor, Europewide;they are happy to give the thumbs up to the poor ,the underpaid, , the working class communities in our larger cities.
Then they view with alarm the rise of Sinn Fein in these same areas?
This is a full scale war between the weak,and the voiceless in our communities- and the most corrupt administration in the history of the Irish Republic.
.Whether Jerry Adams proves an able champion of the people’s anger remains to be seen…However, Michael McDowell of the P.D’s has some cheek talking about Sinn Fein's' subservience to the I.R.A.' His own party were the original 'holier than thou'breakaways from the 'endemic corruption' of their Fianna Fail forefathers. Since then they have become the cornerstone upon which the party they previously vilified-have thrived! Is there a more supreme irony? What mud we shall see slung by the whole bunch of power fiends during the coming days!
Let the circus begin. Let the people decide-for better or worse. If their choice is; “‘Fianna Fail-until death do us part”.!,…so be it… take your place on the hospital waiting queue…-it may be sooner than you think!
Sad fact is ,..this current Mafiosi(Fianna Fail) will likely win,hands down..!Neither Labour nor Fine Gael,nor any other political party of substance have much interest in the plight of ordinary people left out of the Celtic Rat Race.
S.V.P…. Expect more of the same in the coming months and years ahead.
The Tigers are feeding.