The European regions say NO to Genetically Modified Organisms
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press release
Thursday April 29, 2004 18:32
by Laura de Rose - Assembly of European regions
L.derose at a-e-r dot org
20 Place des Halles 67000 Strasbourg

European interregional Aliance against GMO.
Assembly of European Regions supports network of GM-free organisations and calls for europeanwide campaign, joining regions, scientists and NGO's
Strasbourg, 29 April 2004
The European regions say NO to Genetically Modified Organisms
12 European regions declared to be GMO free and have set up a network, in order to succeed in their struggle. The Assembly of European Regions took part in the Conference organised by this network on April 28th in Linz, in the region of Upper-Austria–A, the leader of this action with the region of Toscana-I.
“The new EU directive on the traceability and labelling of genetically modified crops cannot become a pretext to legitimate the introduction of GMO in the European regional agriculture”, declared Laura De Rose, Executive secretary for the AER Committee ‘Regional Development’, during the debate. “Many scientific studies tell us that the coexistence between genetically modified crops and non-modified crops is impossible due to the dangers of contamination, which are important and, in fact, out of control. In addition, a majority of European citizens claimed their opposition to GMO” she underlined.
“Regional representatives, scientists and environmental associations present in Linz affirmed, rightly, that the approval of the introduction of genetically modified crops without testing the long-term effect on environment and human health is irresponsible. However, nothing seems to be able to stop the approval for introduction of BT11 corn by the European Commission anymore. A large movement from the European regions and their citizens is thus necessary, to obtain that the current system at EU level become more democratic, more transparent and more respectful of the citizens’ will,” Mrs De Rose concluded.
The AER supports with much conviction these regions’ initiative and is committed to spread it to all European regions. It will encourage the development of a strategic alliance between European regions, scientific experts and Non Governmental Organisations.
The AER invites all the regions who care about their citizens’ well-being to the launch of its campaign for the preservation of traditional organic products, on the occasion of its first inter-ministerial conference on the future of rural areas in Europe. This meeting will take place on May, 15th in Bari, Puglia-I.
* Aquitaine-F, Basque Country-E, Burgenland-A, Highlands-UK, Limousin-F, Marches-I, Salzbourg-A, Schleswig-Holstein-D, Thrace-GR, Toscana-I, Upper-Austria-A and Wales-UK.
AER Contacts :
Laura De Rose, Executive Secretary for Committee ‘Regional Development’ and Agnès Ciccarone, Assistant
Phone: +33 3 88 22 74 38 or 37, E-mail [email protected] or [email protected],
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