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Revolutionary Socialist standing in local elections![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Goals and Promises MICHAEL GALLAGHER Michael Gallagher Independent Socialist candidate in the Dublin North Inner City Ward. Born in Dublin's North Inner City, where I have lived - and struggled - for most of my forty seven years, I will continue to fight for my community and the working class in the battles against the capitalist system.
AGAINST CAPITALISM In my time as a community activist for more than ten years, it has been a time where the 'creeping capitalists' have literally being taking the ground from under our feet. The selling off by the government and city council of vast tracts of our land and housing to fat cat speculators etc. has been nothing short of scandalous. Even more outrageous is the fact that this was done with the connivance of so called 'socialist' community workers, councillors and TD's (the Labour Party etc.) in City Hall and the Dáil. In a time of unprecedented wealth - created by workers - in this country, the divide between the rich and poor has widened even further, which has resulted in even more people being pushed to the margins and the growing 'underclass'. Corruption, privatisation, rising unemployment, inflation, bin taxes, threatened water charges, a deformed health service, rat infested schools, racism and broken promises, the list goes on. That's what this rotten government and its rotten system has been dishing out before and since it's election.
GARDAI & THE COMMUNITY The Board's powers should also be widened to open up past cases where it is established that Gardaí or former Gardaí have questions to answer with regard to assaults and perjury. Any Gardaí convicted of any of these should be dismissed - not transferred.
DRUGS AND CRIME Drug treatment and rehab facilities for communities that need them. Seizures by C.A.B. of drug barons' wealth should be re-invested in the lives and communities they have devastated. More facilities for prisoners, including the introduction of a needle exchange programme. Investigations into alleged miscarriages of justice.
COMMUNITY ACTION I am an active member of Tenants First, a citywide group set up to combat the sell off of public land and housing to speculators and private landlords. I am involved in voluntary community work and fundraising for sports facilities. I Initiated the re-introduction of Gaelic football for juveniles back into the North Inner City in the mid-nineties, which resulted in establishing a new and successful club, Crinan Gaels, who went on to become a nursery for the local junior club, St. Josephs/O'Connell Boys. They are now amalgamated with St. J/O'C and are very successfully providing Gaelic football and hurling for boys and girls, fielding a number of teams weekly. I am P.R.O. for the juvenile section of the club. Our children are our, past, present and future. From the cradle to the grave. As the 1916 Proclamation states, "cherish all of the children equally". If this statement were lived up to we wouldn't have the problems we are living with now.
WORKERS’ RIGHTS All people should be allowed join a trade union without any preconditions. The get out clause allowing employers the right to refuse to recognise a trade union, should be abolished. A minimum wage of €9 per hour for all workers over sixteen years of age. For a fighting revolutionary trade union with all union officials paid the average workers wage -without perks. Union officials should be accountable to the membership and subject to recall if their performance is under question. An end to all trade union connections - financial or otherwise - with the Labour Party, and a strike fund to be established. These can be major steps in workers reclaiming their unions.
AGAINST RACISM All asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants to be given citizenship on application. An immediate repatriation to Ireland of people deported illegally from this country, including those that have applied for status in the last three years and those that have been separated from their families. An investigation into how the Garda Immigration Unit operates -they seem to be a law unto themselves. An end to 'direct provision' - all people entitled to welfare should be given their allowance in the same manner.
************* On May 12th 2004, the 88th anniversary of the execution of James Connolly, I made two promises, in or out of the council I will continue to disturb the political peace and I promise to represent my community and the working class to the best of my ability. If you wish to talk to me about any issue, contact me at any time.
x Use your vote and use it wisely x
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"Gardai should be accountabe to the communities they're supposed to represent."
Gardaí are not there to "represent" working class people. They are there to keep law and order. Capitalist Law and Order. There is no mention of community action against anti-social behaviour.
Why the reference to the 1916 Rising? Why further sow illusions in nationalism?
"....we can stop the rot and reverse some of the damage done to this city,..". Although qualified by making vague reference to limitations of bourgeois institutions, to include these word is wrong and far from revolutionary. Even if revolutionaries got a majority on a council or parliament the capitalist state would shut it down. Look at what happened when the bin tax may have been rejected by the council. The minister was going to dissolve the council! Look at Chile in 73! look at Spain in the 30s!
On racism there is no mention about fighting for increased facilities and services alongside people of different cultural backgrounds. Just vague demands without explaination of the need to fight alongside other working class people.
On Trade Unions. There is a demand for a "revolutionary trade union". Is this not a bit ultra-left. At this stage I'm sure workers are looking to unions to involved themselves in basic fights. At this stage revolution is not on the cards.
TYPO: It's not "formerly" it should read "formally"
I'm living in the North Inner City area. What is the story with Joe Mooney. Is he running in this area or not. Michael, I'll vote for you if you can clear up if Joe Mooney is or is not running in the North Inner City ward.
Though I'm an Elfin libertarian myself and don't go in for voting.
I like your C.A.B. suggestion. I'd like to see an expansion of that one. Anyone know how many assets /much money has been seized / frozen by the C.A.B.? And where that money has gone?
Oh and Chile and Spain were subject to extra-ordinary outside pressures, I don't think such pressures were on the Dublin Corpo for the bin tax. & I see nothing wrong with talking about 1916 either, it's central to understanding Ireland, but talk/write/think about all the 1916s for there were loads, and not a single one was pleasant or succesful.
Joe Mooney is running in the NIC ward, yes.
best of luck
With both Joe Mooney and Micahel Gallagher running I'll have to give a bit more consideration to my No. 1 vote.
If I lived in the North Inner City you'd get my vote. Can you let me know why the upcoming referendum is being tagged as racist??
Now you have two ways of wasting your vote!
The Referendum is a cynical attempt by the government to use the race card for the benefit of electoral gain. They believe that their candidates will benefit by creating a smokescreen to divert attention away from their failed policies. They have misrepresented figures in an attempt to appeal to irrational beliefs and play on peoples false fears. The crisis in the health service is caused by failed policies and not new born babies. Since the referendum has been announced there has been an increase in racist attacks on non-national mothers as reported by the NCCRI.
OK, looks lkike you have some good intentions but there are a couple of flaws that leap out at me.
1. €9 minimum wage. Sounds good on paper, but you know yourself what capitalists are like. Some of them are stretching it with the €7. Remember, maximum profit is the aim of capitalism and they're not going to stand for their income being given to the people who generated it for them. This means less employment in the long run.
2. Racism. Yeah, it's bad, but it's a manifestation of some of the worst traits of human nature, and you can't change that. All you can do is hope that kids grow up in a multiethnic environment from now on.
Otherwise, good luck!
Good luck Michael, i'd vote for you if I was there. here's to a good vote!
minimum wage is at about 3€
lower in the new states.
& you lot have the cheek to still say your working class!
You get 3 times our minimum wage!
Your class is not determined by how much money you earn. If it is you can just as easily say you are not working class anymore because you have an inside toilet and eat three meals a day! The fact is that the wage levels that are paid in Ireland are crap, it is simply impossible to live in Ireland particularly Dublin on less than €400 a week.
Objectivly there is no difference between workers in Ireland and in Italy, Spain or Greece. In all countries all of us are employed by bosses that give us poverty pay, none of us own the means of production - we are all workers!
in southern europe the cost of living is a third of that of dublin. The difference isn't really in pay levels rather availability of work, and conditions of work.
Michael sadly you are going to get a hammering in these elections, I really can't seeing you even polling better than the worst SWP candidate. Do yourself a favour, campaign with Joe Mooney or some other progressive candidate in the city,
Will Kevin Wingfield improve on his 69? Hope that doesn't sound too rude!
It is a fact that leading SWP members to this day still consider Wingfields 69 votes a good result, this was when in the same election the SP got 31% in Mulhuddart, Clare Daly got elected and the Workers Party won 3 seats in Waterford.
I reckons its between Wingfield and Gallagher for the wooden spoon of the left!
Is it true that Gallagher left the Socialist Party when they would not stand you against Perry?
Surely Terry Connolly in Rathmines has to be in with a shout as does the Clonakilty Pudding in Ballybrack?
Caroline, Joe Mooney is standing in the North Inner City Ward. Thanks for your support.
..and you have many ways of wasting your time..and money
It's a long story. I should have left years ago. Call me.
I mentioned Connolly mainly because it was his anniversary. Even if it was on pancake Tuesday I still would have mentioned it.
Thanks for your support, comrade.
N.I.C., I've got no delusions or false hopes etc. Let's just wait and see.
NIC., by the way, you seem to have a crystal ball, how many votes will the SWP get?
I'm only responding to these comments thirty minutes and it's very clear that most of the people commenting don't me, the North Inner City or what their talking about.
Thank you, me.
Thank you, hs - sp
Good luck to you to.
Good Talkers and Walkers Wanted
Over the next few weeks I hope to have delivered up to 20,000 leaflets in the North Inner City Ward. If you would like to help in any way, putting up posters etc. contact me at the above.
Do you not have a team already for this? You're leving it very late. Have you sorted out finances?
I think its important that you are open about why you left the SP (and were you not in the SWP for a while too?). If you just left because they wouldn't endorse you electorally then that is just opportunism but if you had political reasons then that is valid. Surely though as a revolutionary Socialist, you'd be trying to link up withother socialists to build a new movement? Are you planning on doing this?
I see the SWP are playing games again, standing a candidate in the North Inner City Ward.
Kevin Wingfield!! He's got no base, no knowledge of the area and no hope, but he will take votes from me and he knows it. Typical SWP, despicable! Wingfield is one of the sectarian patronising dictators I couldn't stand when I was a member. Why doesn't he stand in Ballymun?
God Help us!
Michael Gallagher seems to be putting the blame in advance for his poor electoral outing to the SWP for "playing games". The reality is that Gallagher is playing games running against Perry. Perry is the main candidate there not Gallagher and not Wingfield.
I'd advise Michael not to run. You have not got a campaign team, posters, leaflets or a chance of a decent vote. Save yourself and don't run. Michael if you are running will you tell us if it's true you only left the SP because you were not going to get the SP nomination in NIC ward.
I do have a team (but many hands make light work) and finances are being worked on. I won't turn down any help.
The reasons I left the SWP and the SP are similar and I will publish them in time. Have you read Dermot Connolly's article on this site? (Check Bin Tax section)
There is talk about a new 'left' group forming. Thank god I'm an atheist!!
You ask some relevent questions, but it's a pity you don't idetify yourself.
Fancy dropping a few leaflets for me?
I would suggest you take up some games yourself, maybe solitaire while looking into your crystal ball. Ciaran Perry is standing in the Cabra Ward! 'Boys o boys'! You got a great name, bizzare indeed. Have you ever heard of the deed poll.
As to your other questions, check replies to 'Molly Bloom'.
Your very funny, keep them for early Monday morning though and cheer us all up!
Thanks for the tips, but I spotted them and it was to late to edit.
Are you with any party etc?
hs is not curently living in Ireland and therefore is not curently a member of the SP. The SP have yet to decide which candidate if any they will suport in the NIC Ward.
It's not a tag, it's a fact that if this referendum is passed some children born in this country will be more equal than others simply because of their parents origins.
In the constitution it states that all children born on the island of Ireland, it's seas and airspace are Irish citizens.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, would you like to help with my campaign?
Yet again the dogs in the street are talking of an impending change to the SWP's electoral foray. It seems that Captain Kevin 'Saturday Night' Wingnut is about to switch wards from Ballymun to the North Inner City. He obviously feels that he will not do as well as last time, afterall you can't get lucky everytime. In 1999 he got 69 and was delighted (BTW I refer to the number of votes not percentage or anything else)
Captain Wingnut obviously feels he can pick up the bulk of Gregory's 2 quotas however he will have fierce competition from Mick 'click click' Gallagher and Working Class Alleyway Action.
Also another thing of interest is the SWP have announced that they will be standing in Ward 3 of Waterford City Council Roy 'Hutch' Hassey obviously doesn't want the athletisism and hard work of himself and Jimmy 'Startsky' Kelly to in the radiography campaign not to be reflected in the election
Working Class Alley Way Action? I don't get it.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Wanna help with my campaign?
Wingfield is not and never was standing in North Inner City. He's is and was running in Ballymun.
Whoever posted otherwise is lying and you clots were happy to be taken in. So no change there then.
Grow up!
"Working Class Alley Way Action" is obvioulsy a reference to the alleged vigilantism and love of 'law and order' solutions to social problems that WCA have.
Michael, your obvioulsy on the ground in North Inner City, what is the situation with the rumours about Kevin Wingfield switching to that ward in the elections?
I'm only reporting the stories on the ground I did not endorse Michal Gallaher or any other candidate.
This reminds me of something Yeats said about the writer George Moore.
"Some men kiss and tell. George tells but does not kiss".
This is a brilliant site. I feel a right clot answering the unidentified commentators.
What or whom are all of you hiding from?
I am sane person, will you answer my question, what evidence do you have of Kevin Wingfield standing in North Inner City?
With regard to your comments of "no mention of..." and " vague demands....", when you really understand what Socialism is all about, the very fact that a person is a genuine Socialist, is stating the obvious. As I said, these are just some of the issues I will continue to fight for. If I was to itemise everything it would mount up to volumes!
More time wasted. Come on people, THINK!
Michael why did you leave the SP?
Was it because they would not endorse you candiditure?
Or was it for political reasons. DO you not think that the people that you are expecting to vote for you or be active in your campaign deserve a proper explanation. Prehaps you could post up documents and/or correspondence in which you outline your differences with the SP
Hello Jim?, we may have met.
One of my failings is I take people at face value, and I responded to the above comments. I've got no evidence.
I hope you can find it within your heart to let me off with a caution.
Many people have asked again and agian why you left the SP, could you please answer us. I sit because you were not selected as a candidate?
I could sum it up in one sentence why I left the Socialist Party. They're not democratic enough (internally) for me. I don't have the time to go into every little detail.
I am explaining to people on the door steps.
I am signing off this site now.
I still welcome your comments, but it's taking up too much of my valuable time to answer them. If you have a question, check the previous comments, it may have already been answered.
I'll just finish by saying I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get any offers of help with my campaign on this site, but the grapevine is working very well. Maybe some of you would like to join in. I will talk to you after the election.
Roll on the revolution!
Michael while you were a member of the SP did you ever attempt to change it to make it more 'democratic'? That's what real revolutionaries do.
I hear you left because you did not get endorsed as a candidate by the SP.
Michael, it's not too late to pull out, you clearly do not have any people to work on your campaign team and you don't seem to have any money behind you. The election campaign should be in full swing at this stage if you are to get anywhere near an ok vote. Pull out now, you will only be humiliated on June 12 when the results come out.
The SP and the SWP have been campaigning for over a year now and most of them will be humiliated so I think Michael should not be denied that pleasure if he feels that it is necescary.
I think your analysis of the local elections is wrong. What SP candidates will be humiliated exactly in your opinion? I also think you are harsh of RBB and Brid Smith of the SWP, they will get decent votes
Redwood, Greene and Fitzgerald to name but three.
Well we'll see on June 12th when the results come in. I think you will be surprised.
Who else do you think will be 'humiliated'
I would say that apart from Daly and Coppinger and Murphy (who won't get in) and all of the SWP candidates except maybe RBB will lose their deposits. The other "lefts" like Perry, Mooney and O'Neill will get about 1200 between them.
I think 'observer' might be correct about the SWP, Richard Boyd Barrett will get a decent enough vote and should get his deposit*, Brid Smith will also get a decent enough vote but like Boyd Barrett wont in my opinion win a seat. Boyd Barrett has a difficulty of competing against anti war activist Roger Cole of Labour. Smith will face difficulties in a 3 seat ward with a rising Sinn Fein. In Waterford Hassey has recently been declared as a candidate, I think that his campaign will be a dissapointment and although doing better than other SWPers he wont improve on Kelly's vote in 1999. In Bray I think we could get an upset, Kennedy who is standing for the Town Council on a platform of improving the fire service will do well and might take a seat. The rest of the SWP candidates wont do very well, but I would say they will do slightly better than last time, more will break the 100 votes barrier.
As for the independents, I think the two WCA candidates, O'Neill of the ISN and ex SPer Collins will all get very good votes. There is going to be a huge swing against the establishment parties in these elections, independents of all hues, as well as the SP, SF and SP will gain in these elections. I think an estimate of 1,200 for all these 4 is very conservative. I think we could well see one of this group elected or at least coming very close. All have got a good network of support from their work in the anti bin tax campaign. One exception to this is ex SP member Michael Gallagher, unfortunately he doesn't seem to have the organisation behind him to make an impact, he'll struggle to reack the 100 votes mark, especially with competition from SF and WCA.
As for the SP. I think again you are being very very pessimistic about the SP's chances in the elections. Daly, Coppinger and Murphy will do well. Daly should top the poll in Swords and possible bring in O'Brien. Coppinger should also top the poll or at least come close to doing so. For the SP in Mulhuddart they had a difficulty in the last election with transfers from Joe Higgins to his running mate, this problem may persist. For this reason I think Redwood will get a good vote but will be short of taking a seat. In Tallaght, Murphy will come very close, I think he will increase his 2002 vote, lots of people in the area are annoyed about bin tax and he is the main candidate on this issue. Elsewhere in Fingal I think all the SP candidates will get good votes, most should keep their deposit*. Fitzgerald is in a difficult ward for the SP as is Greene but both should be able to count on support from the working class estates in those wards. Kenehan is running in Balbriggan in the County and Town Council elections, he shoudl come close to taking a seat on the Town Council. In Dundrum, I said it before and I'll say it again I think we could see the surprise of the election. Although with a reputation as a middle class ward Maher of the SP got a very respectable vote in the last general election which if repeated on will bring her close to a seat on the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown council. Outside of Dublin, in Drogheda Gallagher will face a difficult challenge, he is in a 3 seat ward and faces a rising SF however SP members in the area seem confident. In Cork, Mick Barry came close enough last time and got a decent vote in the 2002 election, I think the SP might well take a seat here. In Limerick however it will be more difficult for them to make as big an impact but they could get a respectable enough vote.
* Under new electoral regulations there is no longer a deposit. In the old system to recieve your deposit back you had to recieve 25% of a Quota
"independents of all hues, as well as the SP, SF and SP will gain in these elections"
This should read
"independents of all hues, as well as the GP, SF and SP will gain in these elections"
I realise there is no quota. I was employing it to indicate that those I referred to will indeed fail to get 25% of a quota.
I think Daly and Coppinger will be elected. Murphy will not but will get around 7/800 votes. NOne of the others except maybe RBB will get close to that.
If Murphy gets 700 or 800 votes as you predict it will probably win him a seat. In the last elections Tipping (LP) was elected with 666 1st preferences and Maloney (LP) with 715. There will be a massive shift away from FF and FG who recieved 28% and 18% respectivly in Tallaght Central last time, they will not get that again.Bin Tax is a huge issue in Tallaght, Murphy is seen as the main candidate standing that is opposing bin tax. Have you factored all this in. I think he will probably be elected but it will be close as SF will be competing for votes.
What makes you discount the SP doing well and possibly winning seats in Cork, Dundrum and Balbriggan Town Co? What makes you discount the possibility of an anti bin tax campaigner winning a seat such as Joan Collins or Ciaran Perry?
"I realise there is no quota."
The electoral system that will be used in these elections will be Proportional Representation by means of the Single Transferable Vote (PR-STV), in such a system there will be a quota; the Droop Quota ie
No. of votes/(seats +1) = QUOTA
Meant deposit of course!
I'd like to know where you get your info on the various campaigns that lets you predict that the anti bin tax candidates and the SP will do badly. I get my info from talking to people on the left and analysing the tally results in the previous elections and well as a bit of judgement.
The quota will be around 1600. If Murphy gets 7 or 800 that will not be enough as he will be behind the second SF candidate and will not pick up sufficient transfers. He only got 600 here in 2002 (based on tallies from DSW) so I am probably being generous even in assuming that he might increase that.
As for Dundrum, SF outpolled Maher here by at least 2:1 in the general elections (tallies again) and if there is to be a surprise it will be that SF take the seat.
Don't know enough about the other areas other than to suggest that it will entail a massive increase on anything the SP has ever gotten in those places previously.
As for Perry and Mooney and O'Neill they are trying strenously to come in on the coat tails of the first SF candidates in their areas but will each be lucky to break 4/500 and none will be elected.
Know less about Collins but no reason to see why she should do any better.
I'm not saying that the bin charges will not be an issue but it will not be enough to bring out the vote that the above candidates need.
"As for Perry and Mooney and O'Neill they are trying strenously to come in on the coat tails of the first SF candidates in their areas but will each be lucky to break 4/500 and none will be elected."
All of these are running independent campaigns. Running on different issues than SF. It is Sludds, Ni Gabhain and whatever fatheads name is who are running on the coat tails of good SF workers. This lot are a bunch of opportunists who would be in FF, only that they see SF's star rising.
This is the future of SF - good clean candidates. Give me old SF any day.
"The quota will be around 1600. If Murphy gets 7 or 800 that will not be enough as he will be behind the second SF candidate and will not pick up sufficient transfers. He only got 600 here in 2002 (based on tallies from DSW) so I am probably being generous even in assuming that he might increase that."
Yes, the quota will be around 1,500 mark. For the 1999 election it was 1,506. You are forgetting however that one does not need a full quota on the first count to be elected. As I stated above 2 Labour candidates got elected with around 700 1st preference votes, of the 5 elected from Tallaght central only 1 had a full quota on the first count. You are therefore right to point out that Murphy will need transfers but I reckon he can pick them up from Greens and independents as well as some leakage from SF. When using tallies from the generals you have to be careful, elections in Ireland are very personal. Sean Crowe SF votes do not always translate into Cadhla or Daly SF votes.
"As for Dundrum, SF outpolled Maher here by at least 2:1 in the general elections (tallies again) and if there is to be a surprise it will be that SF take the seat."
Again you have to be carefull with tallies from the general election. Lisa Maher got 1,063 votes in 2002 about 85%+ came from the Dundrum ward. SF got 2,172 which was spread reasonably evenly throughout the constituency. Even if Maher and SF's O'Kelly are evenly matched this does not mean that they both can't be elected. I actually believe that we could see O'Kelly and Maher elected in Dundrum. In Tallaght something similar might happen, SF could win 2 and Murphy might be elected.
"Don't know enough about the other areas other than to suggest that it will entail a massive increase on anything the SP has ever gotten in those places previously."
If you don't have info on the other areas then you should not comment on them. Being a tallyman is a profession, it takes a bit of skill and contacts on the ground, you can't just make predictions based on your own party bias. I think there will be an increase in the SP vote, there will be a massive swing against the establishment parties, all this will not be confined to SF the GP and the SP will gain significantly in many areas. This is what local polls are showing. And I disagree with you on bin tax, bin tax is an issue, maybe not THE issue but it is a big issue.
"As for Perry and Mooney and O'Neill they are trying strenously to come in on the coat tails of the first SF candidates in their areas but will each be lucky to break 4/500 and none will be elected."
I think you are right to say SF are dominant in these areas. But remember SF are not going to completely fill that vacuum. Your prediction of 4-5000 is more accurate for these candidates, possibly even a bit optimistic but if they were to get this this would see each of these getting in the region of 1,000 each, this would win you a seat on the council.
In Fingal you still failed to back up your assertion that the SP will only retain their seats in Swords and Mulhuddart and not gain elsewhere. What do you base this on?
There are many working class people that will never never ever ever vote for Sinn Fein because of their links to the IRA. This means that SF are limited in how far they will grow.
Indeed they are. Used to be 3%. Then 5%. Then 7%. Then 10%. No sign of it yet SFWatch :)
The three you mention are deliberately targetting the expected surplus of Kehoe, Ellis and Burke and denigrating their running mates. As you are yourself strangely enough.
LOL. You must think we came down in the last shower. I for one am advising SF voters to vote NOT to transfer to any other candidates and I know others are too so it will be a wasted effort. I stand by my earlier predictions of 1200 between the three WCA/ISN candidates on the north side.
How many of you commentators above are actually cavassing for a candidate in the local elections?
Has MOB sorted out his problems with the Civil Service? Is he going to be forced to resign because he is standing for election or is he fighting it?
On Monday 24th May, my campaign team are meeting in the Convent, 72 Sean Mc Dermott Street, Dublin 1, @ 9pm. Anyone wishing to help is more than welcome.
"Revolutionary socialist standing in local elections."
Such a contradiction!
It's so stupid to say don't transfer. Only idiots and British ex-pats do that. Your vote doesn't lose any value if you put further preferences - it will mean the EXACT SAME AMOUNT for the first preference.
The difference that it makes is that if you transfer carefully - put the most right wing candidate at the bottom and fill out the numbers between - your vote will NEVER reach the worst candidate. if you don't transfer your worst nightmare will get elected with YOUR help.
Think about that "observer" before you go giving stupid advice to voters. Refusing to transfer is like driving on three wheels!
And whats wrong with right-wing candidates, my friend?
After all, I thought this was an all-embracing, neutral forum.
Yeah right.
"I would say that apart from Daly and Coppinger and Murphy (who won't get in) and all of the SWP candidates except maybe RBB will lose their deposits. The other "lefts" like Perry, Mooney and O'Neill will get about 1200 between them."
And their total was 3306. Not bad observer, you were only out by 2106. Murphy topped the poll and several SWP candidates polled well.
Watch your flank, you won't be able to do cosy deals with Labour to quietly reform the bin tax.