This letter has been prepared for and submitted for publication to The Dundalk Democrat.
5 Anglesea Terrace
Co Louth
2 May 04
The Editor
The Dundalk Democrat
A Chara
I wrote the following lines as an exercise at the ELF Group session in the AOH Hall on Wednesday 28 April 2004 immediately after hearing Rumi’s poem “The Grasses” read.
“Tinker Tailor
Soldier Sailor
Judge Brian
‘We will not
Take the soft
Says the
For Justice.
Wind destroys.
Who will protect
From the strong
On Mayday,
When Bush visits,
This year;
Next year;
In my lifetime;
In yours?
Can we find
What has been lost?”
Readers may find a touch of the “Old Moore’s Almanac” about some of those lines. However Mayday, at least, has come and gone and it was a beautiful day indeed around the northern district of the Cooley Peninsula. We woke up in Greenore that lovely morning to find primroses placed on the doorstep of every dwelling in the village (put there, no doubt, by the children).
Mise le meas
Sean Crudden