Independent Media Centre Ireland

Sunday Papers.

category international | arts and media | opinion/analysis author Sunday May 02, 2004 14:38author by Iosaf and the hulking bersark Mr O 'as if

we have been in the "pitched street battles". News, Bits and a Statement.

Yawn Yawn, Wombles, Secrets, Fairies, Poets, Feminists, Catholic Priests, Police men approaching the end of their shift,
Political Leadership, Burluscunty in the back row as usual, Bertie looking fine, Chirac looking tall, Romani as far from Burluscunty as he could get and still be in the Family Photo.

Our Family Photos have more blood in them.

Seamus Heaney, inspired man, has for everything is papered over and lovely in the Garden Europe written a poem which was carried in all the Europress this morning.

he dwells on Fiunn and Uisce and Bealtaine and of course Greek and Harry Potter's little phoenix.

and Mr Heaney's place in our literature:-

to qoute you again:-
"Between my finger and my thumb
The squat pen rests.
I'll dig with it."

Thank you Seamus.

Now we got "The Batterings" yesterday all over Europe.

As we walked highlighting the problems of Racist Immigration laws, Speculation, lack of real policies on Peace, Conflict Resolution, Lack of real trustworthy Deomcracy, (when was the last coup d'etat attempt in Europe), lack of real Ecological Policies to tackle the global Crises in which we live and are expected to bringforth children, and celebrated our May Day.

What can I say to you today, Comrades, Brothers and Sisters of a Global Movement that the "family photograph of Europe 25" seeks so haplessly to manipulate, hijack, twist or internalise?

Nurse your bruises, my dears, and dwell on the law of 7 fold return.

I'll start with my experience:-

And my first statement:-

After dispersing the vehicles that had carred various sound systems playing reggae and fusion music for several hours accompanying migrant workers, rights acitivists and employers through the City, a group of several hundred, continued to walk through the city. Accompanied for a while by a group of Brazilian Drummers.

There was no drug taking, and no drunk or disorderly behaviour.

After passing through the Roman City, and passing both units of Barcelona's police force the Guardia Urbana and Catalonia's police force the Mossos d'Esquarda, we made our way to Via Laeitanna.
Where as is to be expected of our assembly of the social movements and social collectives of this City, this Country and this Continent, acitivists entered a building to make a symbolic occupation.

At that point, the clear majority of the crowd did not know what had occured, and were penned into a narrow street of only 4 metres width, a skinhead entered from the back carrying a newly opened bottle of Xibeca Beer, he walked to the top of the crowd and threw that bottle at a small group of riot police.
That bottle was deflected by a policeman using his shield. At that point the skinhead left the crowd, whilst I very clearly pointed at his head.

At that moment, the Police then stormed the symbolically occupied building, and hospitalised the acitivists within.
We on the outside rushed forward to stop this blatant and orchestrated violence.
At this point I stood between the Police line and two cornering streets of protesters.
The hostages in the building, made their escape through a broken window.
I made all clear and recognisable signals, and with my back to the police line, asked the protesters to stop throwing things. Very few had started to throw things, the skinhead who had been earlier identified had returned to throw bottles.
Our activists took the agents provacatuers to the back of the group, at which stage the Police Nacional baton charged that group.

During that baton charge, I was hit on the head back and leg and hand. and I went "radge" "dramatic" and "gymanastic" and started shouting like only a very passionate and angry little elf knows how.

At that point, the Guardia Urbana, Barcelona's council police force sealed off the perimeter 300 metres down the street.
It appeared to some that they had formed a perimeter line not against us, but as a defensive line escaping protesters could safely retreat behind.

They held that line with their cars till the end of the "pitched and orchestrated attack by Policia Nacional and Agent Provacatuers".

By which stage, residents had come to the street, many who had spent the day cheering from their balconies, of all ages. During the middle of the attack, Via Laeitana filled with witnesses of both Barcelonan and Immigrant families, disabled, ederly, lawyers and political representatives.

The Policia Nacional did not respond to any clear signal to relax and form a defensive group and sit out what would only have been three minutes of "loss of control".

The Policia Nacional did not respond to the very clear indentification of the skinhead who had thrown the first object. The lack of response suggests that he was/ is/ will be a trusted agent provacatuer.

By this stage, the majority of protesters / walkers ( I must stress that it had been the most peaceful, pleasant day of walking, and that the final moments were silent, simply winding down slow dispersal) had run with the injured to nearby Portal D'Angel.

I can only write what I heard as I remained on Via Laeitana-
At that stage many were hospitalised and
and the Policia Nacional De España again attacked and baton charged the crowd.
In complete shock the legal observers called off the mobilisations (11h45) and advised that the Policia nacional (on Via Laeitanna) were shocked, nervous and petrified.

And so they fucking ought to have been.
My initial written reaction (local time 11h57)

It was a completely unacceptable example of orchestrated agent provacateur behaviour.

Last night, after driking my whiskey and honey I returned to where the whalloping happened, to look for some objects of great value. One Lens crystal appears orange, one tube appears to be telescopic, and of course some plasma which unfortuanately is not where it was safely supposed to be.
Well my head has two bumps, (it has now been two weeks since March 11, when I received a "near" mortal blow to the head which has healed into the "slightly disturbing" wound scar on my forehead, that verily puts the windy up the apocylapse crowd)

And to be honest I am tired of all this physical stuff, I am just a poet, for God's sake, and I am a Witness to the Suffering and Hell I have seen. And I am an Ex-worker in the machinery of that Hell. And I will not stop,
nor will I sleep, nor will that twoedged sword will sleep in my hand, till the cowards who would "rule" and "lead" us, accept that this system has failed the majority of Europeans, Africans, South Americans and Asians.

and my left hand (with which I write and play music) is efficiently almost recuperated,
and my back and legs have now finished haemotoma and grrrrr as the cartoon in the newspaper puts it so well, as Rajoy (Aznar's succesor) goes with his Doberman to visit ZP, he stops in his tracks when he sees "Beware the Bambi" sign.

It is traditional amongst my folk to issue a year and a day warning for full redress.

So It was last night as I looked for my objects which were only misplaced because I was attacked by masked thugs that I took the fiddle with me.

There was I, the hedda ipsiphi, the really don't get on the wrong side of this psychic freakie, in the Green and Golden Silken Dragon cape which Tartary bequest the lodge in the closing years of the 19th century.

Playing a three stringed violin with a dry bow, scratching the song of the Banshee, which Borges correctly identified in his Bestiary as being the constant and invisible companion of the houses of the oldest Celtic Families, those of the stolen childen.

"I'm just getting started".

a list of exceptionally bad luck.
and little creatures that fly in the night and bite.

Write a poem about it Seamus.

Now the "Real World" this fine 2nd of May.

China, suspended normal Banking activity this week, as part of the Global Tactic to rein in the USA, China and other asian economies are trying to stop overheating of their economies a result of the disparity between €uro and Dollar.
China has declared an attack on speculation, and the aggressive capitalist investment policies of the USA.
Europeans suffer increased costs, and inflation as a result of the American Occupation of Iraq. The USA can not clear it's defecit, and European money thus is picking up on a weekly basis the cost of the War.

and in South America,
the Powerless and the Meek
have entered the offices of their oppression and are facing odds much much worse than any European Activists.

So we think about them.
So we pray for them.

Not many of them have the privelage to return to the site of their battering with a three stringed violin, dry bow and ancient filagree art of 7 fold Return.

So this week:-
More Of The Same.
You could call it an escalation.
of Our War on Evil.
of Our Campaign for Peace, Prosperity, and Justice.
of Our Campaign for the Mammies Caravans.

oh and The Brits torture Iraqis too.
who can you trust eh?

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